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So you wanted PvP, and you're still Imperial?


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Maybe if the republic characters got a British accent and a better story. I do agree ia story is awesome, especially with female British voice. The sith warrior and sorcerer are just as good. Likewise, the bh story is also good, made me dislike tarro blood lol.


As for the republic, I only tried the jedi knight story, which isn't all that great in my opinion. Too much I got go save these defenseless padawans. The trooper story is alright although I would have like it more if the story would have made the trooper an officer as oppose to a Sergeant, to be in command.

Edited by Knockerz
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Maybe if the republic characters got a British accent and a better story. I do agree ia story is awesome, especially with female British voice. The sith warrior and sorcerer are just as good. Likewise, the bh story is also good, made me dislike tarro blood lol.


As for the republic, I only tried the jedi knight story, which isn't all that great in my opinion. Too much I got go save these defenseless padawans. The trooper story is alright although I would have like it more if the story would have made the trooper an officer as oppose to a Sergeant, to be in command.


You need to give them a try beyond the prologue. The Jedi stories (knight and consular) get much more epic in the later chapters. I do agree that they may look slow and boring in the beginning.

Edited by corebit
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The trooper story is alright although I would have like it more if the story would have made the trooper an officer as oppose to a Sergeant, to be in command.


You do become an officer. Infacet you are promoted to Lieutenant after the prologue.

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so, i dont know why everyone is complaining about imperial pvp, I'm a gunslinger and i hate the republic pvp - every time the fricken lowbies queue and get owned, and wonder why they lose... its aggrivating. also, never EVER being able to win a game of huttball is kinda ridiculous, but thats because bad republic players are bad...


on the topic of storylines, the smuggler storyline is fantastic, if you even get in the smuggler mindset for a second, you would be pissed that someone stole your ship, but instead of "crying about it" like someone, i killed the bastard that did it :cool: Also, the end gear for gunslinger looks fricken chill, a sick trench coat and cowboy hat? ill take that anyday of some dresses and whatnot...


Anyway, people talking about morality and psychology and whatever other ******** - piss off, go have your discussion on a different thread.

Everyone else, carry on.

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S1 - S4 Gladiator 2's and 3's.

Diamond SC2 1's and 2's

North American Quarter Finalist, 1st WoW Arena Tournament.

Murder Clan NA - AQ2


I rolled Empire to play with my friends.


Any other idiotic, self-important, generalizations you'd like to make?


You rolled Republic. Enjoy it. No need to lay your verbal ***** all over other people's choices.


Back under your bridge.


Arena is closer to pve.

No pvper will give you credit for arena. Welcome to the world outside WoW.


Nice job portraying your average Empire player tho.

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What a ridiculous assessment. My Jedi Knight isn't a push-over in the least and whiny? Really? That makes me LOL. Everyone knows the dark side is the most emo faction in the history of factions. The light side is impartial and unemotional. They make calculated decisions for the greater good without passion or impulse. Whining is frowned upon; hence the reason it's not called the dark side.

How is the dark side the most emo ?

We literally slaughter the ones showing any hint of fear. weakness or other things we consider unworthy.

I remember killing some republican scum on some ship. they held hands. (yeah thats not emo)



Republic is not as innocent and thinking about the greater good as you think. they have planted evidence. incarsarated innocent people. the whole mess on voss was youre doing...


Imperials are just the same as you. we just have another flag and other beliefs.


plus we kill stuff

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Are you saying being on the side of good is boring?


How about in real life: are you on the side of good, or do you want to make the world a worse place for lots of people?


The Republic isn't the side of good. My Empire toons spend their time fighting criminals and gangs while my republic characters spend all their time fighting people who don't want to be ruled by the republic. It's much easier on my stomache to just be all bad then to try to be good while actually being pure evil. How did that illusion stick with you after you targeted a mob and it was called "seperatist freedom fighter"?

Edited by Roycerson
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The Republic isn't the side of good. My Empire toons spend their time fighting criminals and gangs while my republic characters spend all their time fighting people who don't want to be ruled by the republic. It's much easier on my stomache to just be all bad then to try to be good while actually being pure evil. How did that illusion stick with you after you targeted a mob and it was called "seperatist freedom fighter"?


How many slave revolts do you put down by the time your level 20?

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Are you saying being on the side of good is boring?


How about in real life: are you on the side of good, or do you want to make the world a worse place for lots of people?


That's misleading, both sides do good and evil, and you can play a light side sith all you want. There is definitely something refreshing about force choking idiots though.


I've played a good guy irl for 26 years. Sometimes you just want to vent your anger.


I remember playing jedi in beta, your master gets killed by random swamp goons... yeah that's an impressive show of force right there.

Edited by Crackerjacks
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To the people who say being evil in this game has relation with our real lifes: This game has very lesser aspects of evil when compared to other MOST POPULAR games in the world like:GTA. I mean, I am pretty sure everyone played GTA has killed thousands of NPCs for fun and not related to game missions, planting bombs to high-traffic ways, *********** *****es and killing them to take the money we pay LOL. I mean if your statement that being evil in games related to real life, millions of people (Who played GTA and kind of those games) in the world are all DARK V already:p
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I would been happy to roll republic if everything about the faction wasn't unappealing. A couple of my guildies even rolled republic for the last beta build, we wanted to hang ourselves.


- The level-up quest line is like: imagine yourself as a whiny little pushover wussy, take 10 ambian, drink a bottle of NyQuil, then try to read War and Peace in one sitting.


- All of the characters look homeless.


- The endgame gear is lol (look at that awesome wedding dress you get as a male sorc!)


No thanks.


Right because the "muwah ha ha ha *mustache twirling*", ranting about how powerful you are dressed in black with emo eye shadow of the Sith is super cool.

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I would been happy to roll republic if everything about the faction wasn't unappealing. A couple of my guildies even rolled republic for the last beta build, we wanted to hang ourselves.


- The level-up quest line is like: imagine yourself as a whiny little pushover wussy, take 10 ambian, drink a bottle of NyQuil, then try to read War and Peace in one sitting.


- All of the characters look homeless.


- The endgame gear is lol (look at that awesome wedding dress you get as a male sorc!)


No thanks.




It isn't that I have some "evil guy" complex or whatever, but the Imp story is far better, and tbh the characters look better and your points above are spot-on. I love being on the low-pop side, but the Republic is just terrible.

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That's misleading, both sides do good and evil, and you can play a light side sith all you want. There is definitely something refreshing about force choking idiots though.


I've played a good guy irl for 26 years. Sometimes you just want to vent your anger.


I remember playing jedi in beta, your master gets killed by random swamp goons... yeah that's an impressive show of force right there.


And this reminds me... force lightning vs throwing rocks at people. Yeah, that's what I thought. :D

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I would been happy to roll republic if everything about the faction wasn't unappealing. A couple of my guildies even rolled republic for the last beta build, we wanted to hang ourselves.


- The level-up quest line is like: imagine yourself as a whiny little pushover wussy, take 10 ambian, drink a bottle of NyQuil, then try to read War and Peace in one sitting.


- All of the characters look homeless.


- The endgame gear is lol (look at that awesome wedding dress you get as a male sorc!)


No thanks.


The Sith Inquisitor looks like a clown. On my Sith Marauder I wanted to kill my Master (Darth Fatty in a Sith Inquisitor clown costume) the moment I saw him -_-

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Slicker, sad to say it is pretty much the same deal on the highest pop server Tomb. Queue a warzone and most of the time it is Huttball vs Imps. Two republic guilds I will give credit to are Red Guard and Green Fire who at least seem to put up a fight. Ilum is a sad joke of people just flipping the control points for quest credit and not bothering to fight the majority of the time. If they made that one completely open-pvp like smuggler's den on Tatooine, that might make Ilum interesting if there were some mechanic to prevent people valor farming each other.
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The only thing your post demonstrates is your narrow minded viewpoint. Who are you to so broadly proclaim what is evil and what is good.


"From my point of view, the Jedi are evil."


You could learn a thing or two from Star Wars if you open your mind.


You seem pretty confused about what's right and what's wrong.


You think the dark side in Star Wars are good? :confused:

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It makes me sad how many people are reporting horrible stories for republc.


Im actually currently playing a smuggler pretty much for that reason despite being underwhelmed with the class so far anda nnoyed at the broken cover mechanic.


My wife is the opposite, she is playing a sage and loves her class to death but is to the point where she is almost space barring through her story line quests because the dialogue is awful and and so is the premise.


It just feels like 80 percent of the budget for story went into Empire, and of the 20 percent remaining for republic 15% of that went to smuggler.


Combine that with this...




And it has created a huge imbalance.

Edited by Kellindell
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How many slave revolts do you put down by the time your level 20?


Someone who doesn't want to be ruled/taxed by X but is, through a monopoly on the use of violence. IS a slave. So... two planets, two major slave revolts by 20.

Edited by Roycerson
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It's really sad how much more interesting the Imperial class stories are. I was convinced I would play Republic, and beta tested Republic the first 2 wipes, and then gave Imps a try.


My husband, and I were blown away by the engaging stories for imps.


The trooper one was the best, I thought, for republic, but the JK story was a bore fest.


Imps have more interesting looking gear, as well.


JK story is a borefest? lol what? did you not get past lvl 15 or something?

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