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Your favourite 5 star wars games of all time?


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#1- Knights of the Old Republic: This game had everything for me that a single player game could offer. I was heavily into playing D20 table top games at the time, and it loosely followed that system. And the story...omg, the STORY! And the TWIST! I still vividly remember my reaction when the twist was unveiled. I was in mid-cutscene, supposed to be making a choice, and I stood up and walked away from the computer and paced, working the utter shock out of my system. *lol* And let me be frank when I say that were it not for this game, I wouldn't have even given TOR a second glance. KotOR isn't just my top Star Wars game, it's one of my FAVORITE games ever, period, the end. Because of KotOR, I tried Mass Effect, Dragon Age...all of these games that led us to TOR.


#2- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Let's be honest. TORs a great game. See my above statement, however, as to why it lands at the #2 slot. It still carries a bit of the magic from KotOR for me, but it's not quite there yet.


#3- Rogue Squadron: I literally purchased a Gamecube JUST for this game. Laugh at me, go ahead. I'm not ashamed.


#4- Dark Forces II- Jedi Knight: Yeah, the story was garbage. *lol* It was filled with lame *** live action cut scenes that were poorly acted. But it was also my first adventure into Star Wars video games, so it still has a certain place in my heart.


#5- Return of the Jedi: Remember the one that was on Super Nintendo? Yeah, that's the one. Always good for some frustrating 2D platform gaming with a Star Wars label on it. But then....the surprise rail shooter flight scene through the Death Star II!!!! *lmao*

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I'd say:


1. SWTOR - I've already had more fun with this than any other star wars game which is saying A LOT.


2. Battlefront 2 - I used to play this for years, really a fun game.


3. Empire at War - Really cool strategy game that I enjoyed.


4. Revenge of the Sith - Don't know why, I just really liked this game.


5. Kotor - I had a blast playing it but I never really played it after the first time through the story.

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2. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire for the N64. My first Star Wars game and I spent hours on it. I picked it up the other day and breezed through it in under two hours.

3. Pod Racer

4. Battlefront

5. The Old Republic. Only because the experiences I had with my friends and being younger truly made these other games great (even if they were bad games like #2). This might get bumped up after I spend more time on it.

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I judge my favorites based on the amount of actual replay value I've squeezed out of them. I still play X-Wing.


1. X-Wing series

2. Battlefront II

3. Jedi Outcast

4. Super Star Wars series

5. Empire at War


Edit: Oh yeah, SWTOR is probably on this list somewhere. I haven't decided where.


Double edit for memoriesofprey: It's not called The of Republic. So please, for the love of God, stop abbreviating it ToR.

Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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But then....the surprise rail shooter flight scene through the Death Star II!!!! *lmao*


Although I am not a good player, I was good at all the three Super NES-Star Wars Games, even if they are generally considered hard. But I never got the clue what to do in that second death star sequence, e.g. how to manage to escape the explosion.

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1) SWG - Enjoyed the sandbox, the crafting, the PvP, the amazing friends I made here, and still know to this day


2) Jedi Outcast - Made models for this one, was too much fun to run the origional Duel of the Fates map all day long


3) KotOR - Really nothing else like it


4) Xwing - Yeah, I know Tie Fighter had the better story, but I was completely sucked into this one.


5) Tie-Fighter - Great story, logical progression from Xwing

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Rated based on the fun factor I nostalgically believe I had at the time of playing.


1. Xwing versus Tie Fighter - Unmatched, imo, by any other space sim given the level of technology at the time of release. Nothing has duplicated the Star Wars emmersion that I felt since.


2. Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast - Great first person shooter with a good story.


3. Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy - Better first person shooter with a very slightly less engaging story


4. Knight of the Old Republic - Extremely enganging at the time. I played through three times in the first couple months. Introduces to the best EU character ever, HK-47.


5. Rebellion - RTS strategic space concquest. Low on graphics, high on fun. Played with a friend on laptops via crossover cable for hours.


Runner-ups in no particular order: Star Wars Battlegrounds, Battlefront II, and KOTOR 2.


EDIT: I looked back and was surprised to see Rebellion on a few other lists. I thought I was the only one. I agree with the poster who said they wished that Empire at War had duplicated some of it, but it didn't, and that's why it isn't on my list. I would love to see a company make a graphically relevant version.

Edited by Rikalonius
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EDIT: I looked back and was surprised to see Rebellion on a few other lists. I thought I was the only one. I agree with the poster who said they wished that Empire at War had duplicated some of it, but it didn't, and that's why it isn't on my list. I would love to see a company make a graphically relevant version.


Having played Rebellion a lot in my youth, I can say without reservation that it was complete garbage. There were so many other games out there at the time that were far superior (Imperium Galactica, MOO2, etc) that the only thing Rebellion had going for it was the Star Wars setting. You spent more time micromanaging menus in Rebellion than any 4X game before or since. I am so glad Empire at War didn't try rehashing it.


Edit: As someone else said, I'll give it credit as being oddly addictive, but sometimes I hate myself for my misspent youth.

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Rated based on the fun factor I nostalgically believe I had at the time of playing.


1. Xwing versus Tie Fighter - Unmatched, imo, by any other space sim given the level of technology at the time of release. Nothing has duplicated the Star Wars emmersion that I felt since.


2. Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast - Great first person shooter with a good story.


3. Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy - Better first person shooter with a very slightly less engaging story


4. Knight of the Old Republic - Extremely enganging at the time. I played through three times in the first couple months. Introduces to the best EU character ever, HK-47.


5. Rebellion - RTS strategic space concquest. Low on graphics, high on fun. Played with a friend on laptops via crossover cable for hours.


Runner-ups in no particular order: Star Wars Battlegrounds, Battlefront II, and KOTOR 2.


EDIT: I looked back and was surprised to see Rebellion on a few other lists. I thought I was the only one. I agree with the poster who said they wished that Empire at War had duplicated some of it, but it didn't, and that's why it isn't on my list. I would love to see a company make a graphically relevant version.


I absolutely loved Rebellion (Star Wars Supremacy in EU). There was something magic about playing out the Star Wars saga in your own way. Playing out the final battle, deploying a fully trained Luke Skywalker on missions, building fleets full of Super Star Destroyers etc. Shame that once you got good at it the AI was no match for you.


I would love it if they made a more modern version.

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1 - Tie Fighter.

Just flying the iconic ship and feeling so vulnerable in it was.... amazing fun.

2 - X-Wing.

As in 1, just a great feeling game all around.

3 - Star Wars Galaxies

For 4 years that game was 'home' to me.

4 - Star Wars (Original Arcade)

This was brilliant, the sit down arcade version was just so atmospheric and I always put my coins in when I saw it.

5 - Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back (Atari 2600)

Just so simple, but so much fun. I could play it all day.


Then again, I'm all about the old school.

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