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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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No it says we have jobs and we are watching the clock waiting to get home and play this amazing game.. You will likely still be here complaining in the forums while I am kicking back with a cold one in the Cantina.


I think ill be fine with knowing ill be a whole lot better then you SSSSSSSSSSKeeeeeeyer what? If by cold one apple juice not a big fan its ok tho.

Edited by ssluigipk
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The wording clearly said "You may get to play up to 5 days before release". So, the first key word is MAY. Implying possibility, not absolute. Second key word(s) is/are UP TO. Combine that with the MAY, then it means that if you pre-order, you have the possibility of playing the game from anywhere from 1 to 5 days before release. It's perfectly clear, but apparently a great amount of users lack reading comprehension.


Regardless, it was said by SR that it would be a staggered release, likely based on your pre-order date. So how does that make it any less hard to understand?


I think you sir lack reading comprehension. I clearly said that I could see how others would misinterpret it. Don't bash me because I am being rational.

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I've just decided that I am not going to waste my time on a troll like you. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about and you're talking bunk. Please move on. Or say something that is of actual use. The fact that some people are going to have 3 days more than others is unacceptable. Everyone should have the same amount of access.


They should just tier it like this then "Extremely early access", "Kind of early access" , " We sort of kept our word" , and "Normies".


You sound like a child. Boo hoo you didnt get as much free play time as a couple people did. You didnt have to get any enjoy what you have and stop whining about what you didnt get. I had to have this talk with my son when he was 7 but he seems to have it figured out now. Whats your excuse?

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I'm no fan of BioWare. I thought Neverwinter Nights 1 was only good because of the community modules, Mass Effect 1 was pretty good, and Mass Effect 2 was a great game. However, I thought Dragon Age was average and Dragon Age 2 was horrid. Mass Effect 3 isn't doing much to wow me from the trailers they release of it and I am suspicious as to if it's going to be any different from Dragon Age 2.


My expectations of SWTOR are low. At best I'm hoping it'll be better than Cataclysm-era WoW, but they have to botch spectacularly to be worse than what I consider to be the worst MMO I've ever seen (and I loved vanilla-wrath). I don't expect it to kill WoW and I don't expect it to be revolutionary.


From all of this, you can easily discern I am not a Bioware fanboi.


I think all of you are ******** and need to get better reading comprehension. The message has always said 'up to 5 days'. Having experienced MMO launches before, including WoW's, I think the staggered pre-release is a good idea.


You claim it's a marketing gimmick. Yeah, it is. They want to make money off of their game. Who's at fault here, the company who is doing precisely what they told you they would do, or you for not understanding the English language and falling for the trick?


Signed, a guy who didn't get his invitation today.

Edited by TrollBerzerker
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I bashed Bioware throughout all the 2010 and 2011 year, even more during the beta.

One cannot but notice however, that the pre access is done smoothly:

- many bugs fixed

- good population ratio - not too much for not stepping in my toes for quests, enough to group quickly

- graphics amelioration and quality increase overall.


For once I will say I have no complaints related to the early access. Good job Bioware.


However you won't get the best grade, since the character creation screen is so unworthy of modern MMO. It kinda ruined your first step in TOR imo.



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Bioware's Decisoins: B


Their outsourced customer service group: F-


They won't enter my call into queue, and its an issue i have to resolve on the phone...


get rid of the Fing cap and put me in queue plz.


Edit: all of you people in the phone queue demanding they let you into earlier EA, get off the damn phone so they can answer legitimate customer service calls like mine, please.

Edited by artilleryshell
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You sound like a child. Boo hoo you didnt get as much free play time as a couple people did. You didnt have to get any enjoy what you have and stop whining about what you didnt get. I had to have this talk with my son when he was 7 but he seems to have it figured out now. Whats your excuse?


Because if you're going to release a product to the masses you have to make it as fair as possible. You can't offend a huge chunk of your customers before the game even comes out. It leaves a tainted opinion in their minds. People will not forget this I assure you. And if asking for fairness is lame then I assume you think is equality is lame...they're pretty much synonyms. You can say that they're different issues but they're the same. If taking something like that serious is a crime then take me to jail.

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AA is working for me in the window and I am not forcing it, unless it has a dropdown bar that does not actually affect settings. The AA is also listed as none, low, and high rather than the normal 2x 4x etc.


I dont think you even know what AA is.. it is NOT enabled.. nor is there even an option for it at this time..



They are working on getting AA to work..

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I think you sir lack reading comprehension. I clearly said that I could see how others would misinterpret it. Don't bash me because I am being rational.


I wasn't bashing you. At all, in fact. Never once in my post did I direct my comments at you. I was referring to the people who had misinterpreted it due to their apparent lack of reading comprehension.

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You know its a bad game if the people that can actually play are on forums trolling, whats that say about the game huh doesnt keep your attentions?


I had a gallon of water and various snacks at my side and played from 7am untill 9pm yesterday. Yeah, I'd say it kept my attention. Only reason I'm not playing today is Because I decided to visit my dad tody.

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I wasn't bashing you. At all, in fact. Never once in my post did I direct my comments at you. I was referring to the people who had misinterpreted it due to their apparent lack of reading comprehension.


Well the tone I got from your post was condescending. But unfortunately not having face to face interaction takes out obvious body language and sarcasm. I apologize for jumping to conclusions.

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Wow way too many people are overreacting. This isn't launch people. This is early access.


They didn't have to let you start playing early at all, but they thought it would be a cool thing to do.


Complaining is one thing, but some of you are saying you will never come back to Bioware EVER because the first couple days of early access didn't include 2 million invites and perfect server balance/size?


That is a bit crazy, don't you think?

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I've just decided that I am not going to waste my time on a troll like you. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about and you're talking bunk. Please move on. Or say something that is of actual use. The fact that some people are going to have 3 days more than others is unacceptable. Everyone should have the same amount of access.


They should just tier it like this then "Extremely early access", "Kind of early access" , " We sort of kept our word" , and "Normies".


WRONG. First come, first serve is the basis of fairness, not "everyone at the same time!". People who have been waiting longer should be able to get access first, not someone who just pre-ordered a couple of days ago.


No company, and I mean no VIABLE company is going to go against "first come, first serve" if they don't seriously want to piss off their customer base.


As for you? No one really cares except yourself that you're not in, just pre-ordering within the last couple of weeks or so. Some of us pre-ordered back on July 21 of this year. It would not be fair if you got in at the same time as us at all. People have to stop being so selfish, if the tables were turned, they'd see why that would not be fair AT ALL.

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Because if you're going to release a product to the masses you have to make it as fair as possible. You can't offend a huge chunk of your customers before the game even comes out. It leaves a tainted opinion in their minds. People will not forget this I assure you. And if asking for fairness is lame then I assume you think is equality is lame...they're pretty much synonyms. You can say that they're different issues but they're the same. If taking something like that serious is a crime then take me to jail.


http://www.dictionary.com ... please look up the definition of fairness and equality...they are NOT the same. FAIL.

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Lets just say 24 hrs is plenty of time to get everyone in early access without crashing.


And you know this because you're an expert game developer and systems engineer, knowing the full details of Bioware's server capacities and how many people are currently in/waiting to get in? Damn, I wish I was as smart as you.

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1. Is this the first MMO ever made? I mean...did they know what to expect?

2. Dont just get me in, get everyone. People have been patient long enough.

3. Learn from other bad and slow launches. (SWG anyone?) Dont make them wait while others play. Leaves a bad taste.

4. What does MMO mean again?


My problem is that i registered my game key and it still says i haven't. So i doubt i'm getting in early at all.

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