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Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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The OP listed the problems. Fix these then bring content.


Refuse or whine about fixing these and congratulations Mythic/Bioware, you purchased a $130 million dollar Warhammer Online sequel. You know how that games potential was squandered and ruined (I hope you do)...

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Well, that's what happens when you rush through dinner. You have to wait for the rest of us to finish until you get your dessert. I started the first day of early access, I just hit level 30. Learn to pace yourself :)


Indeed, the fact that most people aren't 50 yet is one of the main things Bioware has going for them. They have until people like you hit 50 to sort out some of these more glaring flaws, or things are going to go downhill quickly.

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I enjoy the game. No really, I do.


I also couldn't agree more with OP. Most of these problems just don't exist on the competition and on release day. I want to see this game improve, I really do. I'm considering not subbing back, just to see if this will spring some change from EA.

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Well, that's what happens when you rush through dinner. You have to wait for the rest of us to finish until you get your dessert. I started the first day of early access, I just hit level 30. Learn to pace yourself :)


This isn't my first rodeo. Not to mention this game is easy.


By the time I reached Nar Shadaa I was leveled waaaaaaay above the quests.


Telling me how to play the game I payed for and pay a monthly subscription for isn't a valid excuse for a total and complete lack of functioning endgame content. Not to mention it's also rude and I see too many diehards spouting this in every thread.


Ilum is a total joke. Nothing happens here. Nothing.


PvP warzone are also a total joke with terrible matchmaking and glaringly obvious unbalanced classes. Stacking sometimes as many as 5 or more healer classes on a single team against one, or even none. Wins are usually blowouts, stacked lvl50 premade teams against totally random players who couldn't kill one of their enemies if they all focused on him.


The Ops that do exist are broken. The "hardmode" flashpoints are just the same flashpoints again with lvl50 mobs instead of the standard level mobs. And they aren't even hard. Not to mention the rewards pale in comparison to the PvP equivalents, which are also much easier to obtain.



The legacy system isn't even in the game yet, so there goes any incentive to reroll. The mere fact that it isn't in the game is keeping many people from rerolling due to the lack of any information on how it will effect our new/current characters.



To top it all off, there is almost no communication from the developers. Not to mention any constructive criticism is met with blatant hostility from both the fans and developers.

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That mindset of the players changes quickly after the 30-60 day period. They start looking at the lack of things to do, get bored or focus on the negative.


All the while, WoW is knocking at the door going "~heyyyy, we have pandass and pokeemooonnn. Come play wiiithhh ussss."


If this game continues lacking the things the OP mentioned this game will be vacant (or on its way) after 2-3 months. That's a fact. Furthermore, after years of development I don't blame any dev for wanting a break.


Unfortunately after an mmo is released is when the real work begins.

Edited by Errrkill
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Indeed, the fact that most people aren't 50 yet is one of the main things Bioware has going for them. They have until people like you hit 50 to sort out some of these more glaring flaws, or things are going to go downhill quickly.


Perhaps I am the oddity, but I generally give MMOs a year to sort things out before I begin with the doom and gloom bits though. Heck I even gave AoC a year, as terrible as that was.


I suppose it's all those years of jedi training ;)

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Proof SW:TOR is declining: massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/03/swtor-uk-sales-take-a-dive/

MMOCrunch speculates that the drop-off in post-holiday shopping is the primary culprit


How dumb are you? Did you read the article you linked? The second quote in this message is directly from it.

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This isn't my first rodeo. Not to mention this game is easy.


By the time I reached Nar Shadaa I was leveled waaaaaaay above the quests.


Telling me how to play the game I payed for and pay a monthly subscription for isn't a valid excuse for a total and complete lack of functioning endgame content. Not to mention it's also rude and I see too many diehards spouting this in every thread.


Ilum is a total joke. Nothing happens here. Nothing.


PvP warzone are also a total joke with terrible matchmaking and glaringly obvious unbalanced classes. Stacking sometimes as many as 5 or more healer classes on a single team against one, or even none. Wins are usually blowouts, stacked lvl50 premade teams against totally random players who couldn't kill one of their enemies if they all focused on him.


The Ops that do exist are broken. The "hardmode" flashpoints are just the same flashpoints again with lvl50 mobs instead of the standard level mobs. And they aren't even hard. Not to mention the rewards pale in comparison to the PvP equivalents, which are also much easier to obtain.



The legacy system isn't even in the game yet, so there goes any incentive to reroll. The mere fact that it isn't in the game is keeping many people from rerolling due to the lack of any information on how it will effect our new/current characters.



To top it all off, there is almost no communication from the developers. Not to mention any constructive criticism is met with blatant hostility from both the fans and developers.


You hit a lot of really good points and it just goes to show the flaws with both the game and the company. Edit: ...and the community.


I don't understand what is preventing them from posting in a thread and just reassuring us when this has gone on for over 100 pages, near 1000 replies (close to page 1 of top replies) and over 40k views.


We are concerned players sitting in the dark, now think of those just playing the game. They hear nothing.

Edited by Treyzorz
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This isn't my first rodeo. Not to mention this game is easy.


By the time I reached Nar Shadaa I was leveled waaaaaaay above the quests.


Telling me how to play the game I payed for and pay a monthly subscription for isn't a valid excuse for a total and complete lack of functioning endgame content. Not to mention it's also rude and I see too many diehards spouting this in every thread.


Ilum is a total joke. Nothing happens here. Nothing.


PvP warzone are also a total joke with terrible matchmaking and glaringly obvious unbalanced classes. Stacking sometimes as many as 5 or more healer classes on a single team against one, or even none. Wins are usually blowouts, stacked lvl50 premade teams against totally random players who couldn't kill one of their enemies if they all focused on him.


The Ops that do exist are broken. The "hardmode" flashpoints are just the same flashpoints again with lvl50 mobs instead of the standard level mobs. And they aren't even hard. Not to mention the rewards pale in comparison to the PvP equivalents, which are also much easier to obtain.



The legacy system isn't even in the game yet, so there goes any incentive to reroll. The mere fact that it isn't in the game is keeping many people from rerolling due to the lack of any information on how it will effect our new/current characters.



To top it all off, there is almost no communication from the developers. Not to mention any constructive criticism is met with blatant hostility from both the fans and developers.



Haha - Yes the replies from Devs are sometimes flowing a little too free with emotion, they need some Jedi brainwashing. I guess they want to relay to the customers that we're not always right and that we're just 1 subscription of millions. Especially when the user is quoted in a message viewed by hundreds of thousands of users - super professional.


In reality they can't fix everything on this list right away, let's be reasonable... but some areas are more important than others and really should be fixed sooner rather than later. I do find it amusing that the 'known issues' page doesn't list many of the top complaints on the community forums, pretty interesting stuff.


My patience is running thin on the UI customization though - what's the deal? QA its brains out on staging and lets get it live.

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Well if you didnt use your big learning words and just used normal people words people would understand what your thinking and saying some of us only have are grade 10 and it takes a bit of time for us to figure out what people are trying to say


YES! Rickyism!

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Haha - Yes the replies from Devs are sometimes flowing a little too free with emotion, they need some Jedi brainwashing. I guess they want to relay to the customers that we're not always right and that we're just 1 subscription of millions. Especially when the user is quoted in a message viewed by hundreds of thousands of users - super professional.


In reality they can't fix everything on this list right away, let's be reasonable... but some areas are more important than others and really should be fixed sooner rather than later. I do find it amusing that the 'known issues' page doesn't list many of the top complaints on the community forums, pretty interesting stuff.


My patience is running thin on the UI customization though - what's the deal? QA its brains out on staging and lets get it live.


This does cover some major stuff, but not even half of what I think should of been implemented by day 1. Some other major issues are covered in other threads.

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I could care less about the bugged quests or pitifully outdated UI.


It doesn't really bother me that I don't get credit for my daily/weekly quests on winning a warzone even when it sometimes as long as 1-2 hours to get a single win due to unbalanced teams.


Nor does the enormous, unnecessary amounts of running and speedering tacked on to extend the leveling "experience". Because without all the running, it would probably take only two or three days to reach max level. And that's probably a generous estimation.


All I want is something to actually do in the game at lvl50. I don't think it's too much to ask.



1-49 is nothing. Level 50 is forever.



Standing around the PvP terminal at fleet waiting 5-10+ mins at times for a queue to pop is not endgame content.


A single operation that doesn't even function properly is not endgame content.


Running the same flashpoints over and over for meager rewards is not endgame content. And if you want any rewards for your class, be prepared to run them DOZENS if not HUNDREDS of times because the rewards are SO EXPENSIVE and you barely get any commendations/crystals from completing the flashpoints. They take SO MUCH longer to complete compared to say your pvp daily quests which give you more practical rewards, especially if you're on a pvp server.



Proper incentive needs to be provided for open world PvP and PvP on Ilum. As of right now, fighting the enemy on Ilum is considered foolish, since you're preventing yourself and others from getting their daily/weekly quests finished.


Proper class balance needs to occur and a retooling of warzone matchmaking as well.



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Thank you for seeing the point.


And this market does not like patience AT ALL. Withing 30-60 days is the most crucial for MMOs and it's make or break.




You will not hold that same mentality when players leave in droves.


The era of wait for it to be fixed is over. Customers are not exactly the most understanding of people when they are spending their hard-earned cash.


If BioWare is not up to the task, they shouldn't have done this in the first place.


There is a reason why WoW releases expansions every time a new and threatening MMO comes out. They make BANK on failed MMOS.


Diablo 3. Adios subscribers.

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I could care less about the bugged quests or pitifully outdated UI.


It doesn't really bother me that I don't get credit for my daily/weekly quests on winning a warzone even when it sometimes as long as 1-2 hours to get a single win due to unbalanced teams.


Nor does the enormous, unnecessary amounts of running and speedering tacked on to extend the leveling "experience". Because without all the running, it would probably take only two or three days to reach max level. And that's probably a generous estimation.


All I want is something to actually do in the game at lvl50. I don't think it's too much to ask.



1-49 is nothing. Level 50 is forever.



Standing around the PvP terminal at fleet waiting 5-10+ mins at times for a queue to pop is not endgame content.


A single operation that doesn't even function properly is not endgame content.


Running the same flashpoints over and over for meager rewards is not endgame content. And if you want any rewards for your class, be prepared to run them DOZENS if not HUNDREDS of times because the rewards are SO EXPENSIVE and you barely get any commendations/crystals from completing the flashpoints. They take SO MUCH longer to complete compared to say your pvp daily quests which give you more practical rewards, especially if you're on a pvp server.



Proper incentive needs to be provided for open world PvP and PvP on Ilum. As of right now, fighting the enemy on Ilum is considered foolish, since you're preventing yourself and others from getting their daily/weekly quests finished.


Proper class balance needs to occur and a retooling of warzone matchmaking as well.




agreed 100% with everything you've said.

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Diablo 3. Adios subscribers.


More like simply just...


Blizzard. Adios subscribers.


There is a reason why I will always love Blizzard.


"When will the game be released?"


Blizzard - When it's ready.


As for Clench, he brings up all extremely valid points and are all needed to be taken into consideration.


As for end game content, yes - it must be implemented, however, I do not want more content on a broken game.


Edit: I shouldn't have stated it simply like that as I also share as much passion for BioWare. I just wish they would have considered before being rushed to release.

Edited by Treyzorz
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I could care less about the bugged quests or pitifully outdated UI.


It doesn't really bother me that I don't get credit for my daily/weekly quests on winning a warzone even when it sometimes as long as 1-2 hours to get a single win due to unbalanced teams.


Nor does the enormous, unnecessary amounts of running and speedering tacked on to extend the leveling "experience". Because without all the running, it would probably take only two or three days to reach max level. And that's probably a generous estimation.


All I want is something to actually do in the game at lvl50. I don't think it's too much to ask.



1-49 is nothing. Level 50 is forever.



Standing around the PvP terminal at fleet waiting 5-10+ mins at times for a queue to pop is not endgame content.


A single operation that doesn't even function properly is not endgame content.


Running the same flashpoints over and over for meager rewards is not endgame content. And if you want any rewards for your class, be prepared to run them DOZENS if not HUNDREDS of times because the rewards are SO EXPENSIVE and you barely get any commendations/crystals from completing the flashpoints. They take SO MUCH longer to complete compared to say your pvp daily quests which give you more practical rewards, especially if you're on a pvp server.



Proper incentive needs to be provided for open world PvP and PvP on Ilum. As of right now, fighting the enemy on Ilum is considered foolish, since you're preventing yourself and others from getting their daily/weekly quests finished.


Proper class balance needs to occur and a retooling of warzone matchmaking as well.





Well said, except the UI part, that's not 'Okay' to leave outdated, it wasn't okay to have it uncustomizable even in beta, let alone now.

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I could care less about the bugged quests or pitifully outdated UI.


It doesn't really bother me that I don't get credit for my daily/weekly quests on winning a warzone even when it sometimes as long as 1-2 hours to get a single win due to unbalanced teams.


Nor does the enormous, unnecessary amounts of running and speedering tacked on to extend the leveling "experience". Because without all the running, it would probably take only two or three days to reach max level. And that's probably a generous estimation.


All I want is something to actually do in the game at lvl50. I don't think it's too much to ask.



1-49 is nothing. Level 50 is forever.



Standing around the PvP terminal at fleet waiting 5-10+ mins at times for a queue to pop is not endgame content.


A single operation that doesn't even function properly is not endgame content.


Running the same flashpoints over and over for meager rewards is not endgame content. And if you want any rewards for your class, be prepared to run them DOZENS if not HUNDREDS of times because the rewards are SO EXPENSIVE and you barely get any commendations/crystals from completing the flashpoints. They take SO MUCH longer to complete compared to say your pvp daily quests which give you more practical rewards, especially if you're on a pvp server.



Proper incentive needs to be provided for open world PvP and PvP on Ilum. As of right now, fighting the enemy on Ilum is considered foolish, since you're preventing yourself and others from getting their daily/weekly quests finished.


Proper class balance needs to occur and a retooling of warzone matchmaking as well.




You just described every WoW xpac ever.


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You just described every WoW xpac ever.



Except the WoW xpacs work.


And when they don't they have direct and friendly communication with the community.


They don't say and do nothing. They don't delete threads containing valid criticisms.



I've killed hardmode bosses only to find that the loot chest doesn't open. And my tickets to this day are still ignored.

Edited by clench
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Grrr...would you people stop complaining about this games lack of content! The game has only been out for literally 2 weeks! Does no one remember WoW's release? It started out much smaller with much less support and content it has now. But now because a brand-new MMO doesn't have everything an MMO that's been around for 7 years has, it's not worth anybody's time! Well people are getting sick of WoW. It's time for games like SWTOR and Guild Wars 2 to shine. I'll admit that this game is missing a lot of features but you have to give them time to add them.


For now, just play the damn game. The amount of content it DOES have is absolutely ENORMOUS! And the post about it already declining is bull. Not every game constantly sells crap loads of copies in the first month and especially not MMO's or in Europe.

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Well, that's what happens when you rush through dinner. You have to wait for the rest of us to finish until you get your dessert. I started the first day of early access, I just hit level 30. Learn to pace yourself :)


How slow do you level? i was first invited on December 15, my birthday so i could not play that day, from then 18-27 where my family here, on visit form the other side of the planet so i got at max 10 hours play times during that time.

I have moved between Christmas and new year, witch ment i was unable to play for 2 days, and then was there new year + the day after where i was unable to play.


I have done EVERY mission + bonus missions, i have NEVER skipped in a conversation, i have enjoyed all the voice action i could. And i play an average of 3-4 hours the days i can.


Right now, am i level 47, about 10% from 48, and i have valor rank 10.


*** have you been doing, since you are only level 30? Do you have 40 alts or something?

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