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Game already losing subs?


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I noticed over the last few days, at this hour of the day/morning, that most EU servers are full or very heavy, right now most servers are light/standard. And last night the US servers, only a few were Heavy to Very heavy, with a one or two full. I have been keeping a close eye on the server population and maybe I'm wrong but are people already quitting?


The only server that is full right now is the Swiftsure.


Of course, BW couldve greatly increased the cap to every server, so i could be wrong.


I am just trying to make a valid observation, not trying to troll btw.

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Of course, BW couldve greatly increased the cap to every server, so i could be wrong.



Prefacing this entire thread by saying that short of BioWare making a statement, literally no one in this thread will have any valid insight into this question. Everyone will claim to know, however.

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Has it occurred to you that people might have jobs, and now after the holidays are over it is just natural that less people are playing all day long?


Anyway, the game surely has already lost players, but I doubt that so many would be already gone that one can feel that (think the people who start playing are still outnumbering those who are already leaving).

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I noticed over the last few days, at this hour of the day/morning, that most EU servers are full or very heavy, right now most servers are light/standard. And last night the US servers, only a few were Heavy to Very heavy, with a one or two full. I have been keeping a close eye on the server population and maybe I'm wrong but are people already quitting?


The only server that is full right now is the Swiftsure.


Of course, BW couldve greatly increased the cap to every server, so i could be wrong.


I am just trying to make a valid observation, not trying to troll btw.


you are also experiencing the launch crew drop off.


Just about every MMO has a considerable launch then the nay sayers leave. This is pretty standard, and the real community will be apparent over the next month or so.

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I noticed over the last few days, at this hour of the day/morning, that most EU servers are full or very heavy, right now most servers are light/standard. And last night the US servers, only a few were Heavy to Very heavy, with a one or two full. I have been keeping a close eye on the server population and maybe I'm wrong but are people already quitting?


The only server that is full right now is the Swiftsure.


Of course, BW couldve greatly increased the cap to every server, so i could be wrong.


I am just trying to make a valid observation, not trying to troll btw.


Most people went back to work today after the Christmas holidays. That's why there are less people playing. Check again at 7pm tonight and if there are no full servers you can probably say that lots of people have left.

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It is true, I felt a pull in the force, we lost many a great jedi to the dreaded Darth cancel-sub.

There may still be hope as the republic's Grand Canceller has brought this up with the senate and have finally got a fix on the last known location of the almighty Jedi master also known as Master patch-the-game-faster-plox.

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Heck, some people haven't even went back to work until today. A lot of management types and more business folks usually have a couple weeks off during the yule holidays. So, you may see similar signs this week yet as well.


Seriously, most people are not like me (disabled) and cannot log in and play any time that they want. Or, as in my case as to why I haven't been playing the past couple days, is because one of my cats (17 yr old) has fallen gravely ill, just had a blood transfusion and I am now waiting to hear back from the doctor whether or not I can pick him up today, so.. I haven't felt like playing...


So.. you really should take into consideration the plethora of worldly (and other-worldly) reasons why players may not be playing, rather than just going straight for a trolling topic, as such.

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Has it occurred to you that people might have jobs, and now after the holidays are over it is just natural that less people are playing all day long?


That makes WAY too much sense to be true. Obviously the game is dead. >.>

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Heck, some people haven't even went back to work until today. A lot of management types and more business folks usually have a couple weeks off during the yule holidays. So, you may see similar signs this week yet as well.


Seriously, most people are not like me (disabled) and cannot log in and play any time that they want. Or, as in my case as to why I haven't been playing the past couple days, is because one of my cats (17 yr old) has fallen gravely ill, just had a blood transfusion and I am now waiting to hear back from the doctor whether or not I can pick him up today, so.. I haven't felt like playing...


So.. you really should take into consideration the plethora of worldly (and other-worldly) reasons why players may not be playing, rather than just going straight for a trolling topic, as such.


On topic: Most likely due to people getting back to work.



Mostly just wrote that to not be derailing the thread.


Sorry to hear about your cat, hope he will be with you for a long time still.

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Check this out:


Some people will buy an MMO, play it for a few weeks, decide they don't like it, then not play past the 30-day bundled time.


I know that I have done this in the past. No, I don't regret it, and no, I'm not angry about it. In a lot of cases I enjoyed my 30 days in the game and then simply decided that I didn't want to pay to keep playing it.


The last game I purchased before SWTOR was a single-player game. I payed $50 for it. I played it for about two weeks and enjoyed the heck out of it. My wife even played it a little and enjoyed it, and she pretty much abhors video games. I'd say I got my money's worth.


I've certainly enjoyed my time in SWTOR so far. I intend to play through both a Republic and an Imperial storyline (Consular and Inquisitor), and the amount of content I've gotten for my money is amazing. I'm not sure if I will keep playing after that point, but if I spend $90 over the course of three months to play through nearly 400 hours of content I'd say I got my money's worth.


Some people expect an MMO to completely consume every aspect of their lives, provide them with endless entertainment, and bake them cookies. Some people never really intended to play the game for years to being with. That second category of player -- they come and they go.

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Even discounting jobs, people tend to play very heavily during the first few weeks to get ahead of the curve and then settle down into a more normal playing pattern.


Look, it's dark outside.

Oh noes, it's the end of the world!

Save me Jebus!

It's night time moron.

Edited by Kabaal
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I noticed over the last few days, at this hour of the day/morning, that most EU servers are full or very heavy, right now most servers are light/standard. And last night the US servers, only a few were Heavy to Very heavy, with a one or two full. I have been keeping a close eye on the server population and maybe I'm wrong but are people already quitting?


The only server that is full right now is the Swiftsure.


Of course, BW couldve greatly increased the cap to every server, so i could be wrong.


I am just trying to make a valid observation, not trying to troll btw.


my first guess:

lots of people think the maintenance is today


my second guess:

lots of people are back at work

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I actually noticed the drop off before the holidays were over.


And still see the amount dropped during peak times. People have jobs yes but prime times are prime times and those numbers have dropped by a large margin indeed.


I think much of this has to do with biowar's piss poor release of the game in general.


Im talking the major bugs that were in beta for months that are still there today.


The one month is up in 7 days folks and many many of the big bugs that shouldn't have been in the launch will probably still be there and many people wont resub.


This game may have had record breaking sales but those are hype sales and the free month at play. When the dust settles in 7 days dont be suprised if you see this game with all servers sitting at standard pops or less.

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