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Too many Elite mobs ingame..


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I was trying to go get a datacron on my Smuggler, the datacron had a gold elite with 2 smalls next to it and a mob in front of that, I downed the mob in front it then got the 2 smalls was fighting the gold and the mob spawned behind me and killed me..........yeah that was so fun I gave up on the datacron.


Oh boo hoo. A tiny challenge and I back up. Good luck in real life.

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Just want to say: Some classes don't have CC. I as a Jedi knight at level 20 still have none, so it's a race against enemy health fighting an elite + strong, or 2 strongs, etc.


You Guardian or Sentinel?


I had zero problems on my Guardian once Kira got some good gear...


In fact all I needed to do to "Push the I Win Button" was keep Kira alive and whailing on them with her Double-Bladed Whiffle Bat and mobs died. Fast.

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Too many Silver Elites in general grinding/questing areas, imo.


And do we really need almost every single quest to end with a Gold Elite(usually with multiple mobs around him)?


Wow, never have any issues with the Strongs in the areas I quest. I love finding Elites so that I can take them out and get the extra XP they give. I have never had an issue with Strongs or Elites in any given area. I am playing 4 different characters with a minimum level of 20 and current high level of 47.


If you are having issues with the MOBs in any given area I think you should update your equipment. I know it can be expensive. Especially, if you are crafting as well. You will be more than happy if your gear is within 3 or 4 levels from your current level at the most.

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I agree with OP. Too many silver mobs.


I don't think they are too hard, but it takes the excitement out of fighting strong mobs if every other one is strong. They should have harder regular mobs instead of spamming all areas with elites. Use them sparingly and save them for the good parts. Oh well

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You Guardian or Sentinel?


I had zero problems on my Guardian once Kira got some good gear...


In fact all I needed to do to "Push the I Win Button" was keep Kira alive and whailing on them with her Double-Bladed Whiffle Bat and mobs died. Fast.


Guardian - and I don't have problems with most mobs, but 2 strongs is overkill since I can't CC one of them.

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Guardian - and I don't have problems with most mobs, but 2 strongs is overkill since I can't CC one of them.


Hmmm can't really remember having trouble but then like I've send in my earlier posts I've tended to be overleveled on all my chars.


The three Golden rules of "How to stop getting your A*s handed to you with Side Salad" are:


1. Make your gear as optimal as is financially possible! Even if you can't afford to make/buy mods that are your level, at least try to keep you gear level "mostly" within reasonable distance from your level.


2. Gear your companion! This will mean the difference between defeat and an easy victory.


3. Overlevel the content. Space mission dailies while repetitive give you a massive boost to Exp and Credits at earlier levels. Also PvP dailies and Flashpoint Dailies can both help alot (Plus you can build up Warzone Commendations for the sexiness that is the Level 40 PvP Gear) in your levels.


Follow these three rules and you will enjoy the slight challenge Elites pose (If any at all!) and "Strong" Enemies will fall in droves...


Agreed, needs to be nerfed severely or removed entirely.


L2P... Really...


But if your trolling +1

Edited by CptBrit
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I do think there are a bit too many mobs just AROUND. When you don't have stealth on your character it just starts to get very repetitive and boring and you just want to end up killing yourself instead of killing them all; then once you get to the end, YOU'VE GOT TO RUN ALL THE WAY BACK THROUGH THE RESPAWNS.

And the respawn rate on these trash mob/groups is so bloody fast.



I love playing my Scoundrel only because she can just bloody stealth all the way to the mob I need and then I could stealth back or Quick Travel out.



Playing Jedi Knight without Doc (IE during Chapter 1) is so bloody annoying with all these damn mobs.

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I do think there are a bit too many mobs just AROUND. When you don't have stealth on your character it just starts to get very repetitive and boring and you just want to end up killing yourself instead of killing them all; then once you get to the end, YOU'VE GOT TO RUN ALL THE WAY BACK THROUGH THE RESPAWNS.

And the respawn rate on these trash mob/groups is so bloody fast.



I love playing my Scoundrel only because she can just bloody stealth all the way to the mob I need and then I could stealth back or Quick Travel out.



Playing Jedi Knight without Doc (IE during Chapter 1) is so bloody annoying with all these damn mobs.



most of the time I just run through the masses to get through the respawns, in fact, I seldom kill mobs when it doesnt give me any reward (like bonus quests, or them staying dead...)


its one of the MMORPG mechanics I always hated...


I like elite fights though.

atleast something challenging and rewardfull




and I have a question regarding the mob aggro.

could it be that haveing heavier armor means gaining more aggro from the mobs?

(afaik in other mmorpg it is like this)


I feel like when running near mobs I get a lot more often attacked as my Jedi Guardian than with my Sith Sorcerer

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This is one of the features that I love in SWToR - that questing can be a challenge.


I would plead to Bioware NOT to tone down the number of silver and golden elites - or the number of HC-2/HC-4's. One does not need to do them all but they create a nice atmosphere and sometimes challenge while playing.


And I have played one of those classes that people find hard in this regard - a Sentinel - and I must say that I am baffled by some descriptions. I even soloed quite a few HC-2s along the way. All that is required is thought and some planning.

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Many people say to CC the strong mob. But some classes dont have CC. As a gunslinger I can only CC a droid and most elite packs during leveling were not droids. I had to be careful very often and it was not faceroll but I dont complain. I often died when I had to fight a golden mob with adds if the fight started after a cutscene and with me in melee range. Just wanted to add the remark for all people who say "lol, learn to CC noob".
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Many people say to CC the strong mob. But some classes dont have CC. As a gunslinger I can only CC a droid and most elite packs during leveling were not droids. I had to be careful very often and it was not faceroll but I dont complain. I often died when I had to fight a golden mob with adds if the fight started after a cutscene and with me in melee range. Just wanted to add the remark for all people who say "lol, learn to CC noob".


Its not always about CC.


Its about Target Choice. You will - Unless you skipped most of the game - beable to take out the normals/strongs who accompany an Elite/Champion quickly.


Now once those are down use whatever CC you can (just because it doesn't stun them for one min doesn't make it NOT a CC, If you can only stun droids for one min i'm taking it you are either a Smuggler or an Agent? you mean the classes with TWO early on stuns, Not got Smuggler up that much but Agent gets Flashbang and Debilitating Blade use those lol) and build up your energy whatever, activate your 20min healing CD skill, whatever you can do to get more HP, even if its just taking a few vital seconds off your Medpack CD.


Bosses that can't be CCed at all are rare in Quests. But just follow my Three easy tips - in an earlier post - and nothing will stop you.



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I really like the amount of elites/strongs. Heck I could even ask for more.


My character is squishy and not exceptionally geared right now, so elites pose a good challenge. My companion usually dies and I'm left blowing a couple cooldowns to win. But it's always a good feeling knowing I've got a chance of dying.


Back in WoW (sorry to bring it up) there weren't nearly as many "strongs" (hardly any, actually) and blowing through trash is just more boring.

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Back in WoW (sorry to bring it up) there weren't nearly as many "strongs" (hardly any, actually) and blowing through trash is just more boring.


In Vanilla, there was.


Like the Island off the Coast of Hillsbrad... That used be something that all Noobish Explorers bumbled into, INSTA DEATH FOOL!


You wouldn't even get on the island and if you were still questing in Hillsbrad you were quite lowish Level (Especially if you were Horde). The Mobs would aggro to you before you even realised there was any mobs on the Island.

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Does anyone else get frustrated by the stupidity of MMOs forums?


I swear to god, I try not to troll, but really?! Is the OP serious?!


I honestly think he/she is completely serious and it scares me a little...

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My problem with the elites is that most of the time they are not really hard but just takes ages to beat down.

Most of the time they just have one attack you have to interrupt and aside from that you just have to fight them for several minutes.

Thats not really fun in my opinion. I would have no problems with hard mobs where you have to move and think to kill them but most elites just have a truckload of hitpoints and not much more. It gets boring after some time.

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basic mmo strategies are all that is required to faceroll.


kill low hp enemies first, cc on big pulls, watch for pats, take advantage of other players...


also the easiest way to win is tank+healer, if you can't heal you are the tank and grab a healer companion.


I generally play with my (Tank) and dps (Kira) companion and its far faster than using a healer companion :) able to kill anything in solo content with this setup upto and including Ilum. (Very few challenges tbh)


As to original post, i do not want the game to be made more easy. It is really trivial most of the time as it is, provided you can grasp how to play your class (I can say this for most classes having played them all to some extent, they all have a few tricks up their sleeves for more difficult fights) And sometimes it just requires switching your favourite companion for a fight or two.

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Back in WoW (sorry to bring it up) there weren't nearly as many "strongs" (hardly any, actually) and blowing through trash is just more boring.


There were, the original vanilla and first TBC mobs were all pretty hard-hitting. Which is also the thing which the strong mobs instantly reminded me of. :)

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Too many Silver Elites in general grinding/questing areas, imo.


And do we really need almost every single quest to end with a Gold Elite(usually with multiple mobs around him)?


Someone misses his single player cheat codes.

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