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LOL at people calling for nerfs on any dps class.


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scoundrel/trooper combo would be a decent counter to try against tank/healer. Guard only works within 15 meters, trooper harpoons tank away(3second immobilize, followed by a freeze nade), scoundrel shanks healer. They are now too far apart for taunt, or guard to work, and scoundrel gets a good 12 seconds on the healer alone (even with a cc break). More than enough time to get him down low enough to finish off even with the guard returning.


That Trooper needs to be a vanguard and tank spec.

Pretty Specific. (Harpoon = vanguard, Root = tank spec.)


Tanks are great at CCing though.

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So let me get this straight, you're level 50 with a premade and and you lost to a premade of level 30's? I mean I could MAYBE see that happening if you were half asleep and you let them cap objectives. Otherwise, nope. It's your fault, you suck. Low level tanks are incredibly easy to kill.


No lol. I don't bother with premades. I get much more valor solo queue/mvp votes to be honest. I don't need to exploit the most op thing in this game just to farm valor lol.


I am saying that people are starting to realize what is truly OP and stack them in this game and it sure as hell isn't dps specs. The fact people are only crying about dps specs on this board just goes to show how little they know.


As it stands now? Not that big a deal. If rankings, and gear from those rankings are introduced? It needs looked at bigtime. Towards the end of beta people were starting to figure it out. Tank stacking = auto win in a cap and hold game.

Edited by biowareftw
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Its official every single thing in the game has now been declared OP on these forums. The entire lot of the QQ'ers are now considered mentally retarded




The PvP forums is not the place a PvPer comes for any type of serious discussion about said mechanic. It's just a bunch of QQing over which class is more OP and a few angry ex-WoW players threatening to quit over no arena, and telling everyone their opinion doesn't matter if they didn't reach 2.2k.

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What a surprise.


Why would I have to? The Empire on The Fatman are flat out horrible. Oh I have arena friends leveling up and that will be playing from WoW, but I sure as hell don't need them to beat the empire on the fatman server.


There are what? 1000 posts crying about Dps specs? I make one saying what is truly gamebreaking and I get flamed for it by some scrub who can't even carry a pug vs a pug? Please kid. You are probably as fat as your avatar and the only way you can even compete in this game is to group with other 50's against level 20's lol.

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Dude, vodka was one of the best wow guilds... Server= mannoroth... Theyre gonna **** you.. And everybody else... Deal with it


Actually I @$^$ on them with pugs until they did the stack all tank thing...


Try harder. I know exactly who they were in WoW and they were not known for PvP. They were known for pve.


Again there is no counter to stacking all tank and classes that can guard/taunt in an objective based cap and hold game.


Literally none. When something has no counter it is broken. It is that simple. It is not a big deal until ranking and gear from that ranking comes.


If they introduce that? You can guarantee everyone will run the exact same comps. This affects all heal hybrids, pure dps specs. They are literally useless. Only on dps non tank spec may be brought and that would be sent/marauder for MS and to be honest? I would bring a shadow/assassin over them cus they interupt healers better and that > MS.

Edited by biowareftw
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New page reminder that forum's poster 'biowareftw' is crying because people are working together in an online video game.

There are what? 1000 posts crying about Dps specs? I make one saying what is truly gamebreaking and I get flamed for it by some scrub who can't even carry a pug vs a pug? Please kid. You are probably as fat as your avatar and the only way you can even compete in this game is to group with other 50's against level 20's lol.

How Rude. :eek:

Edited by MagicalZero
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my question is to the OP, how did you get a double pre-made in? My guild was trying it and when we popped into the same wz we were instantly booted from the game with an error msg saying basically "you broke some rule". We were doing the 3-2-1 cue for both groups,and it did happen twice-same result.


So how the heck did you manage that? Blind luck ? or is there an exploit?

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New page reminder that forum's poster 'biowareftw' is crying because people are working together in an online video game.


How Rude. :eek:


Yeah putting an ability on someone you don't have to refresh is "working together". These same players got rolled by pugs in their premades.


I guess they automatically "got skilled" stacking tanks. Thanks for clearing this up for me...


Excellent work. All classes are pointless cept shadows/assassins, tanks and healers in a premade. Working as intended. What awesome game balance.

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Yeah putting an ability on someone you don't have to refresh is "working together". These same players got rolled by pugs in their premades.


I guess they automatically "got skilled" stacking tanks. Thanks for clearing this up for me...


Excellent work. All classes are pointless cept shadows/assassins, tanks and healers in a premade. Working as intended. What awesome game balance.


Your attitude is confusing.


Do you not think a premade team with a good setup should be able to beat a solo player who thinks he just needs to pop on one of them and repeat his combo to win?


Best team combinations in game should include tanks using guard. And you should not be able to beat a guarded player without help.


You'll find that this team you are complaining about would struggle against a 2 dps 1 healer 1 tank team though. Their tanks only do as much damage as dps because they don't die. They'll die if they get focussed.

Edited by Hayemaker
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Your attitude is confusing.


Do you not think a premade team with a good setup should be able to beat a solo player who thinks he just needs to pop on one of them and repeat his combo to win?


Best team combinations in game should include tanks using guard. And you should not be able to beat a guarded player without help.


You'll find that this team you are complaining about would struggle against a 2 dps 1 healer 1 tank team though. Their tanks only do as much damage as dps because they don't die. They'll die if they get focussed.


How the hell is "good setup" only one tank AC as dps, tanks and heals?


That is not fun, balanced or remotely good pvp.


In what world does a shadow/assassin do less dmg then a dps class? Bizzaro world? Done with this topic. Bookmark this thread for when a ranking system is introduced so I can tell you "told you so".

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Yeah putting an ability on someone you don't have to refresh is "working together".

Yes, using an ability on another player and then staying within 15m of them is "working together". I'm glad we've come to an understanding.


Face it OP. You're not making an argument against guard, you're throwing a tantrum because you couldn't kill someone in PvP. It's very unbecoming.

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I give up, I lost the argument


Good for you mate.


Get your own tanks and healers, don't die so you don't constantly go back to respawn, assist targets with the rest of the team, and you'll find yourself doing more dps than the tanks again.


Or don't. Have a tantrum whenever you lose to a team working together and eventually rage quit. I really don't care.

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scoundrel/trooper combo would be a decent counter to try against tank/healer. Guard only works within 15 meters, trooper harpoons tank away(3second immobilize, followed by a freeze nade), scoundrel shanks healer. They are now too far apart for taunt, or guard to work, and scoundrel gets a good 12 seconds on the healer alone (even with a cc break). More than enough time to get him down low enough to finish off even with the guard returning.


If the healer lets the scoundrel beat on it yea,


If its a Sorc or Sage they can pull the tank right back to them, or sprint back to the tank.

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Why would I have to? The Empire on The Fatman are flat out horrible.




Vodka, Axis, Vanquish, Valor, are to name a few Empire guilds that is good on Fatman.


Fight, Foad, WDWN, are some good Republic guilds on Fatman,


All the others I don't notice as much, and I play alot.


I do think Fatman has some great matches, and some nights both factions are playing strong in the Warzones.


I don't think either faction is weak, I just think some have better nights than others.

Edited by Caeliux
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I agree with the op. And things will oy be getting worse if they nerf dps. Last night I we played a premade and they had 2 tanks that I remeber. A bh tank with 17800 hp and a sith jug with 19799 hp... When I popped all my trinks on the jug and blew all my CDs I hit him for 1100 on my max crit I never dropped him below 80%.

So if we listen to all the qq nerf the dps then be prepared to only play a healer and a tank in pvp. All the people qqi g have no idea what they are talking about. There are things that need to be fixed and dps is not one of them.


Tldr op has a strong point with facts to support what he is saying.

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Open on the healer instead of the tank. You should be able to kill them.


At level 27 me and my scoundrel can take out a level 50 tank/healer combo by sitting on the healer.


esp when you can 1 shot half of anyones health, i was a jugg tank at first now dps but as a tank a smuggler was 1 shotting me to 50% every single time.

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esp when you can 1 shot half of anyones health, i was a jugg tank at first now dps but as a tank a smuggler was 1 shotting me to 50% every single time.


Newsflash you aren't a "tank" until you are level 40 plus. Don't blame me. That is the way several specs in this game work. Scoundrels and gunslingers/snipers suck until around 40 as well. Deal with it. Add to that expertise makes all the difference in the world.


The truth? You are not a tank. You are "dps" and probably wearing no shield generator. It is harder for me to kill a sentinel/marauder then it is a "tank" that wears no shield generator. They are absolutely worthless.


Just because one person makes a website called guard-this? That doesn't make that a good spec. Focus specced guardians are ONLY good with a healer following them around in a premade. BTW? That guy wears a shield generator and is putting out 5-7 k crits on level 50's. The whole spec depends on being healed long enough to use those procs. In premade pvp with a pocket healer is it good? Sure. Outside that? It sucks.


The tank spec of guardian and jug played well is as good as it gets. If you want to be a "dps tank" choose assassin/shadow. They are currently top dawg. Best interupts on heals. Can guard/tank. Can burst as high as anyone in a short window out of stealth. Far and away the best melee class in hutball which makes up 1/3rd of the bg's and MORE if you play empire.


Along with all this they can stealth on a bridge and instagib and entire group of people in voidstar, by knocking them off a cliff lol.


As far as guardian/jug in gear and tank specced? There is no way any scoundrel/operative is "bursting you down". They are lucky to take half yor health off in 6-7 seconds in which case you chain CC them, last stand/biochem health pot to full health and take half their health off. After that you should win or they have to get out of dodge with a 2 min cooldown. If you have people around you that aren't clueless you drop the op/scoundrel within seconds.


Basically? You rolled a heavy armor tank class wanting to be OP. When you aren't? You are mad. NM that tank stacking and heals are what actually wins the game and the class you are crying about isn't seen within a mile of a premade...except as a healer.

Edited by biowareftw
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Newsflash you aren't a "tank" until you are level 40 plus. .


Newsflash! i didnt start pvp untill lvl 50. so yes i was a tank and the smuggler in question was also lvl 50. get facts before jumping the gun.


not gonna bother quoting the rest, your a moron and think you know what your talking about. good day ma'am.

Edited by GooseGrims
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Hell yeah brah! After my 4 k opener on no expertise targets that aren't even 50? I was instantly taunted and put out sweet 1 k-2k dmg crits. That was with adrenal, trinket and warzone buff. Was INCREDIBLE.


Guild was Vodka on The Fatman. Obviously they have figured out pvp in this game. Stack tanks/heals and dps that can taunt/guard?


Win like Charlie Sheen. Should be a fun game 6 months from now. What is the only class that can guard/taunt, put out good dmg and interupt healers better then anyone else? Expect to see a lot of them...


Tip: It isn't a class that people are calling for nerfs on lol.


so you played an 8 MAN DOUBLE PREMADE COORDINATED TEAM... and you were solo pugging... and you couldn't faceroll and win in a warzone like you are used to doing .... you likely didn't die.. and still did a crap ton of dmg... but not absolute face-roll like you are accustom too. I feel really bad for you.


now imagine... you were also guarded... and you and your guard.. and another dps you were in a FOUR MAN with... decided to actually coordinate the same target... my guess is you would have wiped EIGHT with your FOUR.... scoundrels/ops are OP.


but I will give you this... 8v1... your chances of absolute faceroll diminish marginally.

Edited by Mursie
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