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Space mission: Sullest Interception needs adjustment?


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Is anyone else having trouble completing this mission? I have level 5 upgrades (it only calls for level 3) across the board and I still get raked across the coals every time. This is the only mission I have come across that I've had any trouble with.


I've tried dodging, using missiles constantly, trying to take down that one special ship that pops up as quickly as possible, etc and still no-go. I'm killing stuff fairly quickly, but the damage the enemy ships are doing as well as their rate of fire has me thinking this quest needs to be turned down a bit.

Edited by Shodin
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Do you have the Power Conversion Module yet? I found that to be extremely helpful in taking out the ships early, then putting up my boost to shields and pounding out the rest using missiles.


I've got the 6 standard upgrades, is the PC Module something that is bought with Fleet Commendations? If so, I'll give that a shot.

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I was *JUST* about to post the same thing =P


I have level 4 everything (level 5 armor) and I can barely survive the thing, let alone accomplish the mission. I tried it five times this morning, dying outright on the first and last, while only managing to kill 45, 56, and 58 ships respectively. I have the Power Converter and have been hot-swapping between the two to do maximum damage and have maximum shields, and I use the Jammer right around when the boss ship comes in so I can shoot regular ships while spamming missiles at him. So I don't think it's that I'm a baddie who needs to L2P, unless maybe I'm missing something here?


The problem, as I see it, is that the normal ships in this fight don't die to one missile hit. It takes one missile and about 3-4 blaster shots (with Power to Blasters on) to kill a regular ship here. Adjust their toughness downward, or simply say that you need level 5 equipment to stand a chance at this mission, and I think it'll work out.

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Only mission I have trouble with is the final unlockable for Empire, the one where you have to kill a mine sweeper. I get the mines just fine but I just can't get out enough missiles in time to kill the mine sweeper.


Use your blasters on the engines as well. You should be able to knock out both engines at range, and have time to fire a few missiles at the bay as well, and knock that out on the last pass. Make sure you have your blasters powered up by the Conversion Module.


I've got the 6 standard upgrades, is the PC Module something that is bought with Fleet Commendations? If so, I'll give that a shot.


Yes, it's purchased with I believe 30 Commendations.

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Use your WASD keys to move around in circles all the time while doing barrel rolls nearly the entire time. You take a fraction of the damage you used to because you are never in the same place.


Use missiles to kill capital ship turrets. They will always die in one hit that way while you can focus on shooting other things.


Use your power converter to maximize damage and shield regeneration. You can't regenerate your shields if you are firing your blasters anyway.

Edited by Ayestes
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I've got the 6 standard upgrades, is the PC Module something that is bought with Fleet Commendations? If so, I'll give that a shot.


Power Conversion Module (and Electronic Jamming, or whatever it's called) are bought with Fleet Commendations at, well, Fleet. The Conversion Module gives you an ability activated by pressing 1 or 2. 1 will increase your blaster damage by an unspecified amount, but halve your shield regen; 2 will double shield regen, but halve your blaster damage. You can swap between either mode, or turn both off, with a global cooldown.


The Electronic Warfare Pod will give you a third ability that has a 2:30 cooldown, for 10 seconds you can't be attacked at all, which gives you time to shoot stuff and/or regenerate shields.


BUT, that said, this mission is still in need of adjustment. I have 4's across the board and a 5 for armor and I still can't beat this one. That'd be fine if the game said the recommended level was 4 or 5, but they're saying it's 3. Mannfred von Richtophen would balk at the prospect of doing this one with level 3s.

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Just delete it, along with every other space mission.


Problem solved.


Game dramatically improved.


An entirely voluntary aspect of the game is dramatically improved by its removal? So, in other words, the people who choose not to PvP (and I despise them, mind you) should be agitating to have PvP removed entirely from the game?



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I don't agree these need adjustment. I doubt I'm above average at this and I hardly take any damage at all. It's fun as heck to do for 5-8 minutes.


Well what's your equipment at? If you're all 5s then sure it's easy. But if the recommended level is 3 and people are having trouble with 4s, something should probably be adjusted--In this case it's likely just the HP of the mook ships throughout the level. I can survive their damage at my level, and the OP didn't seem to be using all the mods so he'll probably survive their damage as well now, but I'm having trouble actually accomplishing the mission when I'm ABOVE the intended level. I can't kill 60 ships, not even when properly using Power to Blasters and spamming missiles like they're going out of style. (For the record, I do 8 shots per second at 69 damage per shot with Blasters, so this isn't scrub-gear or anything.)


So I'd suggest lowering the normal ships' HP to the amount where they can be killed with one missile instead of one missile+3-4 Powered blaster shots.

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I use Rank 3 gear still, as I haven't felt the need to upgrade it yet. Seriously the most important thing you can do is just wiggle your ship around constantly. You take a fraction of the damage you used to. Enemy Blaster shots from front and back will always shoot you were you were a few seconds ago. Edited by Ayestes
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Perhaps there is something specific you need to do during the mission? Are you firing on the EMP shield to stop the enemy from firing on your for 30 seconds?


I'm only level 36 so I've yet to encounter this space mission - but definitely looking forward to it as the space missions up until now haven't been very challenging [maybe I just have excellent hand/eye coordination skills].

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Yeah, I have about a 50% completion rate on Sullust interception with level 3-4 gear. Now that I've upgraded my starship to level 5 everything, Sullust is pretty easy.


Now, however, the starbase defense mission (the higher level one) is nearly impossible. I haven't completed it yet.

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I've got the 6 standard upgrades, is the PC Module something that is bought with Fleet Commendations? If so, I'll give that a shot.

the 90 commendation "make you invincible for 10 seconds" is amazing to

i think some of these later missions assume you have both.

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I too am having trouble with this mission and it has put a damper on my fun factor. I really liked the space missions and looked forward to them soon as I logged in each night but now I'm at a brick wall. All my old missions are grey and this one non-grey mission I have won't complete until I can beat Sullest so basically I'm at a stand still with space missions :(


The mine sweeper mission wasn't so hard....just took doing it a few times to get down the gist of how to go about doing it but now it's daily quest is tied to completing Sullest.


This coming from a cybertech that gets the latest ship mods as soon as I hit the level requirement.


At this point I guess I have to give up on the space missions until I level from 41 to 50 to use the end game mods even though I have better mods than the requirements but by then this quest will be grey. How does that make sense???

Edited by Twolow
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I have everything fully upgraded to level 5, i have the EMP, power converter and electronic warfare packages, as well as proton torpedoes and i still fail this mission at about the 45 second remaining mark (right as you pass over the capital ship the second time) every attempt. I flip back and forth between shield power and blaster power, i use missiles whenever possible and i simply take too much damage too quickly near the end. I'll even save my EWP and EMP for that last portion but i still get shot up when im supposed to be untargetable and the EMP timing is so touchy as its almost worthless. I have no idea what the trick is but this is the only space mission I cannot beat. :confused:
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I have everything fully upgraded to level 5, i have the EMP, power converter and electronic warfare packages, as well as proton torpedoes and i still fail this mission at about the 45 second remaining mark (right as you pass over the capital ship the second time) every attempt. I flip back and forth between shield power and blaster power, i use missiles whenever possible and i simply take too much damage too quickly near the end. I'll even save my EWP and EMP for that last portion but i still get shot up when im supposed to be untargetable and the EMP timing is so touchy as its almost worthless. I have no idea what the trick is but this is the only space mission I cannot beat. :confused:


Same. I dont have the EMP, but have grade 5 everything, and can almost do it, but its very tough. Its the kind of fight, you need to do everything perfectly, otherwise you are probably done for.


I watched a video of someone doing it, but they:


-began fight with power on blasters.


- @ 2:00 switch to power shield


- @ 1:40 use your invulnerability shield


-@1:20 switch back to power weapons.



doing this got really close to completion, but its still not easy... Use that as a framework to work around.


My issue is that once I switch to power shield, I cant seem to fire off missiles quick enough... as a result, I dont kill stuff fast enough, and it comes back to attack me.

Edited by Tourniquett
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I was getting stomped also till I started pressing spacebar alot and make sure you use your shield item when you have the mass group coming at you from a distance and you'll be fine. i can now do it easily Edited by Myric
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Now, however, the starbase defense mission (the higher level one) is nearly impossible. I haven't completed it yet.


Odd, I have exactly the opposite problem. The starbase defense is more about timing - ignore everything but the Corellian Defender and the bombers once things start getting hectic.


The groups of 3 bombers can each be taken out with Power-converted blasters before they ever get to you. The bigger clumps, especially the waves after the first, are going to do their damage ... particularly with the Defender in there. You can jam one of them, though. Neither should be taking out your shields and half your armor in any case. Remember, you can't regen shields when firing anyhow, so you might as well be on overcharged blasters when behind the bomber waves.


Sullust Interception I've not completed at all, which is odd because I thought it's base mission (Nez Peron Sweep) was the easiest in the game. I've beaten every other mission fairly handily - though I expect there's an upgraded minefield I haven't unlocked yet.

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