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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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B+ Apparently people really are dissatisfied about life. This launch is going very smoothly. I'm having a blast. I predordered on day two and was in thirdwave of first day emails. Having trouble loc'ing the imperial fleet guild administrator, seeing as though my guild got hosed on guild launch by gamesto.p not giving out preorder codes. but aside from that my comp has no issue running game and its fun. populations will fill up at launch. have fun stop complaining.
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Well id say a c/d, on the grounds that theres very little communication between bioware and its soon to be paying customers. whats the harm in giving out what and who get in what wave and when. i understand that they dont want the crash/lag scenario some of us had on WoW release and others, but come on speed the invite process up a bit quicker. At this rate i will have to miss a lot of story line content just to catch up with guildies to then party/grp up for flashpoints and the like :mad:
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Wow all of you are just pissed because you didn't get in EGA on day 1 and probably pre-ordered the game yesterday, and now shout Fs because you didn't get the free access you're going to get anyway.


I'm going to say A+ because BIOWARE is the developer. I don't think they have much to do with Customer Service. They make GAMES, and from a GAME perspective, they deserve the highest grade.

Edited by dashspeed
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The only people giving any decent feedback are ones already in, I would say the game itself is a solid B+


This so called "launch" fiasco gets a solid F- and thats being nice. This is a horrible way to start a relationship with 3million or so pre-orders who you are going to expect to continue shelling out $$$ to you monthly? For what? being treated like crap, terrible customer service, total lack of communication.


B R U T A L .

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I'd say not, I have never seen another MMO launch have so much rage on the forums.


Cant even begin to say how LOL that statement is. WoW's launch was the worst in history. The game servers hardly worked the first 4 days - and it took about 2 months to fix all the lag issues. The forums were ridiculous.


AoC comes as the second worst launch of all time with the worst forums Ive ever seen.


Many others follow.

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Average launch. Could care less about that.


F for failing with their insanely huge budget by spending 2/3 of it on voice work that just makes the game pretty without adding any significant depth to a fancy WoW in space clone.

They could have spent that on decent features, or making the game not a total WoW clone while still retaining the style.


Also, what major development company that makes its own engines would use HERO engine for an MMO of this scale?


Why would you even buy the game if you felt this way?


I'm having a blast in SWTOR, IMO it's far more fun then Rift, Aion or even WOW... but to each there own.... just doesn't make sense to buy a game you dont like tho lol

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id give them an A just because they kept their word. I cant actually comment on the status of the servers, or how stable they are so I wont. but i havent seen any complaints from the people playing so that means to me servers are stable, there are low to no queues, everything is running fine.


they kept their word on how they are gonna do early access, that means more to me after playing a game for year straight where the company has consistently not been truthful with the player base and delaying things now for 6 to 8 months that they said was ready to go 8 months ago, and would be released but hasnt still been released for no reason. and they are still getting my money, so bioware kept their word ot me, im fine with it.




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For servers being stable and not crashing A


For dragging out release for so long so they could say that servers were stable and never crashed a really big F


But it doesnt really count until the 20th and people can log in whenever they want to, they still keep their F for the stupid idea of a long drawn out release but that A could drop fast when the servers get jam packed.

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I would give this launch a Solid A because it has set a new standard for game launches. I got in yesterday and had a great time on my first day in the game without ever getting disconnected or having any quests bug out on me.


The people who are crying about how this is the worst launch ever are future democrats.

Edited by Konoo
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Same as yesterday




Best launch idea ever.


Not in yet, but knowing I will not be crashing and restarting constantly is awesome.


C- for not working around the clock getting the game open.


BTW, 90% of the time crashing is your computers fault not a games. I'm not exagerating when I say my computer has almost 0 problems when I get any new game off of steam or anywhere including when I download torrent games like dead island.


Get tired of people blaming the game makers for their crappy hardware.


Learn to build your own.


Keep your drivers always 1 version back and stability should not be a issue unless you have a bunch of junk on your computer, which 90% of the public does.

Edited by Godsfear
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