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The game is 3 weeks old!


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Warhammer PVP was great at release. Not perfect. But pretty damned awesome.


It was systematically broken by Mythic, but that took years.


The best thing about it, you hardly had to set foot in PVE for the whole game if you didn't want to. You could get all the levels and gear you needed from PVP.

Edited by Hayemaker
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lols gotta love ppl saying they paid 120 for the game.No you didnt you payed 60 for the game and another 60 is for the useless extra stuff.And tbh its always like that at every mmo release.Ppl just like to find something to complain about and whine on the forums all day.
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For me is just stupid try to compare a 3 weeks old game with a mmorpg with 8+ years on the market.



Dont know how ppl dont realise that.


Well, what you people don't realize is that this 3 week old game is able to draw from the experience of the 8 year old MMO meaning it should be at a better place at launch.

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U play BH, so what you talking about? Your class doin very well in pvp, begone


Horrible gamers don't understand learning problem solving. They also do not have awareness in pvp or pve hell they walk around dungeons and aggro trash cause they cant move there character correctly. Gear wrong. Wish they would make every game in the world harder so these idiots would find a new hobby.

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3 weeks and nothing works as intended, pvp is a total joke, swarming with range noobs spamming they op abilities, cc train fromm butt, only huttball all day long, so hard to make more warzones during 2 years of testing? Joke, i payed 160 euro for collector edition and im food for range dps , dying in sec focused every time, whats the point play melee if you cant counter all bullcrap comming from range? i want spammable attack which can deal good damage, i want tools to be abble to counter they infinite arsenal of cc , my mobility is a joke, 90% of game when im alive im slowed, sick of this, more and more, and yes im a 50 lvl melee. Now will come heroes who say l2p, ofc, u saying this playing you operative? assasin? or maby you powertech tank with good range damage? yes yes i know how easy is range, got 12 lvl of sorcerer to see how they work, man its a faceroll, thats pvp, dont mention Bioware failed even at so simple stuff like not working propertly chat, /w, bugs swarm all around, u cant use chat in group, u cant use galaxy map when in group, and tell me which moron got idea of those galactic market search engine, abosolute fail!!! jesus christ our list seems endless

Another thing, why range may run and shoot, heal? how the fuk i can catch them? why i must stay to cast my super fantastic choke, which is bugged, so many times i see ppl running choked, ofc they get damage but they dont stop as they shoud, Bioware your team of experienced pvp players who working at pvp contents in game a pure ******** or they just a bunch of idiots, u not abble to do anything in proper way.


Sounds like a lrn2play issue to me. Ive seen plenty of warriors/knights that can handle themselves in pvp. I play shadow and I have no problem catching people at range. granted I have a couple more tools than knight classes but there are still plenty of ways to deal with ranged.

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If this is true, then you should also know how futile it is to ever say anything like, "Guys, the game just came out! I know it's missing X and Y; and Z is broken, but they'll do all that stuff!"

Usually whatever the game releases with is it, mechanics-wise.


No good open world PvP?


Still not gonna be good 2 years later.


Only 3 battlegrounds?


Still only gonna be 3 battlegrounds 2 years later.



STO and Warhammer were probably the biggest letdowns in this category. They released with pretty poor PvP and very little PvP content and months later nothing had changed. Could say the same about Rift, at least as far as PvP goes. Months later -- no new battlegrounds and some rather weak wristed open world PvP. Tons of new PvE content, but very little new PvP content (a few open world "go kill each other" quests is scraaping the bottom of the barrel of content).




That said, I think the SWTOR whining is mostly unjustified (or at least the degree of it is). What they have is good. What they need is more. What I expect is nothing for at least 6 months.


If this were true then AC would never have gotten rid of jump casting. WoW would be the same it was in Vanilla which isn't even the same game really as far as class mechanics is concerned. It is a completely different game.


Every game evolves over time, most for the better, some for the worse. PvP is usually not great at release. I haven't played a single game where it was. Even games that focused on PvP like Warhammer sucked.

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They've had six years of development and eighteen months of external testing. They've had plenty of time. They also had some of the most experienced developers in the industry working on this game.


"The game is only 3 weeks old!" is not a good enough excuse when we are going to be paying subs in just over two weeks.


Is this first MMO or did you start playing WoW in it's 3rd or 4th year? Have you ever played an MMO upon release? If you had, then you would realize that games that intend to simulate large scale battle but also provide quick access PvP take time to iron things out. If you think 3 weeks is enough you are in for disappointment. Ironing out PvP where there are so many combinations of possibilities that must be factored into an equation as large as implementing working PvP situations in world and battleground scenarios takes a ton of man hours and time. It is simply impossible to see how things will go once millions of people are playing. That being said, the current state of PvP in SWTOR is way ahead of any other MMO I've played at release, which I know, it should be. It needs a lot of work, but I'm happy with it in many ways. Now, they will continue to iron things out and progress it, just like every other MMO has done.

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Totally agree to the creator of this thread. You cant expect a game, which just was launched, to be perfect, even if they tested it for a long time before. It's completely different having multiple servers with thousands of players, who create a lot more income and flow of feedback, than just a few testers would do. No MMORPG has been perfect after release and I think SWTOR isn't even near to perfection, but it is a good game and I will continue playing to see what Bioware will make out of it.

I never played a MMORPG with created such a strong binding to my character and because of that I will forgive the mistakes this game has.

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Lol @ OP.

Saw the same **** in Rift, saw the same "but but but the game is still young ffs !!!".

See how it went.


I also saw the same stuff in WoW early on and at every subsequent release of an expansion, now it's what people rave about and claim is so awesome.

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If this is true, then you should also know how futile it is to ever say anything like, "Guys, the game just came out! I know it's missing X and Y; and Z is broken, but they'll do all that stuff!"


Usually whatever the game releases with is it, mechanics-wise.


No good open world PvP?


Still not gonna be good 2 years later.


Only 3 battlegrounds?


Still only gonna be 3 battlegrounds 2 years later.



STO and Warhammer were probably the biggest letdowns in this category. They released with pretty poor PvP and very little PvP content and months later nothing had changed. Could say the same about Rift, at least as far as PvP goes. Months later -- no new battlegrounds and some rather weak wristed open world PvP. Tons of new PvE content, but very little new PvP content (a few open world "go kill each other" quests is scraaping the bottom of the barrel of content).




That said, I think the SWTOR whining is mostly unjustified (or at least the degree of it is). What they have is good. What they need is more. What I expect is nothing for at least 6 months.


Reguardless he wanted to point out some things and show some others that just stroll by and read this, he said alot of great things and im sure he has played for 14yrs, dont mean you have to come along and doubt him either champ...


Thanks to the OP also, very tru but sadly there are to many impatient kids these days...


Also it has been changed a good bit from Beta, and yes 2yrs of testing for a Very immense game that were playing now, if you all dont care to stick around then dont let the cantina door smack yo *** otw out...

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"We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum" - Bioware



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Is this first MMO or did you start playing WoW in it's 3rd or 4th year? Have you ever played an MMO upon release? If you had, then you would realize that games that intend to simulate large scale battle but also provide quick access PvP take time to iron things out. If you think 3 weeks is enough you are in for disappointment. Ironing out PvP where there are so many combinations of possibilities that must be factored into an equation as large as implementing working PvP situations in world and battleground scenarios takes a ton of man hours and time. It is simply impossible to see how things will go once millions of people are playing. That being said, the current state of PvP in SWTOR is way ahead of any other MMO I've played at release, which I know, it should be. It needs a lot of work, but I'm happy with it in many ways. Now, they will continue to iron things out and progress it, just like every other MMO has done.


I'm sorry but an MMO released in late 2011 should be comparable to current MMO's in 2011 and not one released in 2004.

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It was also in testing for almost 2 years.


not a good point, beta testers rarely play in beta as they do in release. in fact most beta testers are just looking for ways to get an edge on others at release.


Also the majority of players arent PvPers or there would be more PvP servers, so does the company focus on the majority for release or the majority. Sure PvPers on a game they love will stay subbed longer than the average PvE only player but PvPers love to move on to the next game the second it is out. How many RIFT players were content in RIFT and left to play SWTOR now, something new is always appealing.


What bioware focues on for release is just as much our fault as theirs, the majority rules. I dont care if this game was released in the build it will be in 2 years, people would still find things to say they are leaving over.

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I'm sorry but an MMO released in late 2011 should be comparable to current MMO's in 2011 and not one released in 2004.


Completely irrelevant to my post, however, last I checked, WoW is still an MMO on the market. Maybe you meant to say "current MMOs released in 2011." Regardless. Still irrelevant to my post. Reread and then post again.

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not a good point, beta testers rarely play in beta as they do in release. in fact most beta testers are just looking for ways to get an edge on others at release.


Also the majority of players arent PvPers or there would be more PvP servers, so does the company focus on the majority for release or the majority. Sure PvPers on a game they love will stay subbed longer than the average PvE only player but PvPers love to move on to the next game the second it is out. How many RIFT players were content in RIFT and left to play SWTOR now, something new is always appealing.


What bioware focues on for release is just as much our fault as theirs, the majority rules. I dont care if this game was released in the build it will be in 2 years, people would still find things to say they are leaving over.


So were you in Game Testing at all? I know I was, and everyone was more or less addicted.

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Lets be honest, the people who are gonna flame out and "unsub" over a few glitches are not the same people who are gonna listen to reason or exercise patience as the game grows...


That said, i still appreciate the OP and those like em trying to offer some perspective.


The game's not perfect, it never will be, but if BW keeps doing they're job right, it will continue to get closer as we go along. I know I've already seen a few of the big issues (Op frames not updating properly, etc.) that i had go away. I take that as a good sign.

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If this is true, then you should also know how futile it is to ever say anything like, "Guys, the game just came out! I know it's missing X and Y; and Z is broken, but they'll do all that stuff!"


Usually whatever the game releases with is it, mechanics-wise.


No good open world PvP?


Still not gonna be good 2 years later.


Only 3 battlegrounds?


Still only gonna be 3 battlegrounds 2 years later.



STO and Warhammer were probably the biggest letdowns in this category. They released with pretty poor PvP and very little PvP content and months later nothing had changed. Could say the same about Rift, at least as far as PvP goes. Months later -- no new battlegrounds and some rather weak wristed open world PvP. Tons of new PvE content, but very little new PvP content (a few open world "go kill each other" quests is scraaping the bottom of the barrel of content).




That said, I think the SWTOR whining is mostly unjustified (or at least the degree of it is). What they have is good. What they need is more. What I expect is nothing for at least 6 months.


I know im gonna get **** on for this


U can insult warhammer all you want but warhammer had some of the best world pvp ive ever seen one of the only games ive seen that actualy made world pvp part of the game itself u had to do it before you could do the end game raids.


Sure classes werent balanced it was a little choppy but it was a good game while it lasted people didnt like it cause it had to compete with wow when wow was in its best days and blizzard has one of the best developing teams going they have also had 7 years to produce a game with perfect flow


Say what you want about WoW ( sucks dosent suck ) blah blah blah WoW had a great ui/ engine/ mods / macros you could have in a game ( I am not a fan boy either ) it was a good game 14 milion subs kinda speaks for itself....


Kinda off topic little


EQ1 FF11 DF These are some of my favorite mmos of all time Because they didnt hold your hand.That is the thing i hate about WoW ( Not saying i didnt liek Wow when i played it) it changed what mmos were from no map no ah house have to actualy interact with people not just run around solo all game its an MMO your suppose to talk to people when wow came out it catered to 12- 14 year olds with quest helper and later on 5 years in heres your free epics you could hit 80 and have all epics in a week it was no challenge to actualy get gear in that game my mom could have played it..


Pre BC WoW was sick even BC wasent bad raids that took weeks not hours 4 hour pvp games not 20 minutes rush in win and get your tokens for gear all new mmos are like that they need to go back to what they used to be and cater to true fans of mmos not this here have some epics go roll face .....


(and yes i know ther is no punctuation and **** spelling get over it)

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I hope you're not claiming either one of those had immersive fluid and balanced PvP because it is simply not true.


There's a reason DC Universe Online is going FTP less than a year after release.


Combat was awesome in DCUO. GLitches werent and it took too long to fix them. Same goes for TOR atm ...non fluid combat sucks.

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