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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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I can agree with all of those tweaks except Arena, space battles and the unifier, leave troopers looking like clowns.


The official reviews are always unreliable because the reviewers are generally bought off.

And user reviews are generally made by competing developers since we're riding the conspiracy train.

Edited by bassfu
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I agree with most everything on this list. However, I think he should do a better job of putting things in some sort of priority order based upon number of threads/mentions of it here on the forums. (In other words, a suggestion with regard to 'chat bubbles' should not be first on the list.)


It's amazing how long this list happens to be, and how easy it would be to fix a great deal of it.


Personally, I wish they'd take all the money they spent on voice acting and hire more people to actually make the game better.

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I agree with most everything on this list. However, I think he should do a better job of putting things in some sort of priority order based upon number of threads/mentions of it here on the forums. (In other words, a suggestion with regard to 'chat bubbles' should not be first on the list.)


It's amazing how long this list happens to be, and how easy it would be to fix a great deal of it.


Personally, I wish they'd take all the money they spent on voice acting and hire more people to actually make the game better.



I agree. It is a VERY long list.

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This is a pretty comprehensive list of everything I would ask them to implement as well. I don't really care about the PvP stuff since I don't PvP much, but I understand it's important for others. I also don't really care about chat bubbles. But everything else is really needed, and I don't see anything on here that would potentially ruin the game.


Despite the fact that I don't PvP much, one thing I would add is that I don't know if adding an Arena system would be a good idea. Last year one of the head developers for that other MMO (whose very mention tends to bring down walls of flame on any thread) was asked if there was one thing in the history of that popular MMO that he would change and do differently. He response was that we wished they had never introduced Arena. It made balancing PvP a nightmare since suddenly it had to be balanced for both large teams fighting each other as well as small groups of 2,3 or 5 fighting each other and it immediately made all other forms of PvP less important and basically ignored except as ways to gear up for Arena. I say make Warzones and World PvP more expansive and give more options.


Good list apart from that, though.

Edited by Keldain
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Chat bubbles (with the option to disable for those of us who are introverted within the community, myself included.)


ADD TARGET OF TARGET into the game.


More camera options.


A space overhaul. Not sure if the Hero engine can handle it, but space combat is just abysmal after the first few flying sortees.


A fix to optimization issues. Great machines are not running this game so great.


Fix bugs in general


Agree with the above. Especially space combat. There is lot of space for improvements and creativity there.



A customizable UI with third party add-on support.


Re-instate the appearance unifier, even if temporarily.


Strongly disagree with these. Appearance unification and addons seems to be in the contradiction to the general direction of the game and to why I like it so much.



The rest of the suggestions seems irelevant to my game experience, so can't really comment.

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Agree with most points.


But PvP gear ease... It's really just luck based. My friend has opened a bazillion bags and gotten like 3 items from them while people 10 to 15 valor ranks below him run around in the entire set just because they got lucky and had items showered to them in every bag. A luck based system is never fair, someone is always the .1% in statistics, for better or for worse.

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Agree with most points.


But PvP gear ease... It's really just luck based. My friend has opened a bazillion bags and gotten like 3 items from them while people 10 to 15 valor ranks below him run around in the entire set just because they got lucky and had items showered to them in every bag. A luck based system is never fair, someone is always the .1% in statistics, for better or for worse.


I agree with this. if it is going to be luck based have it dish out more commendations, not an entire piece.

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ok ill bite, i normaly dont reply to these kinds of threads with in the first months since they simply become flamewars, this 1 however seems somewhat .... lets say civilized.


First i want to say the OP is right about some stuff. a MMO isnt your standard everyday RPG its bin played by more people, and there for require more "tools". As in combatlog ( read not damage meater i dont need to know how leed you are ), a healing add and last but not least a tanking add.


However i do not feel we should have the power in a all out modwar ( wow clone for that matter ) it is simply not needed. i do agree that macro's should be implemented, or atleast the linking of a standard chain/rotation i want to use, right now i am using keybinds but there is only so manny butons i can bind.


then last but not least lets addres the UI itself, i dont mind a standard 1 like this but atleast give me a slider were i can scale it. Playing a 24" LCD with 48% full of UI isnt exactly my play style, i want to be able to look at the gameworld.


now for actual gameplay:


I havent done much PVPing, however i do share the concerns of the OP, the options are somewhat limited. 1 PVP bracket 1 to 50 seems to draw huge difrences between outcomes of battles. More utility + more play time does make a player overall better "skilled" in his class, thus the outcome is some what sure if you put 10 lvl 10's with scaled up stats, over 10 lvl 50's with more utility and play time. + whats the whole use of playing and acumelating gear to pvp? if the bracket still stays the same, there is no extra value in PVP gear is there? Also not beeing able to choose your warzone counts to PVP beeing limiting.


Ps. on a side note this might just be a first draw of there pvp system. They might actualy not know yet wich direction they want to take PVP. If you look at WOW ( o god did i just say that .... yes i did ) it took them years to go from open word pvp to battle grounds to arena's to rated arena's and battle grounds + lore dividing battles. granted they panned out great eventualy ... but still it took them YEARS!!!


Now on the actual good bit of this game. PVE i love the way the lvling is storyline based with sometimes great dialogs, its this that makes the game interesting to play. Its not that booring dry stuff, like you need to go trough miles of text and figure out what to do. The quest follow ups fold needly inplace, and overall that is a strong selling point of this game right now. I am lvl 34 myself right now, so i dont know anything about end content yet. Ill leave that open to the people that are already there.


Then you have some "issues" i indeed like others see as "personal" inconveniences, although i dont say there is anything wrong with that simple things like "chat bubbles" are options that can be implemented later on. they dont bother me up to the point of quiting. same goes for lets say hoods of chest pieces that you cant put down. are helmets of companions you cant hide, sure your companion might look like a dork .... as long as its doing its job i dont realy care .....


what is mind bogeling to me as the whole post i quoted below here from Nilenya ( kudos to her/him ) says is, the game breaking bugs/errors that are not getting addressed. quests that simply bin buged ... and were not talking about small quests, but realy big once like class related quests you need to have done to advance in your storry and later on daily quests.


A great example i had yesterday when i was doing the quest "fate of the jedi" i was like done with it and defeated angrel, go back on my ship and straight to tython right? well guess what little mistake .... you first need to go back to your ship THEN CLICK THE HOLO IMITER BEFORE GOING TO TYTHON!! obviously i was already on tython and simply just going back to my ship wasnt enough, the option to click the holo imiter was gone ( simply because the spacestation you blew up isnt there anymore ) i had the reset the whole dang quest line and defeat angrel again. luckly for me i could reset it, i understand some of these bugs are just gameworld objects bugging out. no reset will fix that!!


what about the errors of games not wanting to install, or the 9000 errors? what about people that have problems with the launcher? they cant play at all. and here we are mumbeling over some petty thing that we dont like about the game. And what not to say about people that have problems with FPS i hear horrerfying storys about people with FPS so bad they cant do anything. not to mention the thousends of people that have the "beams of green/red/yellow lights" graphic issue ( including me ) that btw is not a driver problem tryd 3 are 4 of em and looked at difrent settings on vid card + direct X nothing helps.


Now overall my feeling about the game is, it operates in a strong feeld of competitors, there lots of MMO's on the market. will this game make it for the next couple of years. with names like EA and Bioware in the picture ... money wise you should say NP right??? i do however share the concerns of people on this forums..... there is little to almost no direct answer from either com managers are devs adressing problems. what little info that does popup most of the time doesnt cut it. Either there all extremely bussy at EA/Biroware adressing bugs and errors and simply dont leave a MSG, or they are just not paying atention to there customers. which would be a verry big mistake from 2 well know company's that i hold in high regards to the products they deliver.


What does this say, its still to early realy to say anything. point is .... i catch myself enjoying this game. i like the change of scenery its difrent yet it feels familiar. even more so the game starts to grow on me. the question then .... did it sucseed in what its selling? YES!!! even with all the limitations the bugs the errors it does!! will i stick with this game .... thats all up to Bioware and what they bring in the near and further future. so all i can say to the OP is .... it probally is the same for you ..... why else would you go trough these lenghty discusions???



Communication is a big must. - For us not able to play the game since last patch, due to who knows what - its frustrating to have them make a sticky for us to give them intel, 4 days past with no news or updates or encouragement since.


I honestly believe Im seeing one of the greatest games Ive played in recent years shoot itself to death by behaving as though mmo players require the same kind of csr as rpgs or fps games. And its mindboggling to me that noone was hired to educate the creators of the game about the social behaviouristics within mmo communities and what they require to function cohesively.


Honestly, although Im sure most of you dont agree, I think the game is slowly but surely building up a bad rep on the underlaying wires throughout the gaming communities, due to fps issues, lag issues, graphic issues, disconnect issues etc - and all the while the only examples of customer support we ever see documented are from OUTSOURCED POORLY ENGLISH SPEAKING staff who dont even seem to know what you mean if you say; Im stuck in a heroic FP - or, Im a BH and my darkside choice at the end of chapter 3 has caused me to miss an Illum breadcrumb. - When the reply is to reload your UI... or when you as the customer are unsure of wether you just spoke to a GM or a goldfarmer - its a DEAD SURE sign that some priorities have gone completely wrong within the structures around the game.


Rather than support the game those structures/administration if you will is slowly but surely eroding the faith we had about swtor being a solid high quality product.


I hate to think the devs and creators are aware of what horrors go on in the csr forum, and at the same time I shudder to think that they are so far detached that they wouldnt know.


In any case, someone out there is already collecting gems from csr to give to Penny Arcade, and thats just such an embaressment.


Personally I can live with them being a little slow about endgame content, or being able to emote while on a vehicle.


I would like to see the most basic bugs fixed: Let people see guild chat and group chat, so that they can actually feel like they are playing an mmo.


Please fix the launcher. There are so many people in the csr forum reporting that they cant patch past english assets - I'm not one of them, but it bothers me that they are just ignored, because it makes me doubt that you care at all about fixing what is surely gamebreaking issues.


Communicate to those who suffer the error 9000 disconnects - they are thousands, and encourage them to stick with you. OR tell them straight out if you are unable to solve the issues. They have been waiting since december 21rst. Stephen Reid you personally commented about the issue back then but have been silent since. Shame on you.


Some classes - bounty hunter fx is unable to properly finish their class quest, with whatever choice they feel like, if they dont want to screw up their Illum progression. They reported this before christmas, and its not even in the patch notes for this week. - You sold us a game where you specifically highlighted the personal storyarch as a crowning piece of your work. Now you are letting this bug sit for - well more than two weeks if its not attended to in your next patch. - Im not a bounty hunter, but I can see how it easily could have affected my class, and gone unattended just as easily. Its simply not adequate to leave it where it is. - If you cannot fix it, then you have to communicate that!


For each of these issues, the lack of communication beyond the initial yellow reply, usually to with whatever you think is at the users end causing it, is just not enough, and its shamefull that you let it sit there, because that is not deserving of the millions that went into making the game to begin with. You have tossed your product to the winds it seems, and hoping it will do alright. It boggles the mind.


You dont seem to understand what mmo players require from costumer service.

Mmo games if successfull carry on for years. Because we believe our time, - the only actually resource we spend on the game worth mentioning pays off. It only pays off if we can trust the game. If we can trust you will not leave game breaking issues hanging in the wind.


You are destroying the most basic requirement that mmo gamers need in order to justify the currency- our time investment - we spend on the game. If you dont act quickly and grasp this very basic fact about mmo's you will not have a success on your hands for very long.

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Note: This is simply a list of issues that we all recognize exist. We all want the best for SW:TOR which is why we bought it in the first place, and if Bioware wants send a signal that it is dedicated to this game, then it would be wise to begin communicating and recognizing issues.


Let's go through them one by one.



Chat bubbles: Only necessary for roleplayers. Most roleplayers would rather have seating, then chat bubbles.


Add a combat log: Combat logs are important, but they are not necessary to progress in PvE. Trial and error works pretty well. They're necessary for the top 0.5% of content rushers, and not even them most of the time if the game is well tuned.


ADD TARGET OF TARGET into the game: Agreed. I want this in game.



Add FOCUS TARGETS. : Focus Target is already in the game. Check your UI.


Overhaul the GTN: The GTN works fine. All it needs is an option to search by slot, and for the functionality already in place to actually work. Namely, it should search by class.


SERVER FORUMS: EQ had an immensely strong community. Much stronger than WoW's. It had no server forums. Communities made their own. Seriously. Just do it. It's much nicer. Trolls get banned in minutes, you get differentiated forums, and you can post pictures, write stories, make guilds. That's what we did in the old days, and you know what? It worked a hell of a lot better.


More camera options: I suppose it's a fairly low priority but I'd say so.


Implement a threat parse: No MMO in the industry has ever shipped with players actually knowing the mechanics of how threat works for tanks. It is not only immensely complex to represent, but tends to require MORE UI BARS which is invariably a BAD THING


An LFG system over-haul.: Really. I have found groups inside of 10 minutes every single time I've wanted to do a damn instance. TALK TO PEOPLE. I realize WoW has gone a long way towards making people antisocial.


Fix accessibility to PvP gear: PvP gear is fine.


Allow people to queue for SPECIFIC WARZONES.: Yep.


ADD MACROS.: This is the UI priority, not addon support. Addons do nothing but make the game easier. They're a long term plan. I'd rather have them implemented in a manner that is not half arsed than rushed because some people are so unused to actually playing the game without addons doing it for them.


All healers (experienced healers) that I know cringe at the lack of a customizable UI. - Click to heal made the game into whackamole. Real healers (meaning arena healers) wouldn't use click to heal if it was the last option on earth. Seriously. Wake up. Learn how to play.


A fix to optimization issues.: A lot of this is self inflicted. Bad machine builds, poorly updated drivers. The main issue right now with optimization is the particle effects in Warzones. They need to be flagged up and fixed, but of course, people just blame general LAG instead of figuring out the exact problem.


A fix to delay issues that are not related to latency: Yep. Though it would help if people actually pinpointed the specific ability and didn't whine about how they can't do anything at all with their Jedi Guardian - which has maybe three abilities that are actually effected by this problem.


Increase the number of players allowed on a server: Just a note. If they wanted to hide sub numbers, they'd deflate server size. Not inflate it. I doubt that's the reason they've got so many servers.


Have community managers COMMUNICATE : And do what? Spend their whole time saying "we're looking into this" for every single problem no matter how minor? Not even WoW did this, and rightly so - the bulk of MMO complainants are whiners.


Dissolve the universal PvP bracket: About the only thing I would say is 50s go in their own bracket. Nothing else. I've seen level 17 healers put out 120k healing or more. I really don't think there's a problem once you remove Expertise from the equation.


Address content-related player concerns: They've already said they've got a content team working overtime to add more stuff to the game. It's been out about two weeks. I'd rather them fix what's wrong with the stuff that's already in the game than adding new crap.


A space overhaul: If you're going to pick a game to base space combat on, at least pick a good one. SWG Lightspeed was horrible.

Edited by Bakarn
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I clicked on this thread to laugh at another QQer but....




The only thing I saw was that they did say was that they are releasing more content this month, not very specific, but still...flashpoints, operations and warzones


oh and.....


- Re-instate the appearance unifier, even if temporarily. No reason why a battle-hardened Trooper should look literally like a clown with a rain-bow themed assortment of ballistic armor plates.


HAHAHAHA had me in tears....


Oh yea Im not gonna unsub, as long as they keep fixing stuff btw

Edited by ColdBlueDemon
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I just added 3 more items that people within this thread and elsewhere have suggested. Ensure that you keep suggesting what you think is a rampant problem so that I can add it to the OP, but also so that this thread gains a bump and stays near the top so that Bioware gains awareness of it.
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Bioware MUST implement the following (a consolidated list of fixes that I have heard demanded by numerous people within the community) before the free 30 days game-time period ends.


Oh great, another one of THESE threads. Was it really necessary to just copy what other people have posted? Not to mention, they have already acknowledged working on many of the things on your list so "requesting" something that they are already working on is pointless. The quote above is classic though. If you think that anyone could implement, test, de-bug, etc. all the changes you listed in a couple of week, then I encourage you to start developing MMOs because you're in dreamland.


Some of these are just unnecessary too. People can't tank without knowing the exact amount of threat they are generating on everyone at every sec? Nonsense. The game doesn't need to spoonfed to people. I don't care if WoW did something either. Just because some other game spoonfeeds its players, doesn't mean it MUST be in this game. I successfully tanked numerous missions on CoH all the way through end-game content including their versions of raids and I didn't need some little meter telling me every second exactly how much threat I was generating on every mob to be able to do my job - draw and hold aggro. Wanting something and needing something are two very, very different concepts that some people in this forum apparently don't understand.

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Which they already blew. Sorry the game will just get thrown with the other failures Rift, Aion etc..


I hope a few enjoy it atleast.


Excuse me sir...Rift is still going strong....it was not a failure, and has a stable population.

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Seems you want this game to be more like WoW


Some of us like it because of the things that are not like WoW.


Lets just leave it a few months see who wins out.


Personally I think the game is great.


But then that is just my opinion


Edited by Mephismo
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The way you put is abysmal... People are raging at you despite the list being correct. Most things on there are good suggestions that won't hinder anyone that won't use them and actually are planned for future patches. But the way you presented them makes you look like a whiny demanding kid. Work on your people skills (preferably not from me).
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Watch out everyone - dissatisfaction is running rampant in the player base of SWTOR! They will all cancel their subscription on the 30 day mark... all 10 of them!


Clearly there will be noone else playing.


These threads are quite enjoyable tbh! Some people are so... lol!

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my only forum wish is everyone stops saying 'xxx amount of subscribers' due to the fact everyone HAD to subscribe to get the 30-day free, once the 1st billing cycle actually comes around, feel free to say 'xxx-amount say otherwise', xxx-amount may have purchased the game, but staying is something no-one can predict until 1st month is over.


until then, its not a valid arguement against anyone complaining about lack/broken features.


please continue :D

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Most of these requests are proof that what Blizzard has done to MMO players is....ruin them.


You want threat meters...L2P your role

you want Target of Target...L2P



This along with several other requests is he reason why I don't want 3rd party MOD support instigated into TOR, all it does is allow people who don't know how to play the game to play.

WOw vanilla never had threat meters, we had to learn how to play our classes and how to know when we were about to take agro from the tank, whether that be the mage over criting or the healer doing the same, we learnt how to play, by watching the screen and seeing what was happening.

But now that WOW players can run raids basically blindfold, they want to be just as lazy and have a nice little chart tell them everything they need.


L2P the game, this may take weeks or months of raiding, but when you do it it will be 1000* more rewarding than the joke raids that WOW now has.


There are a couple of suggestions thatare actually valid:-

1. PVP queing - Although what I will say to all those who are feed up playing hutball, which seems to be the biggest complaint is ..roll republic. What did you expect? you rolled Darkside, along with a much larger % of the community than rolled republic. You wanted lightning..well then hutball is the price you pay.

You want the others, roll republic..I have only played hutball once so far, the rest of the time, it's one of the other 2.

2. Auction house - this needs to be an Auction house not just a plain reseller list, ATM it's boring, it's also bugged with the filters telling me I can wear heavy armour when I'm a sentinel. I mean ***, sort it out!

3. General performance gains - of course.

4. Gear balance i.e. PVP gear - of course

5. General balance - Sentinel are way UP, especially in PvP. but as the game is only 2 weeks old, it is only to be expected that balance issues will exist.


The op is unfortunatly an idiot, he's had a couple of good ideas, mixed with a list of bad ideas, and then given the thread a title that is pure trolling, so even if he did have some good thoughts, all he is doing is attentin seeking.


Oh and Xugos..why the heck are you still here? The only posts you make on these forums are trolling, so why are you still messing around the forums, slagging the game off and deliberatly causing trouble? Is your life really that empty that this is all you can do? If you want to stop playing, which your MANY posts on why you hate the game would have shown then go ahead and do it, but please, do the community a favour and just leave.

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Yeah a Lot of people compare this game to WoW and How WoW has a lot of things that are better... And in some cases they are right.. I never played wow past like level 20 cause I thought the Animations and such were terrible.. But anyway


This game has done it all better in the launch than any other game out there has with their launch. This game is probably 85% on the way to being better than WoW, and Bioware will implement fixes over the the comings months and years, which I expect will make it 250% better than WoW, because this game will have it all.


Good Graphics


Great Animations


Great Story ( I think this will get boring soon though )


The End Game content although is small, the Raids are brilliantly setup.

Eternity Vault mainly.


So I think just give this game a month and people will calm down, ofc there are major things that need fixing asap, but just give them time.

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