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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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A little harsh, don't ya think? F-? Lower than an F?


And all due to people not getting early access on the first day. Hey - I gotta' wait pretty long myself, having redeemed my code in December (this month! Ouch!), but it's all good. I didn't take any time off of work. Because it's a *********** game.


Albeit a game I really like, but I mean...priorities, people. Granted, I can't really take off of work because my co-workers...are very creative people. Very. So if I took off of work, I blanch to imagine the catastrophy I'd walk into the day after. So...yeah. Your mileage may vary.


My point is: It's not voting day. You're not chaperoning your kid's field trip. It's a /game/. All of this 'negative PR' is being /created/, not by Bioware, but by the butthurt fandom that's currently being circulated by what I can only imagine to be some sort of...adolescent sense of entitlement.


And that's fine. But let's get real. You can't have a failed launch with no...launch. On launch day, millions of people will be playing SWTOR and every arbitrary grade or argument that's been brought up in the past day or two will more than likely be forgotten and buried less than a month into the official launch. Sure. You can cry foul and tell me how many launches you've experienced and...hell. I've probably experienced about as many.


I'm not defending Bioware nor am I entirely happy that I have to wait because I wasn't Johnny on the Spot with the money when they first started offering the early release stuff. But let's get real. The 'PR nightmares', the creeping doom that will wash over the game, and even 50 percent of the people who say they want a refund are completely imaginary. Call up some friends and go hang out since you've got the day off anyways.





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Waiting for my early access invite sucked, but that's probably why they increased it by 3 days. I bet most people will get in tomorrow when they were originally supposed to.



They staggered invites to keep servers stable- something that's working incredibly well. Remember, you would all be much angrier if everyone got in at once then couldn't play for the first day or two due to server instability.



I haven't been able to play for the first day or two. Name me a AAA mmo released that can boast a downtime for a good majority of their player base of a day or two at launch.

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A little harsh, don't ya think? F-? Lower than an F?


And all due to people not getting early access on the first day. Hey - I gotta' wait pretty long myself, having redeemed my code in December (this month! Ouch!), but it's all good. I didn't take any time off of work. Because it's a *********** game.


Albeit a game I really like, but I mean...priorities, people. Granted, I can't really take off of work because my co-workers...are very creative people. Very. So if I took off of work, I blanch to imagine the catastrophy I'd walk into the day after. So...yeah. Your mileage may vary.


My point is: It's not voting day. You're not chaperoning your kid's field trip. It's a /game/. All of this 'negative PR' is being /created/, not by Bioware, but by the butthurt fandom that's currently being circulated by what I can only imagine to be some sort of...adolescent sense of entitlement.


And that's fine. But let's get real. You can't have a failed launch with no...launch. On launch day, millions of people will be playing SWTOR and every arbitrary grade or argument that's been brought up in the past day or two will more than likely be forgotten and buried less than a month into the official launch. Sure. You can cry foul and tell me how many launches you've experienced and...hell. I've probably experienced about as many.


I'm not defending Bioware nor am I entirely happy that I have to wait because I wasn't Johnny on the Spot with the money when they first started offering the early release stuff. But let's get real. The 'PR nightmares', the creeping doom that will wash over the game, and even 50 percent of the people who say they want a refund are completely imaginary. Call up some friends and go hang out since you've got the day off anyways.






So under your theory a space ship that is suppose to take off but forgets 1/2 the people that are suppose to isn't a fail?

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Oh em gee. You do not read at all. This thread is well past the point that you're attempting to make. We're on the subject of whether or not the release is going smoothly...and whether or not it's right or wrong for going with the rolling release based on preorder date.


There is no right or wrong with the release. Its their game they can release it any damn way they please.


The hold no obligation to you or any of us other then whats stated by them on their website. So far they have held to that and even went above and beyond by adding 2 additional days for people to play.


I'm sorry but I have read a number of your posts about early access and you are just plain ole ignorant and clearly think that your a special snowflake entitled to the sun moon and stars. Same goes for many in this thread on these forums the past couple of days.

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A little upset with them because of the pre-order mess. I ordered long ago, and the collectors edition at that, yet I didn't get my code until last week so it looks like I just ordered and wasn't one of the first for early access.


May be a blessing as I think I will wait a few months to see how things pan out, but that collectors edition won't be picked up at BB on the 20th.

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TLDR probably a solid B, maybe B+...


The gameplay is decent, better than beta (a bit smoother), though the REAL grade will come 1-2 months after official launch when their heavy support or lack thereof will show. I'm talking about further improvements, patching in some VERY important stuff that's clearly not going to be in the "launch build", communicating crips clear visions of what they'll be doing a month, 3 months, 5 months from now, and so on.


These things can't really be graded immediately, but from what's there so far it's not terrible. Not exceptional either, which may be a problem for some folks. Those looking HARD for serious reasons to leave their current MMOs may be hard pressed to find them in this game, as much of a clone as it is.


If you're a fan of sci fi or whatever it is that Star Wars delivers to its particular fan base though, there's probably enough here to get you interested. Whether or not this game will keep ANYONE past a few months remains to be seen though. A LOT more leveling and end game experience has to come into play and for what it's worth I'll say this:


From my PVP experience, it's been horrible. People are going to BLOW these forums up with rage about perceived balance issues. Just a prediction, but watch and see if I'm not right...


From my PVE experience, it's been again decent. Nothing I'd leave another game to come to this one specifically for, so they'll have to continue to improve in order to truly draw anyone who's experienced serious endgame content in other games. You know the one(s) I'm talking about.


My experience with customer support on the phone was absolutely excellent, but that's also been true of my experience with Blizzard, despite people who will decry both companies as awful in those categories, I can only attest to my own treatment which has been stellar.




Anyway TLDR.... B maybe B+

Edited by Vexas
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So under your theory a space ship that is suppose to take off but forgets 1/2 the people that are suppose to isn't a fail?


forgets half the people that are...what exactly? Ship leaves the 20th. This is preboarding; just like at an airport. It's how the real world operates.

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How many people bashing the game are just mad they didn't get in day 1!? Probably 99.9%. I give it a B+, solid game, lots of fun. Ran smoothly for me on day 1, no issues.


For those who are complaining about not getting in, pre-order earlier next time.

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Well was not impressed from the start...when bought the game they messed up on credit card seems there person didn't know what he was doing...i got a beta weekend had black screen...sent 2 tickets i like they asked got response 7 days later after beta weekend that told me they working on problem...now i got early access and i don't even have black screen now...it just opens up to big screen and shuts down...tryed call tech and they been so busy for 6 hour now...


so my grade 0/0


just wonder how hard it be to get my 80$ back

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The complaint threads posted over the past two days, while quite laughable and entertaining, are perfect examples of what "adult-babies" the people of this world are turning in to. How privileged your lives must be, to have the gall to complain about not being able to play a VIDEO GAME before someone else. Keep in mind, we're not talking about Bioware denying you access to electricity, or running water, or food for your starving baby sister.....we're talking about a piece of entertainment.


Oh, what, you won't be "server first" on server # 37/120, which would only be possible if you skipped through every single cut-scene in the game, and defeated the whole purpose of the game you're so clamoring to play? A game where LEVELING SPEED DOES NOT MATTER. Have any of you ever even played a Bioware game before? This is not Infinity Ward. To go one step further, has anyone you've ever met actually been impressed with you boasting about being server/world first in anything?


And for the other half of the complainers, did Bioware tell you to take the last two days off of work/school/family? No. Did they tell you a week ago that Early Game Access will be awarded to people in the order they registered for Early Game Access? Yes, they did.


For those of you that feel offended by what I've said, do the rest of us all a favor.........first, remove that bright blue Snuggie you've been wearing for the last week, take a shower, get out from your parents dank basement, and bask in some sunlight. It might do wonders for your skin pigmentation. Maybe, instead of being a complete drain of societal resources, you could get out and contribute something to this world. Maybe, just maybe, you might put actual life a little more in perspective.

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If everyone gets in by tomorrow I don't think it would be unfair to desire character restarts. Everyone starts off at level 1 on the same day. Unfair?


There is no reward for getting to max level first. If you play on a PvP server, you may get ganked, but that's the risk you take.


If there were achievements for getting max level first, boss first kills, whatever, sure- I could totally see it being a problem. But it's not.

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Solid B


Minus points for keeping their playerbase in the dark, or it would definitely be an A.


Really, how hard would it be to let us know what pre-order dates were already let in? I can understand them not wanting to lock themselves down by giving dates beforehand, but it seems like they are intentionally revealling as little information as possible. Also, when the early access scheme was conceived, I thought it was a good plan, but I had no idea that they would only be doing 4-5 waves and stopping so early in the day.


One of my concerns is about the supposedly limited rare schematics. It seems like the people with the best chance to get them are also the same people with the highest chance to rush to endgame, burnout and quit...


Maybe you guys can enlighten me on that one...

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I give Bioware a firm B+ today.


Communication was a little lacking today... more so than yesterday.


I would have liked to have seen more players getting in today, but I completely understand the logic behind the delay.


I give BW a solid A in all categories except communication, which pulls their overall grade down to a B+.


Maybe a little extra credit will help bring their grade back up tomorrow.

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Let me get this rolling with a solid F.


Poor peformance. People on these forums dont seem to like Bioware at the moment, that is going to hurt you on your peer eval. Lack of Effort, put in a minority of the population today then decided to go home. Really ... you have some "team" working 24/7 and they are "busy" "working" right now? Come on, show some respect to people they have brains. You dont chill for 18 hours and say you are hard at work.


I hope Bioware tries harder in the future.


I give them an A+ the game plays beautifully.

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So under your theory a space ship that is suppose to take off but forgets 1/2 the people that are suppose to isn't a fail?


Not at all. Because under my...theory, I guess(?) it's not a spaceship. It's a game. Let's play with that for a moment, though, shall we?


Let's say this spaceship has sold 'x' amount of tickets for 70-80 bucks a pop. They tell everyone that the spaceship is leaving on the 20th of December, but they're letting people on board, in an orderly fashion, on the 15th. And then they say: You know what? Let's go ahead and start boarding on the 13th.


Semantics aside (though, I'm not sure our definitions of the word theory are in synch. You may want to double-check that one. Maybe I'm having trouble with context?), your spaceship argument doesn't hold water.

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