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COME ON..FIX PVP ALREADY .. Empire wins 99% of Warfronts


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My server can not win warfronts.... its so demoralizing.... I would like to get my daily and weekly warfront wins but its impossible to win.... LOOK at the win/loss ration for each faction and tell us something is wrong... When you have people on the Empire side doing 4 times the damage as everyone else...



I seem to win a lot more than lose, and im republic.

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I seem to win a lot more than lose, and im republic.


Same, ofcause i mostly do premade with my pvp guild. Hell reason we chose republic is for more players to fight against and faster queues (and we got that = more pvp)


Illum is a huge joke thou.

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For me, I dont see that the empire wins 99%, mostly the empire plays another empire team, & mostly in huttball which i loathe..

When queueing solo as sith. I win like 30% of matches, vs another sith team usually with a number of premade lvl 50 players on the other team..

Against a republic team is actually fairly even, just whoever has the most level 50's

What people are seeing with these low level republic teams are sith players who are sick of getting forced into huttball matches repeatedly, & have rerolled repulic for more variety of warzones & faster queues..

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It's 50/50 in my experience on Prophecy of Five. I think your problem may be the time you play, and not your faction or server. One thing that seems consistent across MMOs is that every faction is stronger and has better players on at different times. I don't know how you or BW can fix that, but imps die often enough and lose often enough in warzones that I don't think they are stronger than republic forces.
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im sorry for not reading all posts, but we have ouer theory.


republicans are geting invites like after 1-3 minutes, if they lose one, no big deal.


The Empira are like 3 time more players, so the WarFronts are more worthfull for them, and they are playing it more serios.


the republicans can use the WF simply to get levels, and you aregeting more xp for zerg in midle, insteed of doing hutball runthrues and winn the game btw.


besides, i heared they are geting very offten huttball (Which i love, and im not geting it more like 3 times from 15) :( and the effect is = they are geting GOOD in the hut ball. (?)


so my theory = manny Republics dont take this so serios and just want to get XP, cos fast invites, Imperials must waite like 3 times more and play WF for pvp winn, not for exp.


(before we started to play, we messed the population on each level with "who" comand" results was like "15 republicans and like 40 imperials on each level" so we knew republics will have instan tinvites)


altrhrue when we come in wf with 4 man trup, winn ratio is 99% anyways :) even as republic :)

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First of all the Imps are a side that are more attractive to people like me who love PvP and will use time to try and improve out skills and abilities.

The only reason i am Republic is because any one who where paying attention would see that IMPS where going to have all the numbers so i went Rep so i had more to kill.


I would rather lose every match and be outmatched in every step, but i am not every one and right now the IMPS have more 50's with expertise (what the hell bioware) so they win.


Accept it and murder every puny IMP that comes your way. I know i do.

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My server can not win warfronts.... its so demoralizing.... I would like to get my daily and weekly warfront wins but its impossible to win.... LOOK at the win/loss ration for each faction and tell us something is wrong... When you have people on the Empire side doing 4 times the damage as everyone else...


Go re-Roll on a server that Republic is good on. Or better yet dont because I bet you are part of the problem.

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I lost most of my scenarios yesterday mostly due to idiots on my team, but I also took the time to analyze the squad differences. There were a couple of typical problems, like doublequeues (14 imperials vs 8 republics) or level difference, but the thing that really bit me, was that every single time imperials have way more stealthers than the republic. There is rarely one (I had my share of scenarios with no stealthers at all) and there was literally never less than 2 on the imp side (up to 6 in one scenario). It's obvious how important stealthers are to cap/defend objectives, so it's quite a huge advantage to have at least a pair. We did significantly better with stealthers, though most of my team lacked the necessary computing power to protect them and disable the interrupters instead of trying to kill them and such, but still we did significantly better.


The reason behind it is pretty obvious, as Jedi are considered to be honorable and stuff, so who would like to play a Jedi Assassin? Scoundrels are also rare, but if you get a stealther, than it's usually a scoundrel. Shadows are nowhere to be found at least where I play. Therefore it's both hard to cap/protect and to PvP in larger groups, because we lack the basic element of disabling/killing the enemy healers. We have to punch through the enemy heals and then finish them off. It's the wrong way obviously, but the only available in pug games.




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Right now, this has little to do with skill level of either side, it has everything to do with gear and premades. With more and more players getting to 50, this is changing though.


With no braceted WZs, the lvl 50 premades with all their PvP gear with Expertise on it will win 99% of their matches. It only gets worse, the stronger only get stronger because they win more so they get the gear faster and the pugs only get more frustrated. By the time a PuGer has enough Chap gear, the premades will already have their Battlemaster gear. You know how this goes, by the time a PuGer can get Battlemaster gear, they will introduce new and better gear.



Why not make the in-match badges be the daily/weekly mission objectives instead of win/lose? That way someone who is actully playing the objectives of the WZ is rewarded.

Edited by seouleh
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Scramble teams rather than make it republic vs empire.





So your server Republic-side sucks and you want BioWare to scramble teams, completely ignoring the fact the ENTIRE STORYLINE of the Star Wars universe is Republic vs. Empire?





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My server can not win warfronts.... its so demoralizing.... I would like to get my daily and weekly warfront wins but its impossible to win.... LOOK at the win/loss ration for each faction and tell us something is wrong... When you have people on the Empire side doing 4 times the damage as everyone else...



Cry moar plz!


I feed off ur tearz!

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Right now, this has little to do with skill level of either side, it has everything to do with gear and premades. With more and more players getting to 50, this is changing though.


With no braceted WZs, the lvl 50 premades with all their PvP gear with Expertise on it will win 99% of their matches. It only gets worse, the stronger only get stronger because they win more so they get the gear faster and the pugs only get more frustrated. By the time a PuGer has enough Chap gear, the premades will already have their Battlemaster gear. You know how this goes, by the time a PuGer can get Battlemaster gear, they will introduce new and better gear.



Why not make the in-match badges be the daily/weekly mission objectives instead of win/lose? That way someone who is actully playing the objectives of the WZ is rewarded.


+ 10,000


THis is EXACTLY what is happening, as it happened in Rift, as it happened in WOW.


We need a true eSport MMO, not one where they clone a PvE gear-progression model onto PvP. Because as seoluh just said, you can't really "catch up" in gear to these kids with the time to play 10 hours a day.

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I think they should just get rid of the Republic class delays.


Also its irritating that a lot of empire players just deny the Republic class delays...


I get that Bioware has important things to do but I hope they fix the ability delays soon. Mortar volley is one of my really good commando moves and its useless in a lot of PvP situations.


Also there was that one other close range trooper ability which is also useless due to a delay that the BH doesn't have.


EDIT: I understand getting rid of those annoying ability delays isn't gonna fix this but it still helps, Commando is already hard enough to play in PvP I reckon (not complaining, its playable if you know what you are doing and put the effort in, but it takes a bit of skill to utilize and get to the top of the scoreboard.)

Edited by ForceMaster
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I think they should just get rid of the Republic class delays.


Also its irritating that a lot of empire players just deny the Republic class delays...


FYI, both sides have them


Yes, I play both sides of the fence on the same server. Yes, I PvP on both sides here and there. Yes, I know both have these delays from personal experience


From what I've seen Republic losses are generally (but not always) based on three things:


1. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Evenly matched fights have happened

2. Empire seems to have more 50s right now. This will change and even out

3. Empire players seem more focused. The concept of 'guard the doors', 'pass the ball' and 'take two, guard two, win' really aren't that hard...

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3 fold problem.


Class Imbalance: I think you can whinge about 3 of the classes being "OP" when in reality they're very very even. Some abilities need to be changed obviously. Unfortunately one class, and especially one advanced class is fairly rubbish in group combat. That's the Guardian/Juggernaut.


Faction Imbalance of Numbers: You have more players on the Empire side. And therefore you have more 50s, and what do 50s do in Warfronts? Murder everyone else.


Class Popularity: The most popular class for republic is the Jedi knight, and it's the worst in pvp as I mentioned earlier. You put all of these things together and it's rarely fun to be the republic in pvp. (Though it does feel great when you win :p)


So how do you fix it?


fix the faction imbalance? Well bioware all you have to do is rewrite the entire history of star wars so more people play republic... so that's out.


You can't make the classes less popular (among people who pick on coolness) unless you radically change the design of them. Which would be really wrong for anyone who like me has fallen in love with their character. Lightning vs Pebbles, sorry there's really only one choice for example.


But you make make the classes vaguely balanced in group combat. And you can stop the 50 nonsense. Either these relatively simple fixes are implemented or someone like me, will just stop playing PvP.


For the first time in ages i've enjoyed the journey of playing. but you've taken a great deal of that away by stupid stupid things which could be fixed.

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you pick republic and you complain that ur teams are weak. hahaah


psychology lesson 101.


aggressive people choose horde/imperial.


rainbow chasers and immature kids that think they will get an advantage pick ally/republic.


more adults play on horde/imperial side. stronger military minds in pvp.

Edited by bladesdnm
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you pick republic and you complain that ur teams are weak. hahaah


psychology lesson 101.


aggressive people choose horde/imperial.


rainbow chasers and immature kids that think they will get an advantage pick ally/republic.


more adults play on horde/imperial side. stronger military minds in pvp.


Does it hurt to be this clueless? Like, do you have a constant buzzing in your ears or something?


psychology lesson 102: when you're convinced you're the mature one; you aren't

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Right now, this has little to do with skill level of either side, it has everything to do with gear and premades. With more and more players getting to 50, this is changing though.


With no braceted WZs, the lvl 50 premades with all their PvP gear with Expertise on it will win 99% of their matches. It only gets worse, the stronger only get stronger because they win more so they get the gear faster and the pugs only get more frustrated. By the time a PuGer has enough Chap gear, the premades will already have their Battlemaster gear. You know how this goes, by the time a PuGer can get Battlemaster gear, they will introduce new and better gear.



Why not make the in-match badges be the daily/weekly mission objectives instead of win/lose? That way someone who is actully playing the objectives of the WZ is rewarded.


Sounds like Warhammer.

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