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Why is everyone so impatient and unfriendly?


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I am so sad about all this rudeness and impatience in SW:TOR!


After I accept a /1 LFG spam to tank a flashpoint, I, like most social people, like to reserve 10-15 minutes before the first pull to learn more about everyone in the group and see how they are doing.


I simply do not feel comfortable tanking unless I know everyone's name, A/S/L and their basic likes and dislikes. I also like to share my troubles with them and see if anyone else is having troubles too. My dog has serious behavioral problems and my mom's health is getting a lot worse, and these things weigh on my mind a lot.


The weird thing is... I feel like I'm being very friendly, but people are always cruel to me and impatient. They're all like GO GO GO *** ARE YOU DOING TANK and they quit the group!


I thought the whole point of PUGging flashpoints and heroic quests was to make deep, lasting friendships and maybe even find a wife. But I guess everyone is so used to WoW and LFD that they don't want to socialize with a bunch of random people during a flashpoint anymore.


I wish I could go back to the past I remember when everyone was sociable and courteous and cared about each other's feelings before LFD ruined the community.


The sarcasm in this post is THICK! In all my 20 years of gaming I have NEVER EVER... done this. Flashpoints are for one thing - Gear. Get in get done, do the next one. It should take no longer than 30 minutes on large flashpoints. People should know about CC, thier role and what to do.


At the core this is still just a MMO and they all work the same..Your average gamer has been playing them for years....


The tank tanks and interrupts

The Healer heals

The DPS does damage and interrupts

People CC when they can

Skip pulls that are useless


Kill it all, loot it all, move on.

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I am so sad about all this rudeness and impatience in SW:TOR!


After I accept a /1 LFG spam to tank a flashpoint, I, like most social people, like to reserve 10-15 minutes before the first pull to learn more about everyone in the group and see how they are doing.


I simply do not feel comfortable tanking unless I know everyone's name, A/S/L and their basic likes and dislikes. I also like to share my troubles with them and see if anyone else is having troubles too. My dog has serious behavioral problems and my mom's health is getting a lot worse, and these things weigh on my mind a lot.


The weird thing is... I feel like I'm being very friendly, but people are always cruel to me and impatient. They're all like GO GO GO *** ARE YOU DOING TANK and they quit the group!


I thought the whole point of PUGging flashpoints and heroic quests was to make deep, lasting friendships and maybe even find a wife. But I guess everyone is so used to WoW and LFD that they don't want to socialize with a bunch of random people during a flashpoint anymore.


I wish I could go back to the past I remember when everyone was sociable and courteous and cared about each other's feelings before LFD ruined the community.


if you asked me my real name my likes and dislikes after inviting me for a random flash point i would think your a freak and probally say "its none of your buisness"


as for



The weird thing is... I feel like I'm being very friendly, but people are always cruel to me and impatient. They're all like GO GO GO *** ARE YOU DOING TANK and they quit the group!


there is being friendly then there is being too friendly , you need to work on your social skills i think

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I am so sad about all this rudeness and impatience in SW:TOR!


After I accept a /1 LFG spam to tank a flashpoint, I, like most social people, like to reserve 10-15 minutes before the first pull to learn more about everyone in the group and see how they are doing.


I simply do not feel comfortable tanking unless I know everyone's name, A/S/L and their basic likes and dislikes. I also like to share my troubles with them and see if anyone else is having troubles too. My dog has serious behavioral problems and my mom's health is getting a lot worse, and these things weigh on my mind a lot.


The weird thing is... I feel like I'm being very friendly, but people are always cruel to me and impatient. They're all like GO GO GO *** ARE YOU DOING TANK and they quit the group!


I thought the whole point of PUGging flashpoints and heroic quests was to make deep, lasting friendships and maybe even find a wife. But I guess everyone is so used to WoW and LFD that they don't want to socialize with a bunch of random people during a flashpoint anymore.


I wish I could go back to the past I remember when everyone was sociable and courteous and cared about each other's feelings before LFD ruined the community.


You made them wait 15 minutes for a flashpoint, which is fairly easy? If you have problems they're YOUR problems not everyone else, it's not a "WoW sucks" problem or "oh i guess you played WoW" They're there to play the game not necessarily delay what they need to chit chat

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I usually let the group die at the first pull, they respond with ***.

I just say well it's rude not to introduce your self.

They than state I didn't either in which I respond, it's courtesy for a man to introduce himself to a woman.

Usually they say I am not a woman and I agree, from there it starts to get awkward.

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Some people are probably in a hurry to level. You cant really say either type of person is right or wrong.


I would suggest finding a group of like minded people and only playing with them, if you cant cope with people who arent the same as you.

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You honestly think i dont have more important stuff to do then chat with some random dude or 15 min before he chooses to start playing the FP? Ever heard of writing and playing at the same time? If i wanna chat i chat with my friends, atm your just a random person i need to complete an objective. It's hardly rude not to chat about nonsence stuff because some dude needs to get something said.


I would just like to add that chat is overrated anyway!


Anyone I WANT to talk to is already sitting in my Vent server... Who types anymore?


Chances are the pugs with you are also in their own voice chat servers "talking" to their friends.

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Perhaps OP, because most people have a limited amount of time to play the game, and as such don't want to spend it swapping life stories with a complete stranger. To be honest, if I came across someone like that in a group, I'd either kick him, or look for another group, as it's just too damned odd for my liking.


Socialising is all well and good, but there are places for that, and heroics/flashpoints are not it.

Edited by DarkZenith
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I usually let the group die at the first pull, they respond with ***.

I just say well it's rude not to introduce your self.

They than state I didn't either in which I respond, it's courtesy for a man to introduce himself to a woman.

Usually they say I am not a woman and I agree, from there it starts to get awkward.


Ohay there.





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I can't say that people are completely unjustified in their behavior, but alot of the time I have found people very "go go go" and speed centric. I can understand though.


Honestly, if it's that much of a problem, you should probably just join a guild of like minded people or primarily group with your friends. If it's really bad, move to an RP server, which is centered alot more on social content.


You can't expect everyone to conform to your standards and interest types: it's why we have friends and the like.


Hope you figure things out!

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Absolutely ridiculous, instead of helping out your fellow gamer and member of your server by befriending and mentoring them (maybe possibly marrying them one day) you take the easy road out and go on with your antisocial behavior. How can we have a strong community if people like Yfelsung aren't willing to put in the WORK to help build it?


lol why should he? is it his job to babysit people who don't know what they're doing?

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