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Flashpoints are all the same ?


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LVL 30 Here and the last 3 flashpoints I have done have all pretty much been the same. Bioware couldn't you have put a little more creativity into the envoriment design? I feel like I am running the same thing over and over again. The bosses are lack-luster and boring & the Mobs offer no challenge whatsoever.


But here is my biggest gripe, You invest all this time into creating voice acting and these cool cutscenes but don't include them in your raids with other LIVE PLAYERS??!!! I don't understand why black talon the 1st flash-point has 2 or 3 cutscenes with your group and everyone that has followed simply has you and your group standing at a computer console with no VO whatsoever.


Do flashpoints get any better after Cademimu ?


*** Wookie with a flamethrower boss was pretty cool though lol

Edited by DeathStarPlumber
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I agree, baffled why they didn't include the Bioware story elements in the heroics and flashpoints. They've superstitiously copied other MMOs (while believing their cutscenes work for single-player gaming), which is the only explanation. They were afraid cutscenes would spoil group-play magic, even though it's really fun to see other players up close, do the dialogues, make some kind of moral choice, like you always do in Bioware games.


So far as I've seen there's the level 10 flashpoint, then nothing else like it.

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I agree, baffled why they didn't include the Bioware story elements in the heroics and flashpoints. They've superstitiously copied other MMOs (while believing their cutscenes work for single-player gaming), which is the only explanation. They were afraid cutscenes would spoil group-play magic, even though it's really fun to see other players up close, do the dialogues, make some kind of moral choice, like you always do in Bioware games.


So far as I've seen there's the level 10 flashpoint, then nothing else like it.


This is really disappointing news. I really love seeing other players in my group in up-close cutscenes making voiced dialogued choices I was really hoping this was something that was going to return post lvl 30. :(

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I can agree that some of the environments are similar, especially the ship based FPs. It's one of the disadvantages of working with an established Intellectual Property...the game environments all have to make sense and fit into that universe, which can pose a challenge to artists when they want to color outside the lines sometimes.
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I can agree that some of the environments are similar, especially the ship based FPs. It's one of the disadvantages of working with an established Intellectual Property...the game environments all have to make sense and fit into that universe, which can pose a challenge to artists when they want to color outside the lines sometimes.


I can think of a dozen enviorments that would fit into star wars lore that don't take place on a ship. Yeah I realize the game is only a month old but where is the Raid/flashpoint on a Hutts palace ? Now that would be epic....

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I have to agree. Biowares idea of challenging boss fights seems to be throw as many waves of adds at them as you can. The boss fights don't require any decent tactics, it seems like lazy game design. I too have done all the ones to 30 but if they are all like this at future levels I'll just stick to the main game quests.


Please note Bioware, Adds do not equal difficult boss fight.

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I can think of a dozen enviorments that would fit into star wars lore that don't take place on a ship. Yeah I realize the game is only a month old but where is the Raid/flashpoint on a Hutts palace ? Now that would be epic....


I'd be willing to bet creds that there will be something epic in a Hutt's palace at some point, be it a FP or an OP.

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I think if people make enough noise, the TOR expansions Bioware does might look more like the level 10 flashpoint (I wish all the heroics were similar.) Obviously it'd be easy for them to do, with the amount of scripting and dialogue they're already committed to. They must have consciously decided not to make group play Bioware-y at some point--there's just no other explanation.


The weird thing is they highlighted the level 10 flashpoint pre-release, like they knew it was awesome, while making every other multiplayer section of the game almost utterly lack any of the conversation/Bioware features.


Most of the noise on these boards is irrelevancies from morons, so it's tough to be heard, even though this is a pretty major issue.

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I'm just really disappointed that there's no dynamic cut scenes or lengthy group dialogues and really... story in any of the flashpoints after Esseles/Black Talon. In fact, it gets progressively less and less involved as you move into later flashpoints.


You go from full on totally involved and story driven at the start to some minor voice over work to finally pretty much NO group dialogue options which means you get basically no social points from doing flashpoints which is just weird since how am I gonna get them otherwise?


No, I feel for the first time mislead. They advertized the whole flashpoint thing with the Esseles and didn't bother to tell us that it was the rare exception. Its like showing us a Ferrari when the rest of the cars in the lot are all Ladas.


This is my very very first time posting anything resembling the 'zomg BW sucks' type of post. I'm honestly disappointed. I was so stoked for flashpoints after doing the Esseles. Now... I don't find myself motivated to do them at all... my class story is more entertaining...


Kind of feels like its hindering my desire to actually group up with people. :confused:

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I'm just really disappointed that there's no dynamic cut scenes or lengthy group dialogues and really... story in any of the flashpoints after Esseles/Black Talon. In fact, it gets progressively less and less involved as you move into later flashpoints.


You go from full on totally involved and story driven at the start to some minor voice over work to finally pretty much NO group dialogue options which means you get basically no social points from doing flashpoints which is just weird since how am I gonna get them otherwise?


No, I feel for the first time mislead. They advertized the whole flashpoint thing with the Esseles and didn't bother to tell us that it was the rare exception. Its like showing us a Ferrari when the rest of the cars in the lot are all Ladas.


This is my very very first time posting anything resembling the 'zomg BW sucks' type of post. I'm honestly disappointed. I was so stoked for flashpoints after doing the Esseles. Now... I don't find myself motivated to do them at all... my class story is more entertaining...


Kind of feels like its hindering my desire to actually group up with people. :confused:


I understand your frustration, but consider the design implications. How often would you listen to the story in a high end flashpoint? Once, twice? At what point would you, and your party members, just spacebar through to get to your next objective. After the 10th run, I bet it would get very annoying. I bet there would be posts on the forums crying for an option to disable the dialogue in flashpoints.


Story is awesome when you're doing leveling content / flashpoints. It's not so awesome when you're farming a dungeon at level 50.

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I think too much story in flashpoints makes it too much like a show and less like an adrenaline inducing fight for survival. Elysses or whatever was fun the first time but I would hate to have that many discussions every time I did the dungeon.


I like the "choose your own adventure" style of story, and it has it's place. I feel that place is questing. When I raid I want to beat the hell out of things trying to do the same to me. Raiding needs to be fast, harsh, and blisteringly difficult. I feel stopping to chat with multiple npcs breaks up the intensity.The only discussions I want to be having will be over Vent.


That doesn't mean I don't want the raids to be rich in lore, cause I do. If WoW's newest tier (Dragon Soul) taught me anything, it's that a raid without any kind of coherent setting/theme and goal is incredibly boring. I want to know who I've gone in to slay like the back of my hand. I want to have been yearning to put my lightsaber in them because they've been jacking with me or the universe for far too long.


Bioware, please keep the npc discussions to a minimum when it comes to dungeons and raids.

Edited by Whatsalightsaver
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Just last night I was actually thinking the opposite in regards to Flashpoints.


Talos V in particular was very unique and had a good feel to it... A jungle planet, Imperial base, various named buildings on the map that you can explore.


The following Maelstrom Prison was a little more bland on level design but had some very unique bosses. A plodding boss that you have to LOS and a battle with major environmental danger as rockets fire their back-blast from above.


And yes, the Wookie with the flame thrower was very cool :D

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I have to agree. Biowares idea of challenging boss fights seems to be throw as many waves of adds at them as you can. The boss fights don't require any decent tactics, it seems like lazy game design. I too have done all the ones to 30 but if they are all like this at future levels I'll just stick to the main game quests.


Please note Bioware, Adds do not equal difficult boss fight.


There will be some epic fights down the road, f.ex Bulwark and Mentor in Directive 7, they feel like raid encounters, even on normal they are quite challenging.

Edited by milmo
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I'm glad Bioware didn't include more cutscenes in flashpoints after Black Talon. After you've seen it once or twice, it's pretty miserable waiting for everyone to mash space bar and load the conversations if they have slower computers.


I just did hardmode Black Talon last night with some guildies, and I think there was just as much talking/skipping cutscenes as there was fighting... when you are just trying to grind out tokens and get gear at level 50, the talking is too much of a hassle.


However, while I'm glad later flashpoints removed a lot of dialogue, I think most fight mechanics are not that fun. Colicoid War Games was probably the most unique and fun dungeon due to the puzzle portions, but it would be a complete nightmare doing that in a PUG. Aside from a couple other notable bosses, most seem like a "tank-and-spank, don't stand in fire and win" battle.

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