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Starting to be a bit concerned, is this game TOO casual?


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Ive been loving every minute of it so far and im only lvl 40.


On the fleet, everywhere i look there are 50's running around in full epic gear already.

Be it pvp, or pve, its still all ....epic.....


I read elsewhere all hardmode raid bosses where already down after 2 weeks.

I know i should only care about my progression, but just hearing that makes me loose a bit of the allure of raiding that i was looking forward too.


None of the flashpoints have been any challenge yet, and i asked a few guildies and most said the hardmodes wernt really tat much challenge either.


I knew this game was going to be a casual friendly mmo, but i have to ask, is this just a bit "too easy "?


I honestly thought warcraft was our fisherprice mmo, raiding for kids but i suppose i cant really say to much as i have no experience with end game tor yet.

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Honestly I think mechanics of raids have a 'been there done that' feeling which is why it's been so easy for some. Some of the heroics and flashpoints I've played are a challenge if you haven't done them or have no healer And I'm not one to only do raids over and over again.l
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Honestly I think mechanics of raids have a 'been there done that' feeling which is why it's been so easy for some. Some of the heroics and flashpoints I've played are a challenge if you haven't done them or have no healer And I'm not one to only do raids over and over again.l


Well at end game there isnt really much more to do but the high end flashpoints and raid.\

Im not one to do dailies. in my 5 year stint on that other game, i think i could count on 1 hand the amount of times i ran dailies.


All it is for me is raids and pve content im afraid

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It seems that all ToR has to offer, AGAIN, is a loot chase MMO. What is it about loot anyway?

Its like we're all Barbie-dress up fanatics.

I'm disappointed that I don't have anything else to look forward to in this game. Hit 50 and scrounge groups for what? A new belt with +2 better stats and some shiney new graphic.


Is this the best talented minds in the gaming industry can come up with? Talent? I don't think so..copy-cat? Yep, all the way through.


Getting tired of the same old same old with MMO's. Once the "Oooo, its Star Wars" fades off, what's left? Aliens instead of elves...mumbling short aliens instead of dwarves, and the never ending, "I just need one more piece of gear"......OCD play-style...

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I can't get groups for heroic missions on Tattooine and Alderaan because they're killing even overlevelled "casual" players who don't do everything right. I've had 4 groups disband saying missions they were over-levelled for were "impossible" with full groups, healing, CCing, etc.


It's becoming an actual problem. Maybe people level 40+ are mostly expert MMO players who flatten the content easily.


Unless you have some sort of unknown magic attacks or are substantially over-leveled, certain single-player content will roll you harder than any single-player RPG content in recent memory.


The game's going to get nerfed in a few months, I assume, at which point you could probably complain about casual-friendly gaming.

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Honestly I think mechanics of raids have a 'been there done that' feeling which is why it's been so easy for some. Some of the heroics and flashpoints I've played are a challenge if you haven't done them or have no healer And I'm not one to only do raids over and over again.l


Good god Taral V isn't even a raid and it's needlessly hard. My group was almost 10 levels higher than they should be and we still wipe constantly.

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Because video games are serious business, the people who hit 50 in the first week where from the big guilds and they powerleveled.




Pretty sure that it was less than a week when cata bosses where down....but that was by the elite guilds, and BW have already announced new content (compared to the 6month+ wait for new content in WoW).



Why is it the top guilds down bosses and then people who are nowhere near their skill level complain about casual content.

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Well OP you should have done more research then, because this game was ALWAYS designed to be casual friendly. Afterall, it's mass market appeal is Star Wars, and not just marketed as "another MMO". So of course they are going to draw in players who've never even played MMOs before, let alone PC games in general.


Should there be tiers of difficulty or brackets for people who want to "try hard"? Sure, I'm all for it. But at the end of the day, the game's main focus is going to always be on the story more than the hardcore raiding/PvP community (which is tiny, but vocal).

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Good god Taral V isn't even a raid and it's needlessly hard. My group was almost 10 levels higher than they should be and we still wipe constantly.


Had no issues with Taral V. Perhaps it's because I'm use to playing WoW and none of the boss mechanics are new?

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Ive been loving every minute of it so far and im only lvl 40.


On the fleet, everywhere i look there are 50's running around in full epic gear already.

Be it pvp, or pve, its still all ....epic.....


I read elsewhere all hardmode raid bosses where already down after 2 weeks.

I know i should only care about my progression, but just hearing that makes me loose a bit of the allure of raiding that i was looking forward too.


None of the flashpoints have been any challenge yet, and i asked a few guildies and most said the hardmodes wernt really tat much challenge either.


I knew this game was going to be a casual friendly mmo, but i have to ask, is this just a bit "too easy "?


I honestly thought warcraft was our fisherprice mmo, raiding for kids but i suppose i cant really say to much as i have no experience with end game tor yet.


all i have to say is LoL, go outside

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LOL, I'm lvl 50 Marauder and haven't even played another MMO. I play RTS games, but I love the hell out of Star Wars.


If there is a Star Wars game, I'll be there.

If there is a mod to a game to allow a Star Wars theme, I'll mod it up.


Hoping that PvP would sneak in cool Battlefront style gameplay but that's me being silly.


However, I do want a Star Wars game that gets back to the Original Trilogy.

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I can't get groups for heroic missions on Tattooine and Alderaan because they're killing even overlevelled "casual" players who don't do everything right. I've had 4 groups disband saying missions they were over-levelled for were "impossible" with full groups, healing, CCing, etc.


It's becoming an actual problem. Maybe people level 40+ are mostly expert MMO players who flatten the content easily.


Unless you have some sort of unknown magic attacks or are substantially over-leveled, certain single-player content will roll you harder than any single-player RPG content in recent memory.


The game's going to get nerfed in a few months, I assume, at which point you could probably complain about casual-friendly gaming.



O.k. just so you know the OP is going to have no idea what you are talking about. CHances are they haven't done a single heroic except for maybe the starter one on their home world.


Second yeah I don't think many people get that doing most of the heroics at the appropriate level is far harder than a flashpoint of the same level. I like the heroics, they can be really hard.'


*warning, incoming "but I've done them all herp derp, and they were easy. Now let me youtube it so I can give you details lol". Just calling it ahead of time.




*HOLY #$%^ who called it right on the next post. I'm going to go bet the lottery next.

Edited by Tenetke
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I can't get groups for heroic missions on Tattooine and Alderaan because they're killing even overlevelled "casual" players who don't do everything right. I've had 4 groups disband saying missions they were over-levelled for were "impossible" with full groups, healing, CCing, etc.


It's becoming an actual problem. Maybe people level 40+ are mostly expert MMO players who flatten the content easily.


Unless you have some sort of unknown magic attacks or are substantially over-leveled, certain single-player content will roll you harder than any single-player RPG content in recent memory.


The game's going to get nerfed in a few months, I assume, at which point you could probably complain about casual-friendly gaming.


Up to this very point in time, ive done every single heroic mission and right up to foundry with flashpoints and found none to be very difficult at all. I always play a tank in every mmo as i like to control the flow of the combat and i just dont trust some of these other tanks out there.


All my gear is min/maxed to my lvl with the best mods i can craft and buy.My companions are all in orange gear with min/maxed with power and crit.


I still havnt found anything to give me an actual challenge yet, even in flashpoints where u get that one guy that just doesnt have a clue, you can always make up for his mistakes and still win without breaking a sweat.Dont get me wrong, the ease of gameplay is quite a change from hectic button mashing, im really liking it..but...


This game IS NOT hard. If they nerf the content then im afraid they are only signing their own death warrant. This games casual/easy enough as it is.

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Yes SWTOR is WAAAY too casual. There are no decisions to be made with regards to character development in either gameplay terms or story terms. Combat for me pretty much = 1 combo for standard mob, 1 combo for grouped silvers, and 1 combo for elites with maybe a variation if I start to lose. Its WAY to simplistic to hold my sub past the first month and im finding it difficult to keep playing now in the face of so many great games out there.
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Seems to be the market trend. I enjoyed MMO's much better when they were a lot more difficult, but I know I'm in the minority on that. Though I long for the days of DAoC and EQ where it was punishing to fail.


Death penalties and difficulty aren't the same thing. EQ wasn't really that difficult, but dying hurt... a LOT.


There are tough fights in SWTOR, but dying doesn't really mean anything.


There really weren't many difficult fights in EQ (you could always bring more people along), but dying was punishing.


If there had been fights in EQ where you were forced to only take a group of four people, the fight was on the order of difficulty you see in SWTOR heroic 4 quests, and you lost half a level of xp when you died... You'd lose your mind.


I don't mind an xp death penalty if I have a resonable chance of avoiding death by playing smart (ala EQ) and I don't mind battles that are overwhelmingly difficult if dying is negligible... but let's not mix the two, or confuse one with the other.

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Because video games are serious business, the people who hit 50 in the first week where from the big guilds and they powerleveled.




Pretty sure that it was less than a week when cata bosses where down....but that was by the elite guilds, and BW have already announced new content (compared to the 6month+ wait for new content in WoW).



Why is it the top guilds down bosses and then people who are nowhere near their skill level complain about casual content.


Reread my post, im worried about ALL ASPECTS of the game, not only raiding.The leveling is casual, the FP are casual, everything seems to be a bit " too casual "..

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