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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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Before you ask, no, I'm not in yet, I even got screwed by gamestop and didn't get my code until 2 months after I pre-ordered so now I'm listed as an october pre-order... but I'm not angry, It takes a lot more then some bad luck with video games to make me angry.


Anyway, as to the reason for the grade, I think they've done an excellent job making sure their servers are stable and enjoyable for everyone who is in game, so they get a good first impression. I agree with the decision to stagger the launch even though I get sort of screwed by it, and I'm pleased with the patience/composure displayed by the moderators and CMs in the face of all the negative comments directed at them.


I knocked off points because while I agree with their launch policies, I think they could be a tiny bit more transparent with what goes on behind the scenes so its not so agonizingly painful waiting for that email... and because im really really jealous of two of my friends who are already in :(

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Early access has clearly been a disaster - it was a good idea but I guess people aren't too clued up on the reading and have seen what they wanted to see. At all stages of this process I understood what was going to happen, and it was very clear in the emails and social media posts. That's me, If you got the wrong idea, that's you. It's not a big deal, it happened. Can't be undone.


I don't blame the people who got the wrong idea, they were excited, there are conventions for giving people information. I don't know what they are but I'm sure you could do a whole degree in it.


But that's today, and tomorrow you might get in, and then you can play the video game.

20 minutes later you can write an angry post about that too.


At least we're rating the game then.

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20 years from now when the "West" falls apart - there will be some who understand why ... and the rest standing there going "duh".


I've figured this out a few years ago just observing people for 40 years. Watching these forums and the completely assinine, moronic, incipid comments and even worse - the thought processes behind them .... is proof I'm right.


So ... don't worry about your MMO's, your uber set ups, and your epeen nonsense.


The level of complete and utter stupidity that is rampant in society will make all that something of the past whilst you dig yourselves out of the next dark ages.


this post took you 20 mins, because you had to use a thesaurus and a dictionary didnt it?

Edited by Detrimental
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Before you ask, no, I'm not in yet, I even got screwed by gamestop and didn't get my code until 2 months after I pre-ordered so now I'm listed as an october pre-order... but I'm not angry, It takes a lot more then some bad luck with video games to make me angry.


Anyway, as to the reason for the grade, I think they've done an excellent job making sure their servers are stable and enjoyable for everyone who is in game, so they get a good first impression. I agree with the decision to stagger the launch even though I get sort of screwed by it, and I'm pleased with the patience/composure displayed by the moderators and CMs in the face of all the negative comments directed at them.


I knocked off points because while I agree with their launch policies, I think they could be a tiny bit more transparent with what goes on behind the scenes so its not so agonizingly painful waiting for that email... and because im really really jealous of two of my friends who are already in :(


This. One thing I definitely agree with in this is that I wish they were more forward with the community for those who didn't get in. +1 Respect good sir.

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And i am not feeling even upset, i know i pre-ordered late, but they only invited a week worth of pre-orders in one whole day. What a waste!

This + NO grace period after early acess (which would be like a day or two for most people) = Failed launch

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the launch is very smooth. It would be an A+ if they did a better job of getting rid of all you ****tards out there that cant do anything but whine and moan about how they deserve everything.


Don't worry. As more and more "****tards" get tired of EAware's ********, more and more will leave. And the servers will be smoother than ever. Well, at least until the F2P rush.


Careful what you wish for, Skippy.

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One of the smoothest "launches" I've seen for an MMO, and it isn't even the real thing yet. The game is polished, payable, servers are stable and plentiful, and the game is everything I expected it to be. I'm running max settings at 5760x1080 resolution with excellent fps. BW's communication has been top-notch and they worked things out with Amazon to get the retailer to ship early. I'm pretty damned impressed, BW.

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cleary, this so call stagger launch is not for the benefit of the servers, as most of the starter planets are empty, players that are logged on cannot find anyone to group with, and with server populations all low to medium, and worst of all, they stopped letting people getting in, in the middle of the freaking work day and call it a day.


It is like Bioware took 5 year to make this wonderful game and only to shoot themselves in the foot on purpose at the end of it.

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Don't worry. As more and more "****tards" get tired of EAware's ********, more and more will leave. And the servers will be smoother than ever. Well, at least until the F2P rush.


Careful what you wish for, Skippy.


They will never go F2P just because a few people on the forums are throwing a fit. Even with all the Hatred SWG got after the CU/NGE fiasco they still had enough subs to keep them going for what 10 years now?



*Edit*I mean after all why risk losing 100% paying customers paying 15$ a month +30-60$ for each expansion to go to F2P and have maybe 50% of people pay 10$ or more?

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And i am not feeling even upset, i know i pre-ordered late, but they only invited a week worth of pre-orders in one whole day. What a waste!


They said they had a High amount of pre-orders within that time frame.


And for all those that took the day off or expected to get in on the first day, if you were so excited about the game why didn't you try reading the early access FAQ?They have been saying for ages how they were going to release the game.


It's Christmas, spend time with our family, go to Church.

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Ok, I didn't get in because I pre-ordered late - mystery solved.


Other than that


- They expanded early access from 5 to 7 days - I can hope to get in sooner than I thought


- They talked to Amazon and they will ship pre-orders earlier than expected


- Everybody who could get in today is happy concerning lag and server stability


All positives for me .. I'm bored because I can't play yet, but that's my fault. Anything that's under Bioware control went great today.

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The server I have been playing on (Helm of Graush) has been very smooth, and it hasn't been on "Low" population. The only thing thats been a negative is the amount of complainers (Who Bioware added two more days of early access for) that are trolling the forums. The game launch is the smoothest I've ever been apart of and they've made major strides since beta.


You'll see alot more people with the same opinion once they get off the forums for a few minutes and actually play the game.

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Even though I got in in 2nd wave, i'd say D-.


Not because people didn't get in or they had to wait, it was they didn't know WHEN they where gonna get in.


It like owning a bus company that doesn't have any schedules. People don't know when the bus is coming so they sit around, waiting & waiting.. you know that bus may not come by today... its the uncertainty is why I give them a low score.


While I like the effort to keeping the servers from crashing. Waiting with an unknown outcome was a foolish move. People have RL stuff to do, make them feel like you have this organized. Even if they don't get in until the 4th day, at least they are not waiting around wondering!


Something like a chart such as:

Day 1 - July 21-30th Pre-orders

Day 2 - August & Sep Pre-orders

Day 3 - Oct & Sep Pre-orders



This would of been way better and not cause so much anxiety for my members. They could go do their RL stuff.


Just my thoughts.


*Bows with much respect*


- Kismet

Leader, Ring of Destiny


Very sensible post and one I can totally agree with. That is my biggest gripe with this whole launch, and that is the lack of information on when people are getting invited as well as the vague posts from BW. Another one is them letting people in for only 5 hours today and then calling it quits.
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A. There were no bugs at all to level 11 and the storylines are engaging and fun. The combat is extremely fluid and I find myself fighting mobs just to fight them.


Everyone complaining about the launch are probably just upset they haven't been let in yet. Grow up.

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It's like Ford. My dad bought a brand new Ford Tempo in 1989. The thing was the biggest piece of junk you'd ever seen.


I will never, ever buy a Ford because of that.


First off, I love this quote.


Secondly, I give BioWare a mother****ing F for this ****ed-up ******* staggered early access idiocy.


The Launch was great if you are one of the 10% of pre-orders that got in on Day 1. Otherwise you are just pissed off. It is the not knowing. I do not like sitting in front of my computer for days hoping I can play a game I am paying for.


I will never forget, and I will never forgive. BioWare, I haave said it once and I will say it again, you *********** suck. Too many *********** delays and *****-*** dancing around with this game. Have some *********** balls and let people play.

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1. Never told us when we'd get access. 1000's of fans took today off work and school and for what? To sit around all day hoping to get an invite that never came.


Lol.. I definitely didn't take off of work, because i FOLLOW the game's details before making a stupid decision like that. If you took off of work for an Early Access that wasn't even PROMISED, then hopefully your managers don't find out, because that's just embarrassing. Make a video game your life, and I will laugh at you.

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Very sensible post and one I can totally agree with. That is my biggest gripe with this whole launch, and that is the lack of information on when people are getting invited as well as the vague posts from BW. Another one is them letting people in for only 5 hours today and then calling it quits.


Well, they gave reasons for both your issues.


The first one being that by not setting up a fixed timetable, it would allow them to be more flexible. If servers were great, then they could add an extra wave (like the did today), if there were issues, they could delay a wave to get them fixed. Plus, the sheer amount of outrage if for some reason a day's early access got delayed when they were told there were going to get in that day would dwarf anything we're seeing today.


As for the second issue, Mr. Reid posted their reasons behind that:


Last thing. Why aren't we continuing to send waves over time? Two main reasons - one, because we need to see that the servers are maintaining stability over time; adding a lot of players in a short period (in other words, stress testing) can cause stability issues.


Two, our plan is to continue to add servers - but carefully, and in response to demand. We need to monitor that demand and roll out servers accordingly. A long-term recipe for MMO failure is to add a lot of servers early on, and then when population decreases, have to close those servers and merge them together.




Am I annoyed because I can't plan around it or have a set date/time to look forward to? Yes, but they did come up with some fairly valid reasons for their decisions in my eyes.

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