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Another Insult to the EU


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Well for one they don't have any servers for the Oceanic continents so it's hard to do a maintenance for them.

If you ask me they could have made separated servers in the US and just have a maintenance there but well it blows.


Anyway we got this topic for that http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=115819.

Covers most of it.


Just to quote some one that pretty much nails it about people being against it.


I just for the love of god CANNOT wrap my mind around people protesting AGAINST improving EU maintenance times.



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That's the gist of it.


Truly, there is always someone out there who'll be affected by server maintenance, people working shifts or with unusual schedules, Americans playing on EU servers because most of their friends are there, and so on.


Bioware made a choice to do all server and site maintenance at the same time. Respect that choice or take your business elsewhere. It is as simple as that.


You'd rather force a company to change its policy and make its European server engineers throw the schedules of their lives around in order to fulfil your selfish needs rather than just sucking it up and, I dunno, playing something else or doing something productive in the meantime. Unless Tuesday morning and afternoon is truly, honestly, the only time of the week that you can play TOR then yes, that to me reeks of self-entitlement.


By your argument the American server engineers must be suffering. Its not impossible to realise that Europe exists you know other companies have managed it.

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Ok, lets count some numbers:


They cut 8 hours of prime time in EU zone, leaving another, lets say 8 hours' of playing, rest is for sleeping. So lets count 8 hours as one unit of playing, just for count.

So, 30 days give you 60 units of playing, and they take away 4 of them (four maintenance days).

EU players pays 16(?) € for a 30 days of playing, so one unit of playing costs 26 eurocents, multiple it by 4 downtimes, so it;s over an 1 €. Multiple it by royghly a half of all subscribers - I don't know - EU Zone provide probably over a half a million accounts.


Will you PayPall manage this sum PanzerTroll? Will it?


Doesn't change the fact that people are complaining over pocket change.


And I decided to edit this post because I've received 2 warnings in this thread for statements that weren't directed at any person or individual, but a generic observation or description.


The mods on here are bs.


I'm curious if they people who have been overly attacking back received the same warnings. Probably not. /yawn.


If I thought this game was Sesame Street in space I wouldn't have subbed up.

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Doesn't change the fact that people are complaining over pocket change.


It doesn't change the fact that apart from our friend counting Euros, nobody has mentioned money. If you aren't going to listen to the argument, do add to it.


It's just a shame that as well as those of us trying to make a lucid point, we have as many people here who have not, or cannot digest the simplest of concepts.

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Doesn't change the fact that people are complaining over pocket change.


Not all those subs are classless whiners without vision or lacking in the department of critical thinking...so I may be able to swing the 2 dozen or so complainers who would want a hand out.


But all these subs lost their payed play time, because of Bio/EA CS without vision or lacking in the department of critical thinking. I don't think so it is 2 dozens, reading foums proves different.


Are you US time? If yes - it don't bother you, go under your rock.

If no, are you an emplyee of Bio/EA? If no - i's your choice to give away your money -it seems don't bother you - go under your rock.

If yes - go under your rock Bio/EA drone.

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I understand.


And yes, someone did bring up compensation for lost play time. Regardless of what that compensation is, giving people a refund by any means for bringing the servers own for updates is ridiculous and I was merely bringing to light how MUCH that lost time costs people to draw their attention to how insignificant it really is.


Again. Deal with it.


Almost everyone else does.


It also sucks when you're city is doing road work during the day and it happens to impede people.


"I pay taxes damnit! Why are these roads being worked on while I'm driving on them!"

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Unlike some people I don't have the time in the day to read 19 pages of complaining about the server maintenance times, so feel free to provide me with the nutshell of what productive ideas have come out of this.


If you can't be bothered to read the forum, why post in a thread from a position of ignorance?

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I understand.


And yes, someone did bring up compensation for lost play time. Regardless of what that compensation is, giving people a refund by any means for bringing the servers own for updates is ridiculous and I was merely bringing to light how MUCH that lost time costs people to draw their attention to how insignificant it really is.


Again. Deal with it.


Almost everyone else does.


Again. Read the thread. No one's asking for compensation, just for different, connected to the timezone, down times.


Reading with understanding have a future.


It also sucks when you're city is doing road work during the day and it happens to impede people.


"I pay taxes damnit! Why are these roads being worked on while I'm driving on them!"


Of course it sucks if work can be done with success at night time, like most of road works (possible to be done in night) in Germany for example.


I sense US ignoracne around...

Edited by Wolfsimon
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... four years, maybe five after WoW came out, weekly maintenance REGULARLY would take that long- and that doesn't include the inevitable patch to fix the patch screw up that happened every other week.


You're looking at two weeks from launch patch right now- of course the patch is going to take a decent amount of time.


stop talking out of your backside. that was a punctual problem after one of the expansion packs.


right now, even after new content patches, maintenance takes arouns 30-60 minutes. maybe a couple of hours mroe if something went reeeeal wrong.


and i can assure you if there was anything similar to the swtor guild/party chat bug, blizzard would have fixed it in less than 1 day... and i can't talk in my own damn guild for 3 days now and people have been reporting this for weeks. it's outrageous in a MMO

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Doesn't change the fact that people are complaining over pocket change.

people is not complaining over pocket change. many aren't even complaining about not being able to play.


we're complaining about the FACT they are treating us like **** second grade customers


we pay 30 days but can only really play 26, while US customers can play 30 out of 30


it's called principles!


what would you do if you find out your neighbor has more cable TV channels for the same price, just because the cable TV guy could not be arsed to talk to you same way he talked to your neighbor?

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EU people get over yourself. THis game and the world does not revolve around you. The game is based in the U.S. therefor the time are based around U.S. times and our players prime times. You want different time make one in the EU and maintain it yourself.



I played WoW for 6 years and being on the east coast my server down times for maint sucked for 6 years the servers were down for my and every other east coast players prime playing time. When servers come up at 5pm pst that 8pm est good luck playing that day.



Get over it or quit. They wont change this. And in a way look at it as an oppertunity to do something with your life the one day for 8 hrs you cant play Star wars.

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EU people get over yourself. THis game and the world does not revolve around you. The game is based in the U.S. therefor the time are based around U.S. times and our players prime times. You want different time make one in the EU and maintain it yourself.



I played WoW for 6 years and being on the east coast my server down times for maint sucked for 6 years the servers were down for my and every other east coast players prime playing time. When servers come up at 5pm pst that 8pm est good luck playing that day.



Get over it or quit. They wont change this. And in a way look at it as an oppertunity to do something with your life the one day for 8 hrs you cant play Star wars.



You're right it seems to revolve around you...


If they have EU Servers, they Should have EU Maintenance...


Go back to The Abyss please.

Edited by Alohen
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EU people get over yourself. THis game and the world does not revolve around you. The game is based in the U.S.

funny, coz the EU servers are in ireland afaik. now go troll elsewhere, smartyboy

Edited by zandadoum
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Unlike some people I don't have the time in the day to read 19 pages of complaining about the server maintenance times, so feel free to provide me with the nutshell of what productive ideas have come out of this.


I’ll nutshell it for you. People are complaining about what they consider to be a poor level of customer service, both in its own right and when compared to the level delivered to the NA users.


Some other people for some reason seem to get annoyed by this. Annoyed to the point where they deliberately opened the clearly titled thread in order to (in most cases rudely) disagree. I am baffled as to how these people consider it immature to expect good customer service but think it’s perfectly mature to open and reply to a thread with the single intent of calling other people names.


To me it’s simple, the thread is clearly labelled. If you don’t have a valid point to make don’t open it.

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gotta love the ignorance and small-mindedness of the majority of US people posting in this thread. I'd LOVE to see your reaction were the sitation the other way around (i.e. maintenance during night time in Europe and until 5PM in the US).


I understand server maintenance is important, but doing it at the same time for US and EU servers and have the nerve to tell us that they're doing it druing the off peak hours... I've played many MMOs and never was the maintenance time so ridiculous.


I have a job, I go to school, but maintenance time until 5pm (in summer it'll be even worse because of the summer time we have here, so the maintenance here will actually end at 6PM!) is just unacceptable. It affects me a lot, just as it affects most of the EU folk. And yes, I can find other things to do, but that doesn't mean that I, as a paying costumer, don't have the right to be angry and to demand that things change fast.

Edited by MartyCZE
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Because it suits them better.


Also, nobody cares, maintenances are always a pain, get used to it.


Tip of the day : Get a job, you won't even notice the game is down during the day.


Tip of the day: Buy a brain. Some people study or work at afternoons. Some people live in a country with 20%+ of unemployed population.

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EU people get over yourself. THis game and the world does not revolve around you. The game is based in the U.S. therefor the time are based around U.S. times and our players prime times. You want different time make one in the EU and maintain it yourself.



I played WoW for 6 years and being on the east coast my server down times for maint sucked for 6 years the servers were down for my and every other east coast players prime playing time. When servers come up at 5pm pst that 8pm est good luck playing that day.



Get over it or quit. They wont change this. And in a way look at it as an oppertunity to do something with your life the one day for 8 hrs you cant play Star wars.


Ok, just for you, I will quote myself from a different topic:


"I just for the love of god CANNOT wrap my mind around people protesting AGAINST improving EU maintenance times.



I sincerely wonder what your response would have been had the maintenance times been switched around. Oh I'm sorry, you were going to side with the europeans and tell your American friends to get a life and suck it up? :rolleyes:

Edited by Tokosteef
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As an EU player with a fulltime job that often means shifts starting at 6am and ending at 1pm, the current EU maintenance times are to say the least annoying.


Ok so the EU isn't as bad off as the Oceanic Region players, but still if Bioware are going to list region specific servers, they could atleast set the maintenance time for those servers to be off time for that region.

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EU people get over yourself. THis game and the world does not revolve around you. The game is based in the U.S. therefor the time are based around U.S. times and our players prime times. You want different time make one in the EU and maintain it yourself.



Can I ask you a direct question? Why did you open this clearly label thread then go on to post that reply?


Furthermore are you aware that the EU servers are based in the EU and that SWTOR is commercially available in the EU? No one has imported the game and we aren’t attempting to play on US servers.

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You should all be ashamed, whining over loosing a couple of hours one day a week? Get over yourself! Im not insulted, though I m insulted by the fact that i am in the same union with alot of these players and I never had a say in the matter :mad: This is why mature EU player generally choose American servers because Eu players are generally *****.
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It's because they don't have a ground team where the EU servers are located, maint is done remotely for all servers from the same place.


Yes, extra downtime into the afternoon sucks but at least this way we get the exact same treatment as the US servers do with regards to patches etc. In "other games" with separate EU maint you always have to wait an extra day or more to get the patches and updates the US servers got.

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It's because they don't have a ground team where the EU servers are located, maint is done remotely for all servers from the same place.


Yes, extra downtime into the afternoon sucks but at least this way we get the exact same treatment as the US servers do with regards to patches etc. In "other games" with separate EU maint you always have to wait an extra day or more to get the patches and updates the US servers got.


They do have a ground team for Europe.... all the servers for the EU as well as EU maintenance staff are based in Ireland....

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