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2 weeks worth of credits wiped out in a mis-click


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As in real life, "Caveat emptor" (buyer beware) rules for most purchases. There is no requirement for a seller to refund you, after all you made the choice (for good or ill) to spend your money.


OK, let's use a real life example. I made a lot of large purchases on Amazon recently. I bought several different colors of the same item. Maybe I shouldn't have been doing it while I was distracted at work, but I didn't notice that one of those colors wasn't on sale, and was double the price of the others.


Totally my own fault. Luckily, Amazon lets you view the total before confirming your purchase, because people make mistakes. Real life.

Edited by daemian
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OK how many skills are there can you just imagine having to click the confirm button on every single one. a)It would be very annoying b) You would end up just clicking OK, so what then another confirm box to confirm the confirm box? As an idea though how about moving the speeder training to a seperate section like your AC class skills are from your base class skills?
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OK how many skills are there can you just imagine having to click the confirm button on every single one. a)It would be very annoying b) You would end up just clicking OK, so what then another confirm box to confirm the confirm box? As an idea though how about moving the speeder training to a seperate section like your AC class skills are from your base class skills?


To get around having to click confirm on every skill, as has been suggested, just show the running total and have the player click 'purchase' once at the end. One confirmation is enough. I agree about moving the speeder skill somewhere else though, seems more logical.

Edited by daemian
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OK how many skills are there can you just imagine having to click the confirm button on every single one. a)It would be very annoying b) You would end up just clicking OK, so what then another confirm box to confirm the confirm box?


On an off-topic but slightly amusing note, I have played an MMO where they put in a double confirmation on something, because players complained about misclicking on the first confirmation... so they put another one in. And here's the funny bit, even with a double confirmation, some players STILL managed to screw it up and complain about it in the forums.


I'd argue at that point it's not a matter of mistake anymore, but rather a complete and utter failure to pay attention to what you're doing.


Call me old-fashioned but I'd rather have a game where I have to pay attention instead of one with confirmation boxes popping up at whatever I do.


That does not mean I'm against basic things like buyback/sellback features on vendors - I actually like those because they aren't actually an inconvenience to players who don't need them. Confirmation pop-ups on the other hand...

Edited by Amarinth
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As in real life, "Caveat emptor" (buyer beware) rules for most purchases. There is no requirement for a seller to refund you, after all you made the choice (for good or ill) to spend your money.


Next time, pay attention, read, watch what you are doing and above all learn from your mistakes and accept personal responsibility, in game and in life


Caveat emptor


Well there often is ... the UK's distance selling regulations for example ...


"Cave ab homine unius libri"


that said ... level 50 ... he has enough free time that this shouldn't matter to him. ;)

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On an off-topic but slightly amusing note, I have played an MMO where they put in a double confirmation on something, because players complained about misclicking on the first confirmation... so they put another one in. And here's the funny bit, even with a double confirmation, some players STILL managed to screw it up and complain about it in the forums.


I'd argue at that point it's not a matter of mistake anymore, but rather a complete and utter failure to pay attention to what you're doing.


Call me old-fashioned but I'd rather have a game where I have to pay attention instead of one with confirmation boxes popping up at whatever I do.


That does not mean I'm against buyback/sellback features on vendors, I like those because those aren't actually an inconvenience to players who don't need them. Confirmation pop-ups on the other hand...


Good point. If people find a buyback feature is less intrusive than a confirmation, I'm all for it. Two confirmations? Forget it.

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I have done this with commendations and lost a whole bunch, you can't sell the item you accidently buy for commendations or even credits, I was in a slight rage.


i dragged the item back into the commendations vender, got some back. not all, but some.

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whats worse? Blindly clicking new abilities and not even looking at what you get or hitting spacebar through every conversation?


Forever alone at lvl 50: Your fault


wasted your credits because you are too ignorant to pay attention: Your fault


if it makes you feel better i misclicked on a conversation on one of my toons and now have 50 ls points...but guess what...my fault....


Cry me a river




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-insert standard canned response about how you fail at reading because there aren't dozens of ways to accidentally do something and I want to be a jerk on the forums-


-further, insert silly claim relating the game to real life and how everyone wants instant gratification and are lazy because I lack perspective and the ability to tell the difference between issues of importance and fun-


Am I doing it right guys?


there is nothing "jerk" about pointing out the obvious. i\If the person can't read what's in front of their face , they deserve what they get .. no excuses ..especially when they want to cry about something that is their own fault ( that in itself deserves ridicule)


good thing the Empire isn't real or a lot of people would get electrocuted for being "weak" HAHAHAHAHA

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I've messed up buying too. I saw what I thought was a blaster upgrade for my scoundrel. There was no red on it, so I bought it with commendations. It was offhand only, so it was useless to me. Now I know to look for offhand only weapons.
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"Do you want to click this? Yes or No"


"Okay but, seriously, do you REALLY want to click this? Yes or No"


"Just making sure if you actually want to do this. Yes or No"


" ... Really? Yes or No "


" Sigh, alright then. "


Even though that would be hilarious, how about you try to be smart instead of asking for Bioware to input ways to stop you from being dumb? Look at the price, look at your money, consider the worth and make a decision.

The funny thing is some people will STILL buy the wrong thing. In WoW PvP items have 2 confirmation windows one of them has the item in the confirmation window so you can mouse over it and ensure this is what you want and know what? People STILL bought the "wrong" item.


I accidently discarded a shield I was trying to equip on my companion because I thought I was putting it in the wrong slot. The "Are you sure you want to equip this" and the "Are you sure you want to delete this" looks almost identical. Yea it sucked but I'll get over it. I know now not to make that mistake again.

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Whats worse? Blindly clicking new abilities and not even looking at what you get or hitting spacebar through every conversation?


Forever alone at lvl 50: your fault


Wasted your credits because you are too ignorant to pay attention: your fault


If it makes you feel better I misclicked on a conversation on one of my toons and now have 50 LS points...but guess what...my fault....




Wow. You seem like a pleasant guy.


To the OP: sorry, man. Tough luck. Bad game design strikes again.

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there is nothing "jerk" about pointing out the obvious. i\If the person can't read what's in front of their face , they deserve what they get .. no excuses ..especially when they want to cry about something that is their own fault ( that in itself deserves ridicule)


good thing the Empire isn't real or a lot of people would get electrocuted for being "weak" HAHAHAHAHA

Ridiculing anyone over a video game does indeed make you a jerk. People like yourself are a plague on any gaming community, y'know.


Seriously, stop equating real life to the game. It's just creepy.

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OK, let's use a real life example. I made a lot of large purchases on Amazon recently. I bought several different colors of the same item. Maybe I shouldn't have been doing it while I was distracted at work, but I didn't notice that one of those colors wasn't on sale, and was double the price of the others.


Totally my own fault. Luckily, Amazon lets you view the total before confirming your purchase, because people make mistakes. Real life.


Yes, they do and it is by their own choice to exchange the item, usually for a like item. Besides, you example is flawed: You purchased from Amazon.com, you probably paid by Credit Card or Pay Pal, a company owned by Visa. Since you purchased by a CC, your purchase falls under the credit laws and the agreement the vendor has with the CC issuer which requires a vendor to refund the customer under certain conditions. No such consumer protection laws exist in a game.


The vendor does not let you view the total and a list of the items because you might make a mistake, they are required to by consumer protection and commerce laws to provide the customer with an itemized receipt, so the customer knows what they have or are paying for and has a proof of purchase. Again, no such laws exist in game.


I'm sure, if you look, you can find the store with a sign saying something like All Sales Are Final or words to that effect. These same consumer protection laws, commerce laws, vendor agreements do not hold effect in whole or in part under this condition. The seller has clearly stated their position and you buy from them at your own risk, the same risk suffered when you buy something from Amazon but Amazon does not have a clearly identified statement to the effect of All Sales Are Final.

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I have done this too... but with the CE vendor. I thought I was clicking to preview the equipment on my character and ended up buying a pair or orange boots for 18k... :(


They need to put a confirmation selection box in.


I'm sorry, but no they don't. The problem as already been stated and admitted several times here; the issue is not that the items in question are too expensive or there is no confirmation box but that you aren't bothering to read what it is that you are clicking on.


Easily solved. Take an extra few seconds and look at the screen and associated price before you right click. It's so bloody simple a child could do it, and probably has, because this game appeals to a ridiculously wide range of players.


And for the record, you know very well that if they put in a confirmation box for every ability or item purchase, you'd be on here screaming over that as well, because it takes too long to buy what you want.


Pay attention. Problem solved.


And for the record, yes: I do know the woes you are experiencing; any crafter in this game does. IF you wait at all for a few levels before going back to the trainer, you could have 20 or 30 skills and easily blow the price of a speeder getting your new crafting schematics.


I reiterate, pay attention. Problem solved. There is no game design flaw here at all. While I do admit that it's an odd choice to put the speeder training skill with your regular trainers, it's easily avoidable if you just paid attention to your new abilities.


I don't know about you, but I hit "P" every time I Ding up to see what new skills I have waiting for me.

Edited by Joryssk
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Gotta laugh, No cost for an Interstellar Starship, but hell if your heroic

toon knows how to ride a speeder. Even young dumb Luke could drive a speeder.:D

Crashing a multi-billion credit starship capable of shooting down waves of enemy fighters is much less a concern then a fender bender in Anchorhead, y'know!

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I'm sure, if you look, you can find the store with a sign saying something like All Sales Are Final or words to that effect. These same consumer protection laws, commerce laws, vendor agreements do not hold effect in whole or in part under this condition. The seller has clearly stated their position and you buy from them at your own risk, the same risk suffered when you buy something from Amazon but Amazon does not have a clearly identified statement to the effect of All Sales Are Final.


Right. You say my example is flawed...


I don't know about you, but before I make any purchase where I live in the real world, I'm required to either type in a PIN number, hand over physical cash or sign for a credit card purchase before a sale is considered final. I don't own it just by virtue of clicking a button or picking an item up off the shelf with no option to confirm what I'm getting and what I'm paying.


Sure, you could argue that an in-game item's value in real dollars may or may not be significant, but let's be realistic here. Can you think of any reason why a buyback feature would take away from your enjoyment of the game?

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Wow. You seem like a pleasant guy.


To the OP: sorry, man. Tough luck. Bad game design strikes again.


its people like you who will blame bioware if you buy a grey item off the AH for 1million credits saying you were scammed. pay attention to what your clicking. mouth breathers these days. :rolleyes:

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I swear bioware must pay some of you to be so sycophantic. Losing massive amounts of credits on a misclick is sad. Everyone will misclick an item sooner or later. It is just bad game design by people who dont care.


Probably, but I'm not going to blame my keyboard when I fat-finger a cooldown instead of my basic melee attack.


Clearly, the keyboard should have known better.

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