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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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I'd give it a C.


- Solid rig still has lag issues, with latency around 25 consistently.


- Get disconnected probably 40 times a day, half the time to come back and wait in an hour long q.


Oh right, a positive?... The game is amazing when I get to play it... AMAZING! :D


Those sound like client-side since the majority of players aren't experiencing this.

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Game is really awsome...


Well that's if you can get in.


But hey you can always quit your job and log in at non-peak hours as suggested by BW!


Then again, jobless people can't generally afford to pay to play so that kind crushes that thought. TIME TO TRY TO GET ON WELFARE TO PLAY STARWARS YAY!


I can't really rate BW at this point without cursing, so let's leave it at that.

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F- Customer support was the worst I had ever seen by such a massive margin in BETA and has only gotten worse since early assess.


Then I am playing with a friend, he gets DC'd no fault of his own and has to wait 3 hours to come play again. By the time he gets back in I will be 3 levels higher then him.


Also the 3 hour que I have had to wait in was horrible.


Transfers need to be organized ASAP


EDIT: Still so many bugs in game, all the ones I have seen were there in BETA to that many people reported by they still have not fixed it, I can understand that it can take awhile but really really basic stupid bugs.

Edited by Allariea
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My word. nothing is EVER enough for you people.


I would give them a solid A for


1. Letting us play early in the first place

2. Letting me experience 15 hours of game

3. Giving me a lot of fun times!


So what there are que times, you aren't missing anything. Go do something else untill you get in, NOT THE END OF THE WORLD.


Be patient.

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A B overall.


The game is good, I haven't seen many bugs (and none of them major) very few connection issues (not more than usual which is very good for a new game) and I got in on day 2 of pre-access - which was totally expected as I ordered in September (seriously, what part of "Up to 5 days of Early Access" don't you get? And furthermore, they opened the servers another 2 days earlier, you shouldn't have been whining before Thursday about those 5 days).


The only peeve I have about this game is that it is so much like WoW, a game I stopped playing out of boredom, when it comes to the gameplay itself. The story and the voice-acting are both stellar and I can't ask for more from even Bioware, that's how good it is, but the gameplay is certainly something I have experienced before. Not necesarily bad, but it feels a bit bland.


So, a B.

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I have to grade it with a solid A.




- No queque what so ever - at least on my server

- No lags (and I play as a EU citizen on a US East server - ping is stable at ~200ms)

- No disconnects

- No crashes what so ever

- Tons of fun

- Great stories

- Cool atmosphere

- CE Key worked the first time

- Authenticator was hooked up easily


So least from my side there is not really anything to complain about. It was the smoothest launch and ride into a game I ever had in all the MMOs I tried out in the past 7 years.

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When I get to play the game after the 3h queue on my server it runs much worse than the beta.


And the raid frames aren't fixed yet after months of reporting the situation.


Yes, the story is great. But I'm not liking Bioware's passivity towards these problems.

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Wow alot of Rage in this thread. Guess I'll give the game An A.


Got in The First wave.

Loving the empty worlds. Less Steal killers and competition.

Love the Class Story.

Light-sabers in each hand a dream come true. Jedi Knight wasn't satisfying in that regard.

Never had to wait in a Que.

Edited by Darth-Malice
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Or using ECTS standards: 10/10


Compared to the beta the game is 1.) Less lagy 2.) loading times have massively been reduced 3.) The graphics have been boosted and in general the game is just awesome!


Haters gonna hate, especially if they believe they are special and should get early access on day one if they pre-ordered last week, and get queue priority.

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To everyone giving this game an F...you obviously never played EQ, never experianced that launch, or experianced the launch of there subsequent expansions. And if you don't know what EQ is, then you don't know what bad launches are and your opinion should be left in your head and not on these boards. So far this game is running smoothly and is above par as far as a launch is concerned. And if you don't like it you can go SoW yourself and take a running leap into Naggy's face. :D


PS: EQ was the shizznitz in the day, freaking WoW is an EQ clone!!!!


A+++ launch Bioware

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Browsing these forums makes me 200 percent more misanthropic..


I'll give Bioware an A. Good game, although not ALL I would've hoped for.. As for the launch and all that they did a great job and honestly I feel like people are being completely unreasonable, stupid to a large degree, trollish, ignorant and full of cheap w(h)ine but I already knew that the vocal internet population nowadays are complete morons with disregard for everything that doesn't go their way.. I don't know why I am surprised.. I guess I always expect mankind to grow up and act it, even in online communities...


Honestly I shoud just give it up. xD

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High grade for the game, total fail for the launch.


Invites going out in waves was probably in theory an ok solution. Spending more time queued than actually playing is on the other hand just embarrasing.


To top that off, their lack of communication and at least interest in trying to find a solution for their players is something that dissapoints me.


What good is a great game if you cant actually play it?

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