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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The reasons this game is doing so well and better than expected.


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Just one more week, then the first bunch of whiners who TRUELLY aren't paying for a subscription (and neither is their mommy) will see their 30 day trial expire and be *gone*. Two weeks, and we'll mostly have the more normal complaints of people who at least can put some of their grievances into perspective, which is: "Overall this game IS fantastic"!


Yes, there certainly are some things that could use some attention, but half the complaints are complaints from people who'd join a football team just to whine that it's not a hockey team.


Really, if someone wants to play WoW In Space, I'd advice that person to get the TBC expansion for WoW, or tell Actiblizzion to make a Starcraft MMO or something like that. A KotOR MMORPG wouldn't be the place for them to be, unless they actually are interrested in a game with a very prominent RPG component.


Bioware promised us KotOR 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, and I must say: Bioware DID deliver KotOR 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9 ,10 and 11. May KotOR 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and many more follow!


AsheraII, At best, you might be able to call this KotOR 3-10. There are only 8 stories. While I'm really happy for you and your fantastic impression of the game, I think it's unfair to call all of us who won't be here in six days unreasonable complainers.


But, I suppose in six days it won't matter. You'll all see that while the more extreme of the complaining vanishes, a large amount of complaining will remain, because so long as there is a place to gripe about TOR, people will gripe about TOR.


Most of the people enjoying this game aren't on the forums. They're playing. Because you really only ever visit these to complain, or organize. And BioWare had adamantly decided against helping you organize anything on their forums.

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I could have sworn Bioware stated that 500,000 subscribers was what they were aiming for.


I can tell you exactly what they said, verbatim.


"1 million subscribers works well for us, is significantly profitable. 500,000 subscribers is profitable, though not necessarily something we'd write home about."


And they aren't talking about 1 million or 500K subscribers for 1 month. They're talking about over an extended period of time. Their own estimates are the 1 million subscribers for a full year yields $161.9 million in gross revenues and $35 million profit. That's for a full year.

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Well according to Bioware it is doing better then expected. They stated that they are seeing more people willing to keep subscribing after the first month then what they had expected.


Believe numbers. Nothing else matters. A developer is NEVER going to say, "we are not doing as well as we'd hoped" until there's simply no denying it any more, and then they still might not say it.

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And oh! Alas, imagine SWTOR in a year! All the bugs might be fixed, !


WoW has been ouot for almost 8 years and its as buggy as ever. So because a game has bugs it can't succeed? WoW's 10 million subscribers would argue with you. However, we are not here to talk about that pile of poo are we? This is SWTOR!


And SWTOR is pure win my friend.

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WoW has been ouot for almost 8 years and its as buggy as ever. So because a game has bugs it can't succeed? WoW's 10 million subscribers would argue with you. However, we are not here to talk about that pile of poo are we? This is SWTOR!


And SWTOR is pure win my friend.




Of course this game can succeed with finding new bugs in everything you do!


It's like a treasure hunt and not game breaking at all!


I mean, it's not like all three of my friends quit this game and my guild of 200+ people do nothing but complain about the bugs/broken issues!


I am agreeing with you. I like getting killed in a small raid because of stupid overlooked things like a giant rancor overlooking you and killing you before you have a chance to load.


Pure win, more like pure best game in the galaxy! HIGH FIVE!

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EA's stock price doesnt hang on one game, but you knew that, ofcourse or are you still being blissful?


It hangs very heavily on TOR, and the way you know that's true is that TOR gets specifically asked about in every investor call. TOR is a huge investment, and represents a potential steady revenue stream, which is something other games don't offer. Other games are an expense until they release, then they very sharply move the line upward for a month or two, then they drop way off and bring in a trickle of revenue as more boxes sell.


MMO's don't. They offer the sharp rise and, if done correctly, also offer a steady flow of revenue. The problem is that they're also very expensive to maintain (they also create a steady expense stream) so there is risk there, especially after investing $150 million in the game's creation in the first place.


Investors are expecting TOR to have no less than 500K members and are hoping for 1 million, and that's over the long haul, where the tens of millions in net profits will significantly effect EA's year-end bottom line.


And if you don't think $35 million will significantly impact EA's year-end net profit, check out what their net profit has been in the last few fiscal years.

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lol OP.


'fluid combat'





to be honest, and I am confused about this, but I have never seen the ability delay. I know Bioware admitted they know it is an issue, but personally I have never seen the ability delay. Is the ability delay only happening to non force users? Cause those are the classes that I have been playing, and never seen an ability delay on any of the 4. Haven't played the other non force classes though.

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lol OP.


'fluid combat'





Extremely fluid on my computer and on my wifes computer. I, like the majority, have never experienced the ability delay problem. I do believe the issue exists for a few of you, andI do hope Bioware is able to make your game experience as good as mine.


Or, you could pay a person like me to optomize your computer for gaming.

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to be honest, and I am confused about this, but I have never seen the ability delay. I know Bioware admitted they know it is an issue, but personally I have never seen the ability delay. Is the ability delay only happening to non force users? Cause those are the classes that I have been playing, and never seen an ability delay on any of the 4. Haven't played the other non force classes though.


I'm playing a sith juggernaut and the buggy animation-hickups and delays are game-breaking for me.

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I'm playing a sith juggernaut and the buggy animation-hickups and delays are game-breaking for me.


I do believe you, I do. But can you be more specific of what you are seeing. I play a tanking juggernaut as well, and I have never seen any delay or animation hick ups. I just want to see if it is happening, but I am somehow not noticing it.

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I love my Jedi Sentinel, and I agree with just about every point but for saber combat. It's great (love it), but there are some combat delay issues that do make me want to scream at times. Otherwise, it's been a blast & I'm sure that they'll sort out the problems. At least three of my WoW guildies are playing it too (one just started, as for the other two, they really enjoy it and have been playing about as obsessively as I do).
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I don't think anyone actually knows what you mean by ability delay when they say they aren't experiencing it.


Because it isn't something based on computer, graphics or anything like that, it equally effects everyone because its based on the game engine itself.

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I do believe you, I do. But can you be more specific of what you are seeing. I play a tanking juggernaut as well, and I have never seen any delay or animation hick ups. I just want to see if it is happening, but I am somehow not noticing it.


hit ravage, play out animation use GC yet do no damage. happens all the time on my jug/guardian it is something that should have been fixed in beta, but sadly they wanted to get the game out for xmas

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I don't think anyone actually knows what you mean by ability delay when they say they aren't experiencing it.


Because it isn't something based on computer, graphics or anything like that, it equally effects everyone because its based on the game engine itself.


All I know is, when I press the skill on my skill bar, it does what I wanted right away, and the animations always looked good for it. So yeah, I don't understand the ability delay, cause I don't experience it. /shrug.

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Hard to tell someone that it is unplayable when they have been playing it for nearly a month :rolleyes:


the horrid fps thread would like a word with you, the game is hardly playable for a ton of people, you know whats important to an MMO? having a lot of players you might be running the game great but if this problem is not fixed befor the free month is up Bioware is going to lose a large amount of money and that will effect dev team size/expansions for the game/CSR's and so forth. it will be the next WAR if it doesnt change course.

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All I know is, when I press the skill on my skill bar, it does what I wanted right away, and the animations always looked good for it. So yeah, I don't understand the ability delay, cause I don't experience it. /shrug.


This isn't a matter of opinion

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Gotta go with the OP. First MMO where I've hit 50 and immediately rerolled, the leveling experience is just that much fun. Once you get out of that tired gear grind mindset it's really refreshing and SWTOR is the first MMO that I've played that's really made that a viable approach.




Grandmas don't notice, serious gamers do.


LOL.. "serious gamers". That's a joke right?


If you removed every Star Wars reference from this game and replaced it with some other franchise nobody would play this garbage. People aren't here cuz the game is so innovative and inspired... they're here cuz the Star Wars name is attached...


So you've identified why you're here, is it enough for you to stay? Also why do you assume that's the case for everyone else? Just curious.

Edited by alkanterah
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the horrid fps thread would like a word with you, the game is hardly playable for a ton of people, you know whats important to an MMO? having a lot of players you might be running the game great but if this problem is not fixed befor the free month is up Bioware is going to lose a large amount of money and that will effect dev team size/expansions for the game/CSR's and so forth. it will be the next WAR if it doesnt change course.


Truth of the matter though is you have no idea how wide spread it is, and what is causing the bad performance. One would think that if it was the engine, that it would be effecting everyone, but it isn't. The problem happens across from low end machines all the way up to high end machines. People with low end machines all the way up to the high end machines are not seeing the bad performance. This means it could be the persons computer that is causing the issue. Or it could be that a specific combination of hardware and Software can cause an issue with the engine, which is something they can fix once they can pin point that problem.

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This isn't a matter of opinion


No its matter of you having a good PC or not...

Its simple as that. if you have a rig that handles swtor very good you wont be seeing any delay on combat. Unfortanely manny ppl have this delay due to their rigs not being good enough, to process fast paced combat, or simply the game isnt fully optimized for their systems.

take your pick.

and see the post above he just spot right on.

Edited by Spartanik
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If you removed every Star Wars reference from this game and replaced it with some other franchise nobody would play this garbage. People aren't here cuz the game is so innovative and inspired... they're here cuz the Star Wars name is attached...


I would still play it if it wasn't Star Wars. You seem to think that everybody is having the same problems as you. Fact is we are not. Everything about this game I love, and it is the epic storyline with the voice overs that brought me to this game, which means if it was something else other then Star Wars I would still want to play it.

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