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I can't bring myself to continue visting this forum.


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Stop reading general discussion where the tools are. The fact that people made 300 pages of QQ threads because they didn't get in the first day of EGA speaks for itself. Stopped reading GD after that.


PvP forum is the same. Baddies crying how much they suck.


Just stick to class etc... forums and you're good. I just really, really wish BW didn't make the retarded mistake of abandoning server forums.


I think 300 QQ threads is underestimating it a little :p

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I have been around for many mmo launches, and perhaps I'm viewing this with my rose goggles on, but this has to be the worst official forums in the history of ever.


Tell me. Is it always this bad? Am I just remembering it wrong?


all launch forum communities are full of criers, trolls, and whining...of course that doesn't mean there's not some factual information, truth, or atleast indepth conversation thats not hater based going on...its just harder to find when you have to go through X posts of "do this or the game fails" troll posts.


Some of the worst will likely be gone when the 30 days is over if they truely did unsubscribe.

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Oh come on you guys, go read the wow forums. This community is like Heaven compared to the troll and child infested wasteland that is the wow forums. Plus, you don't have any "/hug a Blood Elf" threads here. I swear to god there's a new one every single day on the general topic forum. I've generally found this community to be far more tolerant and intelligent. If you burst my bubble, just remember, I have a dual-bladed lightsaber. Yes, a blade on both sides. Edited by Whatsalightsaver
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Actually this is par for the course. Go read any MMO forum, especially WoW's and you will see three types of threads:


1) The game is dying because X is broken.


2) I'm unsubbing because it's unplayable/unbalanced.


3) You corporate fat cats made a product and sold it on the market just because you want to make a profit. All you care about is money, not giving a bunch of fatass neckbeards a new toy for free.

Edited by Abanoth
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I have been around for many mmo launches, and perhaps I'm viewing this with my rose goggles on, but this has to be the worst official forums in the history of ever.


Tell me. Is it always this bad? Am I just remembering it wrong?


if there is nothing to complain, it would be oviously a good game.


i honestly see more valid concerns, then troll haters, so how is this game ?

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I have been around for many mmo launches, and perhaps I'm viewing this with my rose goggles on, but this has to be the worst official forums in the history of ever.


Tell me. Is it always this bad? Am I just remembering it wrong?



It is! And it's GLORIOUS! I gorge myself at the trough of human suffering and pointless conflict. The last 25 years have been magnificent for me, the internet has made my eternal feast ever more succulent and plentiful!


Soon I will be a planet, having grown fat off this wonderful smorgasbord of viciousness and aimless hatred.


Planet Quip: "Where misery is on the menu."

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Oh come on you guys, go read the wow forums. This community is like Heaven compared to the troll and child infested wasteland that is the wow forums. Plus, you don't have any "/hug a Blood Elf" threads here. I swear to god there's a new one every single day on the general topic forum. I've generally found this community to be far more tolerant and intelligent. If you burst my bubble, just remember, I have a dual-bladed lightsaber. Yes, a blade on both sides.


You have the doom and gloom WoW is dead threads but that's about it anymore. Nothing like this madness.

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Considering the number of subs this game has I think the forums are kind of tame. I mean Rift had FAR more cries of failure. The one thing I always keep in mind is when people quit the game you don't hear from them and they just stop logging on, they don't go to the forums and preach to everyone. I think this game has enough to keep a majority of the subs playing and for the most part it can't get any worse so that is a huge positive.


The one thing I like so far is Bioware has been quiet and most likely working on things. But as with all MMO's we will get a great patch right at the end of the sub period that will most likely fix alot and offer enough new to keep the borderline people to stay another month. I personally think this game will be around for a long time and in the coming months will move into the most played MMO in the US/Canada/Euro markets.

Edited by solidkjames
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if there is nothing to complain, it would be oviously a good game.


i honestly see more valid concerns, then troll haters, so how is this game ?


Nothing is perfect. I expect any game to have valid concerns.

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Stop reading general discussion where the tools are. The fact that people made 300 pages of QQ threads because they didn't get in the first day of EGA speaks for itself. Stopped reading GD after that.


PvP forum is the same. Baddies crying how much they suck.


Just stick to class etc... forums and you're good. I just really, really wish BW hadn't done the retarded mistake of abandoning server forums.


dude the qq thread over the first day of EGA was over 1000 pages long when it finished up. That isn't counting all the other pages of threads getting closed and redirected to the approved qq thread most of those closed threads would make it to at least 5-10 pages before they would get locked and redirected. yeah there is much butt hurt in the General Discussion forums. I basically don't listen to people here I only read it during my down time at work. The people here in the GD forum are the vocal minority while the majority of the games subscribers are in the servers playing the game.

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It's the same all over. In a month it will die out, they will go back to their holy grail WoW and be bored to death as they wait for the next release, and say the same thing. I can't WAIT till Titan releases as a bug ridden mess and see what these people have to say then, cause if WoW's launch was any foretelling, it will be the worst MMO launch since WoW.
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You see ? haha


the first game wow-tard-kids are jealous of :eek:




I've been enjoying this game. I also see faults for what they are and where improvements can be made. Many of the responses to any post suggesting an improvement or pointing out a fault are greeted with idiotic responses such as "Go back to WoW" and do not even attempt to support their positions in any logical or sane manner.


That being said (now remember, I am enjoying this game), I also play WoW and competitively raid end-game content. I see faults in WoW and improvements that can be made there as well. I also enjoy playing WoW. In fact, I currently enjoy playing both games.


I suppose this makes me a 33-year old 'wow-tard-kid' that's jealous of SWTOR? ...

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It's the same all over. In a month it will die out, they will go back to their holy grail WoW and be bored to death as they wait for the next release, and say the same thing. I can't WAIT till Titan releases as a bug ridden mess and see what these people have to say then, cause if WoW's launch was any foretelling, it will be the worst MMO launch since WoW.


And yet 10 million play it. Odd.

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The fact that these boards are full of negative posters and comments is not because the community is full of crybabies.


Get real folks the forums are full of whingers because the game is a steaming pile of horse turd and completely NOT what was expected, you won't have to put up with it long the game is already dead and buried and won't last until the summer.



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It dosnt help that you dont seem to be able to search the forum anymore. So you either have to manualy look through all the topics, or make a new one. How many of the same topic's, arent there out there. I know it still happens with a search option, but it could be fewer. I personaly prefer to search for a topic, instead of having to make a new one, and stay online, in that topic, having to wait for answers
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I have been around for many mmo launches, and perhaps I'm viewing this with my rose goggles on, but this has to be the worst official forums in the history of ever.


Tell me. Is it always this bad? Am I just remembering it wrong?


This is what happens when this many people who played WoW come here. The community comes with it and the urchins begin their list of demands to the company who makes the game.

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Oh come on you guys, go read the wow forums. This community is like Heaven compared to the troll and child infested wasteland that is the wow forums. Plus, you don't have any "/hug a Blood Elf" threads here. I swear to god there's a new one every single day on the general topic forum. I've generally found this community to be far more tolerant and intelligent. If you burst my bubble, just remember, I have a dual-bladed lightsaber. Yes, a blade on both sides.


It's dead easy, shoot all the fanboys, the trolls will then leave because have no one to bait. The rest of us can then continue in relative peace.


Most threads that suggesting improvements:


Normal player: I’m really enjoying this game but I think aspect A could be improved.


Fanboy replies to normal poster: Go back to WoW, hater. Aspect A is great. WoW wasn’t perfect either when it launched 10 years ago. Leave BW alone, they’re doing a fantastic job. You just don’t understand how MMOs work.


Troll replies to fanboy: This game is rubbish, I’ve cancelled my sub, yet for some reason I’m still bothered enough to post in the forums.

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