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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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1: Only a dumba** would take off work/call in sick for a video game. If they scheduled it then they are still getting paid for it more than likely. If they didn't get in then it's their fault not BW cause BW didn't say "Hey we think everyone should forgo their responsibilities and wait for an email that may or may not show up".


3: After the amount of people who cried and begged and moaned and got angry about not being first wave I would call it for the night and ignore people too.


5: Maybe they are light because kids have to go to school tomorrow so they went to bed. Or people have to go to work. This morning the servers were all standard to full population.


1... I was tempted, but I resisted.

3... I work in a customer service job. Sometimes, the customer is almost entirely wrong. And we do not want to help you.

5... The server populations were looking pretty rough this afternoon/evening. But despite that, my wait time to join when the server was busiest was about 4 seconds. Please everyone, do not get your panties in a wad over this. I do have work tomorrow...and the rest of the week. Be playing at lunch, though. Hooray for working from home! Woot!

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I took December 13th to January 9th off. Holidays and some good ole' SWTOR leveling. First vacation in 3 years. I have never taken a day off. If I'm a ******* for using my earned vacation time in a manner I see fit, then so be it.




Really? Because my guild was reporting 38 people in starting zones with 0 people in instanced shards in the same zone all morning long and has continued to be the same all day long and into the night. I remember seeing beta queues of 6 hours, but in reality, they were only 10 minute waits ... I don't trust EA/Bioware's server reporting, at all.



You still got paid for the vacation your taking so your not out anything. I'm calling people who took the day off just to wait around and whine because they somehow feel entitled to game time because they took the day off. Doesn't change the fact they don't have their priorities straight. you obviously do because your taking a vacation and your being paid for it, and if your company is like mine you had to put in for your vacation in advance. So you still took your vacation knowing that you may or may not get in on day one.


the 11-11-11 weekend betas and those after were started around thanksgiving break alot of people had off school. I remember during the 11-11-11 weekend during the day there were ques, at night no ques and when they extended the beta to 11:59pm monday during the morning and most of the afternoon there were low server pops then around 3pm central the ques came back. With Xmas break coming up(tomorrow here) I'd expect to see ques and full servers again like this morning.

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My answer is... A because i believe that it was their first time for having MMO, I know their Community services is bad but i know it will get better when after launch.

So far i think they have tried so hard and work hard. They deserves to have a rest and break, They are human for sake, Nobody can't be like Robot 24/7 and promises everybody what they want whatever, all they do their best to do it. I believe in them, every months, i promise it will getting better.

Edited by Adi_Wan
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the launch is very smooth. It would be an A+ if they did a better job of getting rid of all you ****tards out there that cant do anything but whine and moan about how they deserve everything.


Yep agree with this. game was running smooth with no lag. Plenty of other people in the game on my server when I was playing. All looks pretty good to me.

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I have been through a lot of MMO releases. So far I have to say this one is pretty bad. I could almost understand waves of access if they had kept them going and allowed everyone in within the first 24 hours. Packing it up mid day is just ridiculous. Why did they bother doing stress tests in the first place?


I think if they would have given each of us an actual early start date it may have been better. I know when I received the email telling me early start would be at 7am EST today I assumed that I would be able to login at that time. I know a few of my friends took the day off work because of that email. You can imagine how upset they were when they attempted to sign in and were giving the subscription error for the rest of the day. And stopping the waves at 1:00 was just a slap in the face to all of us who took the day off work because of their earlier email.


I dont know about all of you but I am left with a bad taste in my mouth. I am half tempted to cancel my preorder. I guess I will just hope EA/bioware can work on their CS or they wont be maintaining subs.

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I've never seen so many whiners in my whole life. I thought this was a good community. Wow, was I terribly mistaken.


Oh, you didn't get in? SO WHAT?! This Early Access is a privilege, not a right. You haven't paid for ANYTHING yet. The game you ordered comes out on December 20th, if you're not playing then - complain (which could be possible based on the whole shipping issue but that's a whole other can of worms). If this staggered stuff happened on the 20th, I'd be pretty pissed, but this is all just bonus! I actually can't believe how many people are complaining so much about this. I've lost so much faith in this community. In game today though the support was amazing and I had no problem talking to everyone and having fun on general. It was truly a great atmosphere.


So get over yourselves, stop whining. The launch went amazing. All you people who are saying, "Well yeah it went good, no one was there!" - that's the point of the staggering! So that people can play easily and without problems! Would you rather them just open the gates and let millions of players online, only for everything to crash? Then 100% of the fans would be complaining.


Everything was smooth today, gameplay is great, didn't notice any bugs that I saw in beta.. The game looks and feels great and in gameplay I didn't mean one person who didn't agree. And I can't wait to get going again tomorrow. For the rest of you - relax. You'll get in. Just enjoy the ride, at the end of the day it's just a video game.




Only because I fear that everyone's ridiculous amount of complaining will for some strange reason give this game a bad reputation for the rest of its life. If it does, I hope all of you which are complaining because you "love it so much" and are "such a big fan" remember that it was because of YOU that the game you worship is known for such a stupid issue at launch.


Good day.

Edited by RaynnMothman
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Yep agree with this. game was running smooth with no lag. Plenty of other people in the game on my server when I was playing. All looks pretty good to me.




I'm sooooo glad Your enjoying a "lag free experience", but it's not looking pretty good to the people who couldn't get into the game because of the overcautious staggering that went on today. I personally am mostly angry at the fact that they only did 5 waves, ending at 2:30 when there is plenty of room in the game for more people. They knew how many people were following and planning to play their game for years now, they should have been prepared.

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I've never seen so many whiners in my whole life. I thought this was a good community. Wow, was I terribly mistaken.


Oh, you didn't get in? SO WHAT?! This Early Access is a privilege, not a right. You haven't paid for ANYTHING yet. The game you ordered comes out on December 20th, if you're not playing then - complain (which could be possible based on the whole shipping issue but that's a whole other can of worms). If this staggered stuff happened on the 20th, I'd be pretty pissed, but this is all just bonus! I actually can't believe how many people are complaining so much about this. I've lost so much faith in this community. In game today though the support was amazing and I had no problem talking to everyone and having fun on general. It was truly a great atmosphere.


So get over yourselves, stop whining. The launch went amazing. All you people who are saying, "Well yeah it went good, no one was there!" - that's the point of the staggering! So that people can play easily and without problems! Would you rather them just open the gates and let millions of players online, only for everything to crash? Then 100% of the fans would be complaining.


Everything was smooth today, gameplay is great, didn't notice any bugs that I saw in beta.. The game looks and feels great and in gameplay I didn't mean one person who didn't agree. And I can't wait to get going again tomorrow. For the rest of you - relax. You'll get in. Just enjoy the ride, at the end of the day it's just a video game.




Only because I fear that everyone's ridiculous amount of complaining will for some strange reason give this game a bad reputation for the rest of its life. If it does, I hope all of you which are complaining because you "love it so much" and are "such a big fan" remember that it was because of YOU that the game you worship is known for such a stupid issue at launch.


Good day. And shut the hell up.


Flagged. Enjoy your infraction.

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OMG someone that feels exactly the same and did get in. Really appreciate that you pointed to the heart of the matter. Thanks for great and truthfull response.


Thank you Talanatos,


I care about my team & asked them to stop playing their other games and come to SWTOR and feel this could of been better. I listened to their frustration on vent at not knowing. Some of them pre-ordered the first few days, yet no invite.


Even my email came through an hour after I actually was able to get in, because I would just try my launcher every so often while chatting with members.


Im sure a ton of people felt this way, getting in only to find that other members/friends/spouses could not. :/


*bows with much respect*


- Kismet

Leader, Ring of Destiny


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1. Two of the initial 36 servers go down immediately on launch. Yes, if you were up this morning at 7AM, 2 of the servers were already listed as unavailable due to technical problems.


Two Servers had issues for 20 minutes?!?! Screw it, I'm posting on the forums about this ridiculousness!!!


2. AA was still not enabled for Nvidia cards. This is kind of a basic thing. Not sure how they screwed it up. I think you can manually fix it if you edit some .ini files, but seriously, your customers should not have to manually edit .ini files to enable basic features.


Wait a second...a game developed so users with machines up to 5 years old doesn't have the option to enable more Eye Candy yet?!?! BEFORE official launch...even BEFORE early access was SUPPOSED to start!?!?! OH DAMN!!! Better cancel my pre-order...


3. Managed to piss off a huge percentage of the player base with the most ill-conceived launch plan in the history of MMO's. What a way to set a first impression. I don't care if you think the plan was good or bad, anything that upsets this many customers is a bad business decision.


4. There was a exp exploit that was so basic you almost could not avoid it, causing Day 1 people to level faster than they should and get gear with no effort. How on earth did something this major get by QC?


Let me get this straight...there's a bug in a game prior to official launch?! **** THIS IS UNPRECEDENTED! Better cancel my pre-order!!!!


5. Complete lack of information. It's bad enough that you have customers that paid in full for preorders over 5 months ago that still didn't manage to make it into launch day, but there was zero communication ahead of time and absolutely nothing was done to manage customer expectations. People still don't know when they are going to get to play. This is beyond incompetent from a marketing and PR perspective.


Lack of information? You're ignorant or stupid.


AGAIN....they've been 100% FORTHCOMING with how early access was going to work based on pre-order dates


THIS IS NOT LAUNCH DAY...this is early access...that you obviously don't have.


Nothing was done to manage customer expectations? You means the FALSE expectations based on COMPLAINTS from people who DIDN'T pre-order the game when they could have?


Bioware has managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


You're an ignorant oaf with nothing else to do but complain (because you didn't pre-order.


Bioware has done it's job perfectly. They've done EXACTLY WHAT THEY SAID THEY WERE GOING TO when they announced pre-orders and early access. Link me to a post, new article, or anything saying you'll have access on early release day 1. Do it...I'll wait...


Again....go back to WoW. We don't need negativity in this community.


Damnit...good luck reading this mess....

Edited by SuprLikNintendo
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I've never seen so many whiners in my whole life. I thought this was a good community. Wow, was I terribly mistaken.


Oh, you didn't get in? SO WHAT?! This Early Access is a privilege, not a right. You haven't paid for ANYTHING yet. The game you ordered comes out on December 20th, if you're not playing then - complain (which could be possible based on the whole shipping issue but that's a whole other can of worms). If this staggered stuff happened on the 20th, I'd be pretty pissed, but this is all just bonus! I actually can't believe how many people are complaining so much about this. I've lost so much faith in this community. In game today though the support was amazing and I had no problem talking to everyone and having fun on general. It was truly a great atmosphere.


So get over yourselves, stop whining. The launch went amazing. All you people who are saying, "Well yeah it went good, no one was there!" - that's the point of the staggering! So that people can play easily and without problems! Would you rather them just open the gates and let millions of players online, only for everything to crash? Then 100% of the fans would be complaining.


Everything was smooth today, gameplay is great, didn't notice any bugs that I saw in beta.. The game looks and feels great and in gameplay I didn't mean one person who didn't agree. And I can't wait to get going again tomorrow. For the rest of you - relax. You'll get in. Just enjoy the ride, at the end of the day it's just a video game.




Only because I fear that everyone's ridiculous amount of complaining will for some strange reason give this game a bad reputation for the rest of its life. If it does, I hope all of you which are complaining because you "love it so much" and are "such a big fan" remember that it was because of YOU that the game you worship is known for such a stupid issue at launch.


Good day. And shut the hell up.


Um, except there was an extra fee to pre-order. At least on Origin. So, yeah...there was a payment for pre-order.


As I've said elsewhere, if you advertise a early access, regardless of how your lawyers tell you to word it, from a PR standpoint...have the infrastructure to handle the early access. God knows theyre going to have a playerbase to maintain the existence of that infrastructure. Either that, or don't offer early access.


That being said, I don't mind the staggering. I get the reason behind it. My point is that they should have done more waves and had it be a continuous cycle. Really, how hard is that to set up and do.

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20 years from now when the "West" falls apart - there will be some who understand why ... and the rest standing there going "duh".


I've figured this out a few years ago just observing people for 40 years. Watching these forums and the completely assinine, moronic, incipid comments and even worse - the thought processes behind them .... is proof I'm right.


So ... don't worry about your MMO's, your uber set ups, and your epeen nonsense.


The level of complete and utter stupidity that is rampant in society will make all that something of the past whilst you dig yourselves out of the next dark ages.

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The only problem with this thread is that all the people who could give an honest grade are busy playing.


How is it an honest grade if they are in the early access? They are going to be exstatic that they got in so they of course would give it an A no matter what.


For me I give it a C. They stopped sending invites way too early in the day. The servers can handle a lot more people than they have with most streams showing people basically playing not an MMO but a single player game at this point. Major exploit already found in the game and for a major point it is BW's own fault for not having invited enough people to make the warzone's playable. The stress test they did they had put everyone they could possibly invite in a matter of two days. Instead today they put in only a fraction of what they can do. I did not really see any server stability issues when we were flooded durring the stress test. Lies told by the company about the grace period or lack there of at this point. Still do not understand the need to cut off the early access at 10pm EST night of the 19th. Why cut it off early? If I get the copy of SWTOR and get my game code in just after midnight there is no news as to if the servers will even be up.


The only reason they have not failed in my book is that I have not read about any game breaking issues and they have not had a bunch of server malfunctions. But it is hardly a suprise when they are running well below what they can handle and using the "we want to make sure we maintain stable servers" excuse.

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no lag from the server, zones are not overpopulated, a lot of the glitches fro beta look to have been corrected, game looks and feels fantastic, people are finishing starter planets for the next wave to come rolling through tomorrow which will help spread people out a bit

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Um, except there was an extra fee to pre-order. At least on Origin. So, yeah...there was a payment for pre-order.


As I've said elsewhere, if you advertise a early access, regardless of how your lawyers tell you to word it, from a PR standpoint...have the infrastructure to handle the early access. God knows theyre going to have a playerbase to maintain the existence of that infrastructure. Either that, or don't offer early access.


That being said, I don't mind the staggering. I get the reason behind it. My point is that they should have done more waves and had it be a continuous cycle. Really, how hard is that to set up and do.


I did not get charged a payment for my pre-order, so I'm sorry about that. However, just because you didn't get in today doesn't mean you won't get in and your fee will be for nothing. You WILL get in. And when you pre-ordered you were never promised 7 days of early access. You were promised that you "MAY be able to play up to 5 days early.

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Yessir. Because I make a decent point which is well thought out and eloquent with hints of frustration, which I could have done without. "There is no emotion..."


I meant the guy that thought it was cool to be like, "I reported you! YEAH!". Not you.

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