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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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Lmfao... People who are saying the servers are ghost towns are ill informed. Im currently a level 25 Jugg... Completed all of Balmorra and grouped like crazy. Never had an issue getting a group period... And havent had to miss a single flasbpoint or heroic quest.


I know people are foaming at the mouth to play and you should. If you like the WoW model and Star Wars you are going to be in heaven. I played WoW for rouhly 5 years and have had more fun in the last few days then in any MMO. That being said its EGA with the rewards going to those who knew without a doubt they wanted to play this game. They stated from the start that those who preordered first would get in first.


I preordered and redeemed my code 10 minutes after it was available and am currently enjoying my reward for doing so. Now granted Bioware should be more vocal about when you are getting in... But in the end if you arent playing now you have no one to blame but yourself. Unless you orded from a 3rd party because you thought origin was evil... Which I dont get either. I have this game and BF3 from origin and have had zero issues.


Be patient... Its worth the wait. And stop the damn QQ.


A- : Because I wish everyone could be playing.

Edited by Jayded
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Imma go with a solid C.


But, that C stands for Cataclysm.


The same Cataclysm that has WoW seeing a decline in a userbase.


Hah, a C-, because they can't even get the reliability of Blizzard.



Ah yes because blizzard are known for their amazing server management as well oh wait no they aren't.


The game itself when playing is fun, no doubt of that in my mind. The only annoying things are the insane queue times (Increase the server cap as they have said they are currently set to low)


And give a grace period for when people are disconnected so they can log back in immediately or rejoin their previous position in the queue. These two small things would alleviate a lot of the frustrations.

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Well only thing I would have loved with the waves is that they would say what days they are letting in and when. would save alot of time.

And the queues one thing they timer is totaly off. secon cant they make the server bigger? dont know how it works but just feel like it would be possible some how.


But the game it self I feel its more to look at a movie but controling it LOVE it.


so launch C queues F but the game A :D


BUT you guys are forgetting someting THERE IS NO LAGG!.. its wonderfull for a new game to not have LAGG !:. :D

Edited by FaarrOut
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I played in Beta back in the beginning of October and I was actually pretty disappointed, and even considered whether I would play the game at all. I would probably have given the game a C- back then.


However, I've been playing early access since Wednesday and I have to say I feel like they fixed a lot of things I didn't like. I'd say the game right now is a solid B it's not perfect and it brings very little new to MMOs other than story and voice acting. The game is very polished though and doesn't stray very far from the tried and true formula.


The biggest drawbacks for me right now.


No group finding tool, it's not just a WoW thing even DC Universe Online has one seems very 2004 to not have this feature these days.


Loss of core Star Wars values. At the core of the movies is the fall of Anakin to the Dark Side and the subsequent redemption of Vader back to the light. In the game you choose an allegiance to Republic or Imperials and it cannot be changed. In other words as a Jedi I will never be able to meet another powerful Sith player in battle who eventually convinces me to give into my anger and hate and switch sides or vice versa. This is not Horde/Alliance there is absolutely no reason to lock players into a faction especially when it goes against the core values of the movies IMO.


Lastly much like Rift it's just too much like WoW that may be great for converts, but I quit WoW over a year ago I wasn't really looking for WoW with lightsabers and spaceships I was looking for something a little more original maybe like what Guild Wars 2 is planning.


Regardless it's a good game it's fun and I feel it's a solid B, which to me is like saying it's a 8 out of 10. It has potential to be better in the future as well.

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I think they have done a really, really nice job, on the whole. Points off for the UI, lack of mouseovers, not giving us an option to turn off the evil smart pivot camera, etc. I have faith (hopefully not misplaced) that these issues will be corrected in a timely manner.


I know that some people are unhappy about queue times (I did smirk and roll my eyes a little at some person's QQ about a 20 minute queue a few posts back, I have to admit), but I think it'll pay off in the end when the overall population is spread out nicely thanks to Bioware having the foresight to cap the server populations lower to start out.

Edited by belialle
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I give them a A+, the game is amazing. If you dont like it why are you still on this forum go somewhere else. Better yet why dont you make your own game instead of sitting in your mothers basement. and show bioware how its done.
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smoothest MMO launch I've been in so far (well, it's not launched yet ;))

and the game itself is topnotch, the only thing I don't like so far is PvP, but that was to be expected since I don't like that in other games as well.


main story, side missions, space combat have all been brilliant so far, I have to force me to stop playing space combat so that I don't outlevel the main storyline too much ;)



keep up the good work

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for game 9

for certain menus like ah 6

handling populations/login 5 but this is probably me just expecting too much too soon


overall i think this will be great game, atleast to leveling once or twice, dont know about endgame stuff

just hoping it would be 1 month+ from launch allready and queus and such mostly history we tell newcomers


"back in the early access we had 2000+ queus into and off server..."

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The game has not even officially launched yet but people grading its launch? That is about like smelling cookies and say so far they taste great. If the had not staggered the EGA then people would be on the forums complaining about not being able to get in because of so many people playing and would be saying **** Bioware you should have staggered invites instead of opening up to everyone who pre-ordered on day one.


I personally think the game is great. This is the best mmo I have seen since early EQ. The only similarity I see in this and WoW is that they are both MMORPGs. This is the fun MMORPG that has been needing to come out for years.

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The game has not even officially launched yet but people grading its launch? That is about like smelling cookies and say so far they taste great. If the had not staggered the EGA then people would be on the forums complaining about not being able to get in because of so many people playing and would be saying **** Bioware you should have staggered invites instead of opening up to everyone who pre-ordered on day one.


I personally think the game is great. This is the best mmo I have seen since early EQ. The only similarity I see in this and WoW is that they are both MMORPGs. This is the fun MMORPG that has been needing to come out for years.


Hmm, founders of Bioware proclaimed the game launched as of 12/13/11? Check.


People entering their retail keys from their retail boxes and digital orders? Check.


People setting up their subscriptions? Check.


Game is launched, get over it.

Edited by Zorvan
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+ amazing game


+fantastic voice work

+story is engaging for mmo




-the launch, everything about it

_staggering launch; it is ok that they staggered it, those that took the risk deserve to play first no problem, but why would you let only a certain amount in "per day". that plan failed horribly and started all the bioware naysaying. i could see if you staggered the game and let people in lets say every 5 minutes or so. that wouldve worked. even they knew it was a failure when they let 4X as many people in from the last 2 preorders 15,16th, then the did on the first too..ridiculous.


server queues...dont know i dont actually look for the highest pop servers when i play there for i can comment, though i have gotten in rather easily


as metacritic would post, that would make a solid C


wonderful game, all of the bioware, but all of the EA,.... im lookin at you JOHN MADDEN

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Taken the costumer service into consideration?


Edit: after making a new ticket, and got very nice support from Droid Johnathan, I give the support a nice A. Mainly due to the solution offered and the speed they responded with (which is extremely fast considering how busy they got it.)

Edited by Reijura
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I would give them a C+, and not a B because I have played pretty much every single Bioware game ever made and they have always been about inovations in game play and I do not see any of that in TOR.


The setting is beautiful but not done to the degree that it should be, and again not finished to Bioware standards that I have come to think of as benchmarks in the gaming industry. TOR has one bench mark and that is the ability for a group to take part in a cinematic conversation and have all of the groups choices have consequences. That is excellent, however it seems like they accomplished that and then decided to just tack on game play and the rest of it just so they could launch on time.


Where are the mini games in Cantina's?


Why when I walk into a cantina does a random conversation start up and then I either have to wait for it to complete or it drowns out any convesation I am having with an NPC quest giver in that area? It is not game breaking but it smacks of not being finished and polished properly and I have never seen a Bioware game like that before. All random audio in the game feels just tacked on so that they could launch the game and not something Bioware should be proud of at all. It must be fixed.


When I choose a different race in character creation it seems like a just another human body with different colored skin and a different head. There is no distinction between playable races what so ever in terms of how the walk, how they stand, everyone is just human with different looks. Again this is inexcuseable from a developer like Bioware, how could they possibly make a Star Wars game and make every race seem so human? Not something they should be proud of at all. At the very least they need to give all races every control there is in character generation, for instance complection changes and eyebrow changes are tied to one control, seperate them and give us more diversity. Seperate all of the controls in character generation, there are others that are tied together as well.


Where is the AA setting in the graphics? It has to be there because thats a standard in game design now, and everyone knows that, Bioware knows that and if they don't add it TOR looks like a throwback to the 80's and certainly not something we should be seeing in an AA title like TOR.


Don't get me wrong I am having fun with the content that is here, however I can see from being in beta and playing a Scoundrel to level 31 that doing it over again is not something that TOR was really designed for. The first time through it all seemed really great, now that I have done it all before I find myself wanting to get to the part where beta ended and I am skipping the story to get there, and possibly if the game play was better designed getting there again would be a lot more fun then it is now.


I have high hopes for TOR because I have been a fan of Bioware games for so long and I hope and pray that they go through posts like this thread and learn from the mistakes they made at launch.

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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Game is great and is all i expected it to be, but the early access and launch are bumpy to say the least.


The queue times are too high, and people who compare it to how wow was launched back ion 2004 have to remember that we are now in 2011 (going to 2012) and as much as I expected a queue, after all the planning, guild setups and so forth I exptected maybe 30 minutes to an hour. 6+ hours is totally unacceptable.


Unfortunetly it seems that Rift will remain the game that had the smoothest launch.

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+ fantastic story

+ classes, crew skills, warzones

+ sound, graphics

+ dark side / light side options


- queue's

- still way too many bugs in the game, some titles not being granted, crew skill missions that reward the opposite (light side points for dark side missions etc) , quests that repop after being completed or just disappear when you login again.

- memory leaks

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