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If Bioware added a third faction, what would it be that made most sense to the lore?


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Definitely with the independents. This is my idea for adding classes.


1. remove the smuggler from the republic and the BH from the empire and set them up independent.


2. Replace the BH with the Imperial guard class, allow it to have the techblade as it's main weapon. I think some INTERESTING stories can be done with an Imperial Guard class.


3. Replace the smuggler with a nobel/senator style class. Don't know exactly for advanced classes but I think one hell of a story can be done here to be like Padme or Leia.


4. Along with the BH and Smuggler, put in a force adept class and give it one of the two following advanced classes: Matukai Adept or Zeison Sha Warrior.

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3. Replace the smuggler with a nobel/senator style class. Don't know exactly for advanced classes but I think one hell of a story can be done here to be like Padme or Leia.



The smuggler is the only Republic class I actually like, but I absolutely love this idea. The character could be from a well to do family in the core worlds who is assigned as a glorified personal aid to a Republic ambassador stationed on Ord Mantell. Will you be a noble servant of the people or a snobby selfish elitist? Lots of fun to be had either way.

Edited by DresdenDollWars
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Early proposals where in fact for a 3 faction game. The Empire had the Warrior, Inquisitor, Agent, and rumored to have the Imperial Guard. The Huttese had the Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Voss Mystic, and another Voss class, while the Republic had the Consular, Knight, Trooper, and rumored to have an SIS agent. That was very early, and overly ambitious.


Lore wise, in this time period, I would see Hutts, Mandolorians, or the Tionese being the best options for a third faction. Hapes and Chiss have very small spheres of control, compared to the republic. IIRC, Hapes is less then 70 planets, while the Chiss are less then 40 in the NJO era.

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Technically the Vong are in the galaxy at this point, though they have yet to be expelled from Zonama Sekot. Based on that whole story line, the expulsion should occur somewhere in the not to distant future from the swtor time line.


The Yuuzhan Vong didn't set foot on on Zonoma Sekot until the events of the NJO. Sekot is a 'child' of the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld, Yuuzhan'tar.


I'd like to see Czerka (or some other corporation) as a third faction, with droids as their characters. You'd have similar sorts of toons (no force users, though) but the big boon I see for them is how you can customise the characters. Each bot of armour you get could change your appearence. Different heads, bodies, legs, arms. It would probably take someone more creative than me to come up with them, but it would give the characters a totally different feel.

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Were the Hapans around during this time? I think I remember in the Courtship of Princess Leia that it was mentioned their civilization was 10k years old or so? They had over a hundred fully colonized worlds, were very wealthy, with advanced technology not available to others, and a strong well-built military that never fell to outside forces.


They have 100 worlds in Leia's time, that doesn't mean that they have 100 worlds in this point in time. I seem to remember that they had increased the size of their Consortium a couple of generations earlier (which is why they had advanced weaponery).

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Early proposals where in fact for a 3 faction game. The Empire had the Warrior, Inquisitor, Agent, and rumored to have the Imperial Guard. The Huttese had the Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Voss Mystic, and another Voss class, while the Republic had the Consular, Knight, Trooper, and rumored to have an SIS agent. That was very early, and overly ambitious.


It may have been overly ambitious, but it would have made for a more interesting game. Plus it would have left it open for them to add more species or groups that are not or would not be directly associated with either the Republic or the Empire.

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Free-lance groups unoffiically united. Smugglers, Bounty Hunters, etc. are technically members of this group. In SWTOR, they happen to serve larger organizations.. but exceptions apply. Edited by Zojak
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Considering the fracturing relations between the Empire and the Mandalorians, it'd be a pretty interesting development if they ended up splitting away entirely.


And hey, if Mandalore the Puppet ends up snuffing it in the process, all the better.

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The Yuuzhan Vong didn't set foot on on Zonoma Sekot until the events of the NJO. Sekot is a 'child' of the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld, Yuuzhan'tar..



Plus, they were still LONG exiled from the galaxy already. They were in Knights of the Old Republic though!!! There was a random scene you could get where you see an asteroid on the edge of the galaxy, then when you get near it, it shoots off faster than a ship can even move OUT of the galaxy, much less an asteroid. Canderous Ordo comments on it, but has no idea what the hell it was and none of your crew or even Revan knows, because nothing ever leaves the galaxy.. yet... this asteroid just did??


Well, as players we recognize it for what it is... a Yuuzhan Vong scout ship.

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Plus, they were still LONG exiled from the galaxy already. They were in Knights of the Old Republic though!!! There was a random scene you could get where you see an asteroid on the edge of the galaxy, then when you get near it, it shoots off faster than a ship can even move OUT of the galaxy, much less an asteroid. Canderous Ordo comments on it, but has no idea what the hell it was and none of your crew or even Revan knows, because nothing ever leaves the galaxy.. yet... this asteroid just did??


Well, as players we recognize it for what it is... a Yuuzhan Vong scout ship.


Not a scene. That was one of Uncle Canderous's Glorious War Stories, though. :D

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C'mon guys... I haven't seen any real suggestion but Hutt / Crime Cartel or Mandalorians. I saw many suggestions of Neutral party (which i aprove), but all of them demanded to make some amends in game desine, like additional points in loyalty or such. Why? Why have them at all?! It's third party, it shouldn't have ANY connections to other two. Well, not entirely any... Man, now i'm not making any sense myself...


What I think, if you need a neutral party, do it more like in Force of corraption (not that it was realy good 3rd party, but it's at least worthy of mentioning). If needed, pry the bounty hunters off Empire or Smugglers off Republic or both at once. Who said parties should be mirrored?! In my opinion it just adds a fealing of artificiality to a game(did i just invented new word? if so, sorry...) Make Jedi selfsufficient... well, it wont play good, but it's just an example.


A 3rd party, if we were to add any to a game (and meaning to PVP as well), should bring trouble to both sides. The best idea i saw here was to make a second Sith Empire strife for control over galaxy. But I personally dislike this choise, coz it'll make game too much Darkside.

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