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Everything posted by Devidedkongpow

  1. I don't get this thread. Your calling the game old by comparing it to WoW and saying WoW's old, yet you recommend that they just add things that are in WoW instead of something different?
  2. I don't see what Dragon Age 2 has anything to do with this. The problem is content that needs to be included and most likely will and people getting super whiney about it. I guess that could relate to Dragon Age 2 because too many people whined about it. The game wasn't great but it was not as horrid as people said. Or at least compared to what people expected. But lets please not get into that because this is an SWTOR thread not a Bioware thread.
  3. My main is a sith inquisitor named Tironos on Lord Adraas
  4. This is a bit informal but may i add you as a friend? I enjoy your ideas.
  5. The problem is that if everyone unsubs than Bioware may not have enough reason or resources to make the game better. But I agree with you, the game was rushed.
  6. I'm glad that you agree and THANK YOU for helping defend this point.
  7. Look, I understand EVERYONE'S point and partly agree with most of them. This Thread was never supposed to be meant to "compare WoW to SWTOR". It was to help stop people from complaining cause this game isn't the same and calling it "constructive criticism". Case in point. Comparing games is stupid. Insulting and belittling games is stupid. Expecting something and complaining about it if you don't get it is childish. Expecting the humanly impossible is stupid. Expecting no problems or a "finished game" with an MMO is THE STUPIDEST THING EVER!...constructive criticism is smart. That's different than saying "I think this game is bad because this, this and this etc,".
  8. When did ANYBODY promise you ANYTHING!?!? You paid for the game you are correct but that doesn't mean the game was promised to be perfect! I mean for god sakes this is an MMO! You should expect problems and stupidity and bugs and glitches. That ALWAYS happens. They could have done more but not alot more. They don't know what everyone wants untill they release the game. After that time they can add those things that are needed. If your unhappy with this than do yourself and everyone else a favor and quit instead of staying and complaining.
  9. I understand that their are issues with this game. I understand that Bioware messed up and released it a bit to early. I understand CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. I don't understand everyones attitude thought? People are acting like their giving up on the game because of the missing content when they have clearly shown their ready to fix it. And their is loads of content to keep you going untill than. I don't understand whining, or expecting things that are impossible. Yes, they should have done these things before but they don't and people are expecting them to have it NOW! If you don't like what it's like right now, than unsub until they fix the game. If you have criticism than present it. But don't get upset about it because their not doing it right away.
  10. You did pay money for it. But just because you did does NOT meen you can speed Bioware up to a point to where they can instantly add everything that's missing from the game. Give it a few weeks or possibly even months ( oh no! months? gasp! ) and I promise you the major things missing will be in the game and people will finally shut up and play the game
  11. You still can't ignore the fact that the game has only been out for a short while. The fact that your even bringing beta into account is hilarious. And you need to have patience, especially when it comes to an MMO.
  12. Than unsub or enjoy the story (which will last you awhile if you do several classes) if your into to storytelling. Seriously I get what people are saying. This game has bugs and content that should have been in the release, but welcome to an MMO launch. And with the amount of content already in the game, it's stupid to get mad that they haven't done more.
  13. The zones in SWTOR are also much bigger than in WoW.
  14. Grrr...would you people stop complaining about this games lack of content! The game has only been out for literally 2 weeks! Does no one remember WoW's release? It started out much smaller with much less support and content it has now. But now because a brand-new MMO doesn't have everything an MMO that's been around for 7 years has, it's not worth anybody's time! Well people are getting sick of WoW. It's time for games like SWTOR and Guild Wars 2 to shine. I'll admit that this game is missing a lot of features but you have to give them time to add them. For now, just play the damn game. The amount of content it DOES have is absolutely ENORMOUS! And the post about it already declining is bull. Not every game constantly sells crap loads of copies in the first month and especially not MMO's or in Europe.
  15. Grrr...would you people stop complaining about this games lack of content! The game has only been out for literally 2 weeks! Does no one remember WoW's release? It started out much smaller with much less support and content it has now. But now because a brand-new MMO doesn't have everything an MMO that's been around for 7 years has, it's not worth anybody's time! Well people are getting sick of WoW. It's time for games like SWTOR and Guild Wars 2 to shine. I'll admit that this game is missing a lot of features but you have to give them time to add them. For now, just play the damn game. The amount of content it DOES have is absolutely ENORMOUS! And the post about it already declining is bull. Not every game constantly sells crap loads of copies in the first month and especially not MMO's or in Europe.
  16. Bioware is doing a great job on working on this MMO to make it better. With a new flashpoint and an expanded operation coming our way in a few weeks Bioware is solidifying their players trust in them. However, they have not added everything we players want. This is a list of what myself as well as a large amount of other players have been wanting from the game since launch. 1. CHAT BUBBLES!!! Right now the only way to communicate with other players is through the chat window and although this is fairly standard in MMO's it can cause issues and in some cases is just frustrating. Chat bubbles are crucial for role players such as myself and would be great for grouping. Also the fact that their isn't much room for the chat window helps make this more necessary. 2. Cosmetic items and a social items improvement. This was a system I loved in games like Everquest and star wars galaxies. It allows you to wear your armor but have other better-looking items show instead. This would be nice for social aspects of the game. 3. Guild Battleship/Hall. A lot of people are bringing this up. It's a great idea. They should make it more innovative by adding a guild mission system similar to what they did with personal starships. And customization would be great. 4. More personal starships. The moment you get your own starship is great. Theirs this feeling you get that says "I can go and do whatever I want". However that one ship can get extremely old after awhile. Bioware added space combat missions and starship upgrades, but those upgrades don't change the look or feel of the ship much at all. It would be nice to have a couple of ships to choose from or a more complex customization system to help make your ship different than your friends. I know this would take a lot of work but maybe they could add it in an expansion of sorts. 5. Furniture and environment interaction. They have more than enough animations for these as shown by the numerous npc's you see when adventuring. It would be nice if they added these to the player as emotes or commands. Allowing players to sit on a stool or chair in a cantina is needed too. Since you can do this on your ship I don't see a reason why you couldn't anywhere else. This is just some stuff I think they should add based around what I've heard people say and what I've personally wanted. If anybody agrees please comment and show your friends so this thread can become more noticed. Thank you. Also, if any of you want to message me or get together in-game I'm on the North American RP server Lord Adraas and my main is a sith inquisitor by the name of Tironos
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