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The game is 3 weeks old!


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The game is 3 weeks old!!!!



I've played MMOs for 14 years. Literally when MMOs first became available or popular and MUDs before that. Folks, there hasn't been a single one of them that had great PvP at release. NOT A SINGLE ONE. PvP is something that is developed as an on-going process. It takes time to iron out. MMOs are always a work in progress. It's simply how things work.


If you guys want to quit, go ahead. I'll see you in a year after things have been ironed out and you come back.


You guys can come to the forums and rant and rave but the most productive thing to do would be to fill out tickets and explain the problems you are having. Come here and state specifically what you are having trouble with.


The unproductive thing(s) to do is/are:


1) Yell, this game sucks, I'm unsubscribing until you fix. (this is the equivalent to going in your corner and pouting because you don't get your way or you are picked last in dodgeball and decide not to play because it's too hard)


2) Coming here and yelling "NERF XXXXXX." This is also completely unproductive.


If you want to improve a game that is an MMO and thus, an on-going development, then post productive critiques with supporting information to help the developers out. If you think a class is overpowered, give valid reasons why this class is unbalanced when compared to others. Make specific comparisons. But be careful. You have to take into consideration talent builds, etc.


Currently as a 37 Scoundrel Scrapper, I do really well in Warzones, but I do this because I don't even bother trying to fight what appears to be a "tanking" class. What I can do is provide pressure on a healer, even with a lack of interrupts, enough so that I can delay their healing until I can get help, if I don't kill the healer. I know what the limitations are of the class I enjoy playing. Once you've learned this you can make comparisons. I've seen so many nerf XXXX posts it's stupid.


Overall, the game is pretty balanced. Fluidity needs help. It will come in time, it just takes productive feedback from an intelligent community (I know, it's a stretch) to get it done.

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... It will come in time, it just takes productive feedback from an intelligent community (I know, it's a stretch) to get it done.


These are some of the same issues that have been complained about since early betas... They haven't changed a thing yet.

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guild wars


dc universe online


/argument invalid


I hope you're not claiming either one of those had immersive fluid and balanced PvP because it is simply not true.


There's a reason DC Universe Online is going FTP less than a year after release.

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But they have been also making fixes to tons of stuff in those 2 years. I have friends you have played in WOW and what not, and while they have their complaints, they're patiently trying to help get things fixed. Sometimes there are there are issues that come up outside of beta testing. They only got large amounts of people in the tests shortly before the launch, so it is still early for the game.
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I've played MMOs for 14 years.

If this is true, then you should also know how futile it is to ever say anything like, "Guys, the game just came out! I know it's missing X and Y; and Z is broken, but they'll do all that stuff!"


Usually whatever the game releases with is it, mechanics-wise.


No good open world PvP?


Still not gonna be good 2 years later.


Only 3 battlegrounds?


Still only gonna be 3 battlegrounds 2 years later.



STO and Warhammer were probably the biggest letdowns in this category. They released with pretty poor PvP and very little PvP content and months later nothing had changed. Could say the same about Rift, at least as far as PvP goes. Months later -- no new battlegrounds and some rather weak wristed open world PvP. Tons of new PvE content, but very little new PvP content (a few open world "go kill each other" quests is scraaping the bottom of the barrel of content).




That said, I think the SWTOR whining is mostly unjustified (or at least the degree of it is). What they have is good. What they need is more. What I expect is nothing for at least 6 months.

Edited by Slamz
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If this is true, then you should also know how futile it is to ever say anything like, "Guys, the game just came out! I know it's missing X and Y; and Z is broken, but they'll do all that stuff!"


Usually whatever the game releases with is it, mechanics-wise.


No good open world PvP?


Still not gonna be good 2 years later.


Only 3 battlegrounds?


Still only gonna be 3 battlegrounds 2 years later.



STO and Warhammer were probably the biggest letdowns in this category. They released with pretty poor PvP and very little PvP content and months later nothing had changed. Could say the same about Rift, at least as far as PvP goes. Months later -- no new battlegrounds and some rather weak wristed open world PvP. Tons of new PvE content, but very little new PvP content (a few open world "go kill each other" quests is sc****** the bottom of the barrel of content).




That said, I think the SWTOR whining is mostly unjustified (or at least the degree of it is). What they have is good. What they need is more. What I expect is nothing for at least 6 months.


"We plan to continue releasing Flashpoints, Operations, Warzones and new game systems on a regular cadence"


Some time at the end of this month there will be new Flash Points and Opperations. Warzones will follow shortly after.

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"We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum" - Bioware
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3 weeks and nothing works as intended, pvp is a total joke, swarming with range noobs spamming they op abilities, cc train fromm butt, only huttball all day long, so hard to make more warzones during 2 years of testing? Joke, i payed 160 euro for collector edition and im food for range dps , dying in sec focused every time, whats the point play melee if you cant counter all bullcrap comming from range? i want spammable attack which can deal good damage, i want tools to be abble to counter they infinite arsenal of cc , my mobility is a joke, 90% of game when im alive im slowed, sick of this, more and more, and yes im a 50 lvl melee. Now will come heroes who say l2p, ofc, u saying this playing you operative? assasin? or maby you powertech tank with good range damage? yes yes i know how easy is range, got 12 lvl of sorcerer to see how they work, man its a faceroll, thats pvp, dont mention Bioware failed even at so simple stuff like not working propertly chat, /w, bugs swarm all around, u cant use chat in group, u cant use galaxy map when in group, and tell me which moron got idea of those galactic market search engine, abosolute fail!!! jesus christ our list seems endless

Another thing, why range may run and shoot, heal? how the fuk i can catch them? why i must stay to cast my super fantastic choke, which is bugged, so many times i see ppl running choked, ofc they get damage but they dont stop as they shoud, Bioware your team of experienced pvp players who working at pvp contents in game a pure ******** or they just a bunch of idiots, u not abble to do anything in proper way.

Edited by Bedus
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They've had six years of development and eighteen months of external testing. They've had plenty of time. They also had some of the most experienced developers in the industry working on this game.


"The game is only 3 weeks old!" is not a good enough excuse when we are going to be paying subs in just over two weeks.

Edited by NeonLights
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Umm, I think when a game is released, it is compared to other games of the same genre CURRENTLY in the market. Just because a 5 yr old game (for example) lacks good pvp at launch, doesn't mean it's OK for new games to do that. Not saying it should be as polished as old MMOs, but the launch has to be much better than one that was launched 3+ years ago.


I liked the PvP at first, until geared 50s started popping up everywhere, and it's bloody huttball 80% of the times. Huttball was fresh n all for the first few times, but after playing it so damn much it becomes boring and some classes (or high levels) have massive advantages specific to huttball. Winning a warzone now is almost like lottery, see which team has the most pvp geared 50s.


I know things will improve, but I have already started losing interest and anticipate guild wars 2 more and more. From what i've seen so far, guild wars 2's pvp seems much more interesting. Hope it won't be a massive disappointment.

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They've had six years of development and eighteen months of external testing. They've had plenty of time. They also had some of the most experienced developers in the industry working on this game.


"The game is only 3 weeks old!" is not a good enough excuse when we are going to be paying subs in just over two weeks.



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PvP is about adapting to new play styles, new senarios, new stratagies. Making yourself a better player THROUGH the ability to adapt to the new, and break the old habbits you had. People are crying when the games been out little time at all, i stuggle to see why your even on the pvp forums tbh.


I hit 50 on the 20th on my BH (Not bragging i was a no lifer for 4 days -.-) but when it became apparent to me that certain classes/specs were overpowered, instead of whining about it, i created that class and leveled them to a decent level in order to see the hype, after learning the skills of diffrent classes i then gathered people from my PvP to duel me and let me test strats to beat them...


People spend too much time moaning about what they dont get, before they exhaust all options open to them already. There is nothing wrong with operatives, sorcs or Arsenal Bounty hunters. Smugglers, Sages and Troopers... There is a way to beat any class, you just have to learn.

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PvP is about adapting to new play styles, new senarios, new stratagies. Making yourself a better player THROUGH the ability to adapt to the new, and break the old habbits you had. People are crying when the games been out little time at all, i stuggle to see why your even on the pvp forums tbh.


I hit 50 on the 20th on my BH (Not bragging i was a no lifer for 4 days -.-) but when it became apparent to me that certain classes/specs were overpowered, instead of whining about it, i created that class and leveled them to a decent level in order to see the hype, after learning the skills of diffrent classes i then gathered people from my PvP to duel me and let me test strats to beat them...


People spend too much time moaning about what they dont get, before they exhaust all options open to them already. There is nothing wrong with operatives, sorcs or Arsenal Bounty hunters. Smugglers, Sages and Troopers... There is a way to beat any class, you just have to learn.



U play BH, so what you talking about? Your class doin very well in pvp, begone

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Honestly, it's the natural way of things.


While I don't agree with many of the complaints, I feel it is well within peoples rights to ask BW to make their subsription worth the investment; keeping in mind this means different things to different people.

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3 weeks and nothing works as intended, pvp is a total joke, swarming with range noobs spamming they op abilities, cc train fromm butt, only huttball all day long, so hard to make more warzones during 2 years of testing? Joke, i payed 160 euro for collector edition and im food for range dps , dying in sec focused every time, whats the point play melee if you cant counter all bullcrap comming from range? i want spammable attack which can deal good damage, i want tools to be abble to counter they infinite arsenal of cc , my mobility is a joke, 90% of game when im alive im slowed, sick of this, more and more, and yes im a 50 lvl melee. Now will come heroes who say l2p, ofc, u saying this playing you operative? assasin? or maby you powertech tank with good range damage? yes yes i know how easy is range, got 12 lvl of sorcerer to see how they work, man its a faceroll, thats pvp, dont mention Bioware failed even at so simple stuff like not working propertly chat, /w, bugs swarm all around, u cant use chat in group, u cant use galaxy map when in group, and tell me which moron got idea of those galactic market search engine, abosolute fail!!! jesus christ our list seems endless

Another thing, why range may run and shoot, heal? how the fuk i can catch them? why i must stay to cast my super fantastic choke, which is bugged, so many times i see ppl running choked, ofc they get damage but they dont stop as they shoud, Bioware your team of experienced pvp players who working at pvp contents in game a pure ******** or they just a bunch of idiots, u not abble to do anything in proper way*wall .


*wall of whining crits you for elelventy billion damage*

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U play BH, so what you talking about? Your class doin very well in pvp, begone


The fact that my class may be doing well (Even tho i play Pyrotech and Bodyguard) does not mean i dont require a learning curve. nor does it mean i dont need to educate myself about how other classes work to benifit me.


Clearly your very one sighted, one of the many players who got killed EZ and they blame the class that killed them.

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In my opinion, If there is a person who plays:












And on there character, be it ANY of the above can beat all classes 1v1 on ocasions, then that clearly means theres tactics people have fallen upon accidently, and have given them ways to beat these "Overpowered" Classes. Until there is conclusive proof that 100% of the time one class can destroy another and have the one thats destroyed put up no real fight i will continue to belive that classes are fine around 1v1 and 2v1. Anything over 2v1 you shouldent win, so i dont care about that this isnt world of warcraft.


The forums, (again in my opinion.) Should be used for developing stratergies and providing help for those who are trying to learn to pvp. As well as building a solid PvP comunitiy. Not ranting that a class hits hard, or the bolster system isnt working.

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