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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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Even though I got in in 2nd wave, i'd say D-.


Not because people didn't get in or they had to wait, it was they didn't know WHEN they where gonna get in.


It like owning a bus company that doesn't have any schedules. People don't know when the bus is coming so they sit around, waiting & waiting.. you know that bus may not come by today... its the uncertainty is why I give them a low score.


While I like the effort to keeping the servers from crashing. Waiting with an unknown outcome was a foolish move. People have RL stuff to do, make them feel like you have this organized. Even if they don't get in until the 4th day, at least they are not waiting around wondering!


Something like a chart such as:

Day 1 - July 21-30th Pre-orders

Day 2 - August & Sep Pre-orders

Day 3 - Oct & Sep Pre-orders



This would of been way better and not cause so much anxiety for my members. They could go do their RL stuff.


Just my thoughts.


*Bows with much respect*


- Kismet

Leader, Ring of Destiny







Well said Kismet

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Let me get this rolling with a solid F.


Poor peformance. People on these forums dont seem to like Bioware at the moment, that is going to hurt you on your peer eval. Lack of Effort, put in a minority of the population today then decided to go home. Really ... you have some "team" working 24/7 and they are "busy" "working" right now? Come on, show some respect to people they have brains. You dont chill for 18 hours and say you are hard at work.


I hope Bioware tries harder in the future.


I give them an A+. The servers are smooth as butter, lag has been GREATLY reduced since betas, my fps have actually increased (and I play the game on high/max setting), bugs seem to be minimal, and I got in the first day (which is I was shocked because I ordered on 7/22 and figured 7/21 would get in first day). Those of you complaining about the staggered invites, get over it, that is good business practice to slowly let people in. I will say bioware could have done a MUCH better job of informing people of when they would get in, and allowing the grace period, but other than that, I am very happy with the launch.



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I will give them a C. I'm not going to give them high marks for server stability just because it is easy to have stable servers when there is hardly anybody on them. This grade could increase if they bring the hammer down on the exploiters and try to show a little more transparency and consideration for their player base. They seem to be taking a page from Blizzard and treating everything like a state secret.


Their grade will drop to an F- if there are 50s roaming around when I finally get into EGA. There is no way you should be able to level to 50 in less than a week in a supposedly story driven MMO.

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Everything went technically great. No hiccups, no lag, no game-breaking issues. They delivered what was promised and I have high hopes for the next few days.


Things that brought down the score:

-Lack of Communication

-Lack of oversight in guilds wishing to level together.

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F for launching a 150 million dollar MMO and clocking out at 2 in the afternoon.


They aren't even treating today as a launch. They're treating the 20th as a launch. Remember that ~900,000 people preordered, but they expect over 2 million players on launch. That's an influx of over 50% of the player base on December 20th.

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I have to give them an A (purely based on my own experience).


Every time I logged in today, I had a lag free experience, my game never crashed, and I didn't see any bugs. The game is fun IMHO, and I am enjoying it.


If others are having trouble, I don't blame them for being upset, but I can't complain myself. My experience has been trouble free. Going to get a good night sleep tonight, and play a lot tomorrow.

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F seeing as how I'm not playing and even if I was given access, I couldn't play on any of these current exploited filled servers.


I'll play my first 30 free days then I'm done with Bioware forever.


It's like Ford. My dad bought a brand new Ford Tempo in 1989. The thing was the biggest piece of junk you'd ever seen.


I will never, ever buy a Ford because of that.


Lol i had a ford tempo yeah the floor's fell out lol

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Well, I didn't get in, and I'd say it's a perfect launch so far. My wife got to play for three hours and had a flawless experience. The fact that many MMO players are too selfish to realize it doesn't change that.

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Even though I got in in 2nd wave, i'd say D-.


Not because people didn't get in or they had to wait, it was they didn't know WHEN they where gonna get in.


It like owning a bus company that doesn't have any schedules. People don't know when the bus is coming so they sit around, waiting & waiting.. you know that bus may not come by today... its the uncertainty is why I give them a low score.


While I like the effort to keeping the servers from crashing. Waiting with an unknown outcome was a foolish move. People have RL stuff to do, make them feel like you have this organized. Even if they don't get in until the 4th day, at least they are not waiting around wondering!


Something like a chart such as:

Day 1 - July 21-30th Pre-orders

Day 2 - August & Sep Pre-orders

Day 3 - Oct & Sep Pre-orders



This would of been way better and not cause so much anxiety for my members. They could go do their RL stuff.


Just my thoughts.


*Bows with much respect*


- Kismet

Leader, Ring of Destiny



On your chart i should be playing =P


I dont care ive been in train wreck luanch days, these guys are worried about mouthing off how they have played since DAY !....na, nope, check post history no you did not!! LOL

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Maybe I don't know enough about servers, but I personally don't see the point in letting in 15% (im being gracious here? certainly the number is less then 10% who pre-ordered the first 3 days?) of their max potential players to see how the servers do. I would assume you would start at something more like 30-40% of the potential population, with 20% increments per day afterwards. What could 10-15% of the population possibly do/show you?


Lack of communication is another huge issue. Not giving people any idea when they will get in, is a terrible idea.


I felt like I was slapped in the face when SR said (paraphrasing) "good news! we got out an extra wave and let more people in then scheduled". Wow, you let in an extra 10k people? GRATZ, what about the other 97% who aren't in?


Listening to the guildies who got in, explain to me how they are pissed because there is no one to group with, no one to do flashpoints or 4 man quests with, because the servers are ghost towns right now, is further salt in the wound.



I had no problems during the last beta weekend, why was that a 100x better launch then the official one? lol

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This would of been way better and not cause so much anxiety for my members. They could go do their RL stuff.



To be honest, players are causing themselves anxiety. Nobody has to sit around waiting to get in - checking their email, etc. People choose to come here and whine by their own volition. Even if you had a schedule, people would be sitting around saying "SPEED UP THE SCHEDULE, UNFAIR, BLAH BLAH BLAH."


Bioware literally could not win in offering people a bonus. The only way they could've won is if they just had a launch, with no early access.

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Pointless thread, everyone who didn't get in giving it an F.


Not getting it is a good reason for F


They (OP) are asking us to grade our experience. Mine's kind of crappy. I'm stuck on these forums listening to you QQ about my QQ while a small percentage gets to play.

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Well, I didn't get in, and I'd say it's a perfect launch so far. My wife got to play for three hours and had a flawless experience. The fact that many MMO players are too selfish to realize it doesn't change that.


Go play you're wife's account man get some fun in :D

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HAHAHAHA there is so many wine bags in this game.... I didnt get into early access, the servers were to full to play on this is just a wow clone lmfao for one Where is you game that you made? oooo thats right u dont have one and EARLY ACCESS is not a launch i would rather them work the bugs out now than on launch day wouldnt you or you to stupid to realize this? you will play the game before it was actually suppose to release relax ur life will be okay its just a video game not like they r keeping you kid away from you......


Video gamers not all of them but alot of them are the biggest wine bags in the world its crazy seriously shut up watch ur emails get ur early access wait for all the servers to be to you liking so u cant cry anymore and shut the **** up lmao


and props to everyone that realizes its just a game and its early access you guys actually have a brain

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