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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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i like how when early access invites go out to september through november preorders everyone stops complaining.


this thread is full of people who either


A: dont like early access because THEY didnt get in


B: people who would find fault with any game no matter how good


You forgot people who hate the launch day start zone rush and then refuse to continue because they couldn't get to level 10.


Its an MMO, Bioware is doing a great job launching it, low server queues, keeping the community spread out among levels.


Don't like the launch day rush? Power-level past everyone or just wait a while before starting a character.

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For me they get an A+, ok I had to wait 2.75 days before I got early access against others, but really those complaining that didn't enter their code until the last few days, well what can I say.


I think the idea of a staggered roll out was a great one, no queues in game apart from PVP I hear, but not a great PVPer so can't really comment. The problem that they need to get right next time is to tell people the dates they will be invited, then all this trouble would not have happened.


As for the game, there is no LAG, no queues and there seems very little fighting around for the same quest.


So for me damn good job BIO, I think in days to come people will realise this did work apart from what I have mentioned above.

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All the complainers just need to chill. I'm as excited as anyone but realize that we are going to be playing this for months or years. What is a few days? Is it some kind of race? If you want in just because you want to level up faster than anyone else, you are missing a huge point about this game. I did happen to get about 100 hours of play out of beta weekends, and yeah, it is great. No sense in rushing it though. What's the point?


Everyone who didn't see beta, and who is now giving Bioware "F"s will completely take that back once they get in the game. It was the best beta I ever played. Smooooooth, relatively lag free (last time anyway) even with LOADED with players, awesome content, well thought out storylines and kick *** characters. To everyone who is so upset about not getting in for a couple of extra days, believe me, that will all melt away soon enough. I've been playing another recently released game lately (not an MMO), that has been out over a month and is still riddled with dealbreaker bugs and problems. SWTOR won't be like that. You should quit flaming the devs because of this early access crap. You really should take the extra few days to get your affairs in order because once you actually get in there, you will become mesmerized by the game and real life will cease to exist!

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They made us suffer that stupid early access system just to have exactly the same problems than ANY other MMORPG.


You refer to problems without indicating which problems you perceive?? How cheap is that? Taking a cheap shot at Bioware, without giving them a chance to adress your concerns?? Shame on you!


And shame on everyone grading the company/game before you've even had a chance to play a large portion of it.


What the heck did you expect? You are given early access to a game that doesn't even launch untill next week. They even bloody extended that early access by 2 stinkin' days. I can tell you, that I have been online since the very first wave of early access, and the only problems I have encountered are the kind of minor, trivial bugs that every game in the world ships with. But hey...that's what patches are for, right?


I wonder...I truly wonder how some of you people would react, if you were ever faced with real problems?!


Jeez a bunch of spoiled brats in this thread.

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92% A-


I am really blown away by this game on so many levels. The story and voice acting are excellently done and such a welcome relief for me from the dull grind of previous mmos I have played.


WAR for example was a wall of text on pve questing side. Star Trek Online had great episodes but nothing compared to how fleshed out TOR is. WoW is just a bore fest with a horrible community of trolls.


Thank you for making the MMO genre viable for me again. Before this I was just stuck in FPS like Battlefield 3 and Gears of War and really just getting sick of XBox Live.



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Quality of story lines: A+++

Voice actors: A+++

Server stability: A+ (yes there is usualy a 1-2 hour queue for that server)

Queue: C- (Bioware tested the capacity of their servers in November yet didn't manage to have enough servers open for launch. Also isn't it possible to add more hardware to the existing servers to increase their capacity? )

Texture quality: B- (I had hoped for better textures than Mass Effect 1 had)


Launch (so far): A (queues are annoying, but then again expected during a mmo launch)


That being said I have already registered my CE key and gotten a 6 months subscription.

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Not an A+ because the early access was a bit misleading, got in on the 2nd day though.

And in the day where i waited around, i searched the forums to figure out which server i wanted to join, because worse thing ever is letting the mmo choose for ya, make that mistake with SWG and i ended up on the worse USA server (bria) even though i like in uk.


from Entry into the game i found the game to play smoothly, had to mess with the graphic settings as my PC isnt all that good, turning off shadows helped alot!!


Took a while to get use to the visual style, guess ive played guildwars and WoW too long, so I thought it was a bit funny, but its growing on me.


Love the way questing is done, compared to other mmo's its actually quite fun, and doesnt ffeel so much of a grind like wow does. This is probably why people find it soo easy to level up, because its sosposed to be a balance of story and combat, whereas games like wow and rift its all combat, so yes ignoring story you will level up faster, but your missing half the content.


Did my first flash point yesterday, and i loved it! It was soo much fun not feeling rushed and skipping bosses like it feels in wow nowadays, having chat options so depending on who wins the rolls you can do it again and not have to listen to the same narration.


As for pvp exploits and such, well yea it is unfair, but you'll get the gear eventually.


The whiners of this playerbase put too much into competitveness and nothing into enjoying the game for what it is (only example I can think of is Monica Gellar in Friends :p - if you've watched friends you know how competitive she gets :p).


Games are meant to be fun, but there only fun if you allow them to be :)

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A 10,,i think they have done a wonderful job.



Now down the road as far content that remains to be seen.




FYI i logged in on the 15th and didnt complain once about the staggered introductions of people,matter of fact i know why they did and im thankful for it.

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Solid B.


I was set to give them a much lower grade with the days counting down to Early Game Access and the one-two punch of EA/BW seeming cluelessness dealing with shipping the game to EU preorders before the 20th but not budging on US vendor ship days.


They apparently changed their mind recently because I received email from Amazon US stating that my delivery date had changed from 22nd to the 16th and my CE had been shipped. I think EA (and BW by first degree of separation) dodged a big bullet by listening to disgruntled US customers who've had the game on preorder since July 21st but were (seemingly) doomed to be locked out for days because they wouldn't cut US vendors any slack on ship dates.



And secondly, the recent Dev / Blog post that they've actually implemented a 2 day grace period after weeks and months of total silence. Two days seems all to brief but at least they listened and have given early game access players a bit of breathing room in case some mishap occurs and they don't get their game delivered on the 20th.




The actual mechanics of the EGA and launch has been uneventful for me. I've had one bad lag that may have been server side and had to sit through one queue earlier tonight (semi related). Nothing nearing the nightmares that the doomsayers predicted. Prime time US hours may be dicey as the 20th hits and I hope they add a bunch more East/West coast US servers to take up the slack for the people who didn't preorder the game.

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No I know this from every other mmo cant keep up change too singeplayer.


How many MMO launches have you participated in? I don't really think you know what kind of technical issues that must be dealt with. Have you ever owned or operated a server before? Do you understand complicated networking processes? I don't think so. If you did..you would understand the Bandwidth is limited and a server (even the best in the world) can only handle so much stress before it either crashes or starts throwing up errors.


If you were experienced in MMO launches like you say you are..you would know FULL WELL that staggered launch is the way to go. I was in EQ2, WOW, Vanguard, DAoC, SWG, and a few others that you have probably never heard of. Those are just the MMOs that I played during launch. Every single one of them had server issues far worse than anything I have seen on TOR so far. Even though this might be Bioware's first MMO..that doesn't mean that the developers are new to this kind of thing. They know a hell of a lot more than you about their server capacity.


So, why don't you sit down and let the adults talk.

Edited by TheLeo
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You refer to problems without indicating which problems you perceive?? How cheap is that? Taking a cheap shot at Bioware, without giving them a chance to adress your concerns?? Shame on you!


And shame on everyone grading the company/game before you've even had a chance to play a large portion of it.


What the heck did you expect? You are given early access to a game that doesn't even launch untill next week. They even bloody extended that early access by 2 stinkin' days. I can tell you, that I have been online since the very first wave of early access, and the only problems I have encountered are the kind of minor, trivial bugs that every game in the world ships with. But hey...that's what patches are for, right?


I wonder...I truly wonder how some of you people would react, if you were ever faced with real problems?!


Jeez a bunch of spoiled brats in this thread.

I'm 43, so definitely not a "brat". I've played MMOs since UO beta too.


The "staggered access" was supposed to make us avoid the queue problem other MMOs had. It failed big time. The server my guild is on has 1 to 2 hour queues. Some guildies are already 30+ so I can't really ask them to reroll now.


The game is still good. But considering the queues now, I'm VERY scared of what will happen the 20 when the floodgates really open. Yeah, Bioware delivered a good, quality game. But their supposedly smart staggered access completely failed its purpose. It only managed to split guilds and make it impossible to do group content together.


So yeah, the game still deserves an A. But the launch deserves not more than a D. And I'm generous.

Edited by Korrigan
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A solid B for me.


The game itself is great, but they messed up for a few hours last night sending out the waves before opening servers. As for all the people whining about how early access works, they stated when pre-orders came out that it would be "up to 5 days early access", that obviously means staggered waves, it would be stupid to just dump 2 million preorders on the servers all at once.

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I'm 43, so definitely not a "brat". I've played MMOs since UO beta too.


The "staggered access" was supposed to make us avoid the queue problem other MMOs had. It failed big time. The server my guild is on has 1 to 2 hour queues. Some guildies are already 30+ so I can't really ask them to reroll now.


The game is still good. But considering the queues now, I'm VERY scared of what will happen the 20 when the floodgates really open. Yeah, Bioware delivered a good, quality game. But their supposedly smart staggered access completely failed its purpose. It only managed to split guilds and make it impossible to do group content together.


So yeah, the game still deserves an A. But the launch deserves not more than a D. And I'm generous.


I don't think their sole intention for the staggered access was to limit queues. If I recall correctly their main concern was for the stability of the servers, and for the playability when you get in game. Just imagine the starter zones if they did open up early access to everybody at the same time. It would be a nightmare, and probably will be on the 20th.


With the staggered access, granted it doesn't alleviate the queue problem entirely..it does help. Plus, it also allows them to get a better gauge on how many servers they will need to open up for launch. I know it sucks for guilds, but that is a small problem when looking at the stability of the entire game.

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I feel bad that the developers get lumped into the impression the business and administration side often leaves us with.


"C" Overall


an "A" for making a great game.


an "F" for the way they handle near everything else.


When I think of the games themselves Bioware is all Aces and has been forever.


That said, an MMO of this scale is uncharted territory for the BigB and we can still hope they're just learning some lessons the hard way.

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As for all the people whining about how early access works, they stated when pre-orders came out that it would be "up to 5 days early access", that obviously means staggered waves, it would be stupid to just dump 2 million preorders on the servers all at once.


No, in a sane, reasonable person's mind "up to 5 days" means 5 days, barring unforeseen technical problems.

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