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An advice to everyone complaining about the lack of level bracket


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You have wrong perspective. When you see a lvl 50 with some Centurion/Champ/BM gear and you see he/she is very strong then instead of whining be motivated: YOU CAN BE THE SAME WHEN YOU LEVEL UP! When I saw a strong 50 team with expertise gearf playing well I thought, cool, so that is how the 50+ pvp look like, I like it.


So DON'T GIVE UP, I know it can be frustrating but believe me, most of us felt the same when we leveled up and met some 45-50 guys/teams.


Do this:


1. when you see the match is one sided, don't quit you loose the commendations. Instead try to maximize your commendations, do dmg like hell, heal some (medpacks count!) if you can guard/taunt use it, don't take care about the mach result. I remember that several times we came out of a 0-6 hutball with 6x commendations!! Also gaining valor, even relativelly smaller amount per matches raise your rank and you CAN be close to rank 60 or reach it till you get lvl50.


2. Buy mercenary commendations, stock the max 1000. When you reach lvl50 and you have 1000 merc and 1000 warzone commendation you can by 5 champion bags right away. If you are lucky you can get expertise gear very fast (if you unlucky however you still get some centurion commendation). Also you could do one daily and one weekly + ILUM daily + weekly immediately which means with luck you can get more expertise gear.


The pvp starts at lvl 50, before that it is just leveling does not matter, it will be past very soon and when you and your comrades starts to get expertise gear you can be as strong as they and the gap will decrease. Believe me, many lvl50 champ are NOT BETTER THAN YOU, just AHEAD of you in level and gear. But that gear is not infinite, it is capped at the battlemaster gear, so when you getting them you will become like those who pwned you before. From that moment, the skill and teamwork will be the deciding factor.


Whining does not bring you anywhere, but if you fight through 10-50 with determination will bring you the lvl50 pvp, which IS GOOD (with minor problems)! The expertise gear even each other in time!

If you rage quit you will lost it!


(I am a lvl50 Powertech, rank32 with 4 champ+1 centurion gear and yes, I had lost many WZ badly many times against lvl50 expertise geared premades)

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Ridiculous thread. Ludicrous.


People don't join BGs to oggle the OP 50s. The join to PvP on a level playing field.


This, however level bracketing isn't needed. A fresh 50 is really nothing too special, but one with Expertise gear is. Just separate people with Expertise gear out from the rest, make these new ones ranked, and you have yourselves a much better system.

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Ridiculous thread. Ludicrous.


People don't join BGs to oggle the OP 50s. The join to PvP on a level playing field.


You did not really get what I meant to say.

I have not said it would not be better to have separate lvl50 bracket! IT WOULD! But until this is not in the game you should live with what is in the game (or leave it). And I saw many thread about let's quit pvp/game because there are no brackets.

Edited by Mardur
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You did really get what I meant to say.

I have not said it would not be better to have separate lvl50 bracket! IT WOULD! But until this is not in the game you should live with what is in the game (or leave it). And I saw many thread about let's quit pvp/game because there are no brackets.


Squeaky wheels get grease.

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You have wrong perspective. When you see a lvl 50 with some Centurion/Champ/BM gear and you see he/she is very strong then instead of whining be motivated: YOU CAN BE THE SAME WHEN YOU LEVEL UP! When I saw a strong 50 team with expertise gearf playing well I thought, cool, so that is how the 50+ pvp look like, I like it.


So DON'T GIVE UP, I know it can be frustrating but believe me, most of us felt the same when we leveled up and met some 45-50 guys/teams.


Do this:


1. when you see the match is one sided, don't quit you loose the commendations. Instead try to maximize your commendations, do dmg like hell, heal some (medpacks count!) if you can guard/taunt use it, don't take care about the mach result. I remember that several times we came out of a 0-6 hutball with 6x commendations!! Also gaining valor, even relativelly smaller amount per matches raise your rank and you CAN be close to rank 60 or reach it till you get lvl50.


2. Buy mercenary commendations, stock the max 1000. When you reach lvl50 and you have 1000 merc and 1000 warzone commendation you can by 5 champion bags right away. If you are lucky you can get expertise gear very fast (if you unlucky however you still get some centurion commendation). Also you could do one daily and one weekly + ILUM daily + weekly immediately which means with luck you can get more expertise gear.


The pvp starts at lvl 50, before that it is just leveling does not matter, it will be past very soon and when you and your comrades starts to get expertise gear you can be as strong as they and the gap will decrease. Believe me, many lvl50 champ are NOT BETTER THAN YOU, just AHEAD of you in level and gear. But that gear is not infinite, it is capped at the battlemaster gear, so when you getting them you will become like those who pwned you before. From that moment, the skill and teamwork will be the deciding factor.


Whining does not bring you anywhere, but if you fight through 10-50 with determination will bring you the lvl50 pvp, which IS GOOD (with minor problems)! The expertise gear even each other in time!

If you rage quit you will lost it!


(I am a lvl50 Powertech, rank32 with 4 champ+1 centurion gear and yes, I had lost many WZ badly many times against lvl50 expertise geared premades)


Your my New hero! :D


Never quit! Never go AFK! Keep Fighting and trying to survive/score/defend/kill NO MATTER WHAT!


There is always something to be learned from a match whether its a blowout or not (try something unconventional). If you quit or go afk, you've learned nothing.

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Most current level 50s don't have a clue what it feels like since they played with similar levels or lowbies when they were racing to 50.


I have no problem facing anyone except a level 50, the advantage is too great.


FYI it's not fun being cannon fodder for most people and they will stop pvping... enjoy the queues.

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i pictured this guy as the stereotypical anime dude with goku's voice bolstering up his teammates before fighting a bad guy....


im happy your optimistic about how abysmal the PVP is right now but asking a guy/girl to run into a brick wall from 10-50 *and* pay 15 bucks a month for it is a bit to much.


that, and playing huttball for 90% of the venture...


really when there's other MMOs out there and coming in. ~_~''

Edited by Plastic
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i pictured this guy as the stereotypical anime dude with goku's voice bolstering up his teammates before fighting a bad guy....


im happy your optimistic about how abysmal the PVP is right now but asking a guy/girl to run into a brick wall from 10-50 *and* pay 15 bucks a month for it is a bit to much.


that, and playing huttball for 90% of the venture...


really when there's other MMOs out there and coming in. ~_~''


The fact is that currently nobody pays any monthly fee as 30 days is given with the purchase of the game. Within 30 days anyone can be lvl50 and get some expertise gear!!!! Leaving the game BEFORE actually a montly fee is payed is dumb IMHO.


And your imagination about me failed badly however made me smile :) (I actually hate anime.)

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I support the topic creator.


I sincerely hope bracketting is a long, long ways away. It isn't needed until the population is there. It will only hurt PvP. You have to look at the vocal minority vs the silent majority on this one. I've been playing quite a bit of PvP and I've seen none of these balance issues being discussed that were any worse than when WoW's bg's first came out.


Just weather the storm and wait for the rest of the fixes the game needs and this one will work itself out. Just like it did in WoW. These issues are no different. Braketting won't fix it.

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i pictured this guy as the stereotypical anime dude with goku's voice bolstering up his teammates before fighting a bad guy....



That would be win!


I thought i came off more like the cpt of the Ginyu Force leading his lambs to the slaughter! :p

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I'm already level 50, but before hitting cap I fought plenty of other 50s. I'd much rather fight 1 level 50 than the 6 lvl 30s I had to fight as soon as I got the ball in huttball and proceeded to get stun locked. You play Huttball 70% of the time, and 1-on-1 fights are incredibly rare. The pvp is team based, you know you have lvl 50s on your team. Complaining about brackets is ridiculous. Stay with your team in Huttball, stay with your team in Voidstar (or whatever it's called), and go with the offensive team in Alderaan. Don't be one of the lvl 13s who knocks me in the pit, force charges me, and tries to solo me.
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Don't be one of the lvl 13s who knocks me in the pit, force charges me, and tries to solo me.


I have to second this also. I will add my experiences so far.


Even when my guy was level 15 or whatever, I had no problem taking people 1v1 that were doing this forcing me into the pit stuff, no matter what level they were. Easy kills for me.


I want to remind people again that this is team combat. Don't expect to beat me 1v1, I am significantly more experienced. Been pvping in mmogs since '97...


If you want to win, you need to play as a team, or be extremely powerful and experienced solo. This isn't an FPS. I.E. you can't run around by yourself and expect to win.

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As far as I know before lvl 50 you can have only one bag as it is unique, or am I mistaken?



Just 1 bag, you can save 1000/1000 so you can buy 5 more (for a total of 6) bags the moment you hit 50. +2 bags from dailies, and you can easily have 8 bags your first day of 50 (6+ more if you do the weeklies on day 1).

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And yet someone who joins now, who tries to level through warzones, has a much harder time leveling now that there are geared 50s on the opposing team. Bolster doesn't cut it. Geared 50s can have half again the health of bolstered lower levels or do insane amounts of damage--definitely three-shotting and most likely two-shotting bolstered lower levels. "The I leveled in warzones so others can too" argument is garbage given that the ones who did it in EGA/first week of the game weren't facing geared 50s *and* did it before the nerf to the rewards for losing.


I find the geared 50s who argue against a level bracket to be both funny and sad at the same time. They don't want competition, they just want to steamroll lowbies.

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Your my New hero! :D


Never quit! Never go AFK! Keep Fighting and trying to survive/score/defend/kill NO MATTER WHAT!


There is always something to be learned from a match whether its a blowout or not (try something unconventional). If you quit or go afk, you've learned nothing.


The only thing you can learn from a blowout is the limit of your patience. I don't quit but I don't like it either. And no, I don't want to roll level 20s day in, day out when I hit 50.

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So when I'm level 50 I can hope there are no low levels in my WarZones making my team lose. Once the majority of the playerbase hits 50 it will be the odd lower level killing the game for the level 50s. No matter what side you are on either already level 50 or leveling no bracket wrecks Warzones.
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Just 1 bag, you can save 1000/1000 so you can buy 5 more (for a total of 6) bags the moment you hit 50. +2 bags from dailies, and you can easily have 8 bags your first day of 50 (6+ more if you do the weeklies on day 1).


That is what I said, thanks for the validation.

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50s CANNOT be in Warzones with level 10s.


Nothing will fix this other than getting the 50's out.




OK, let clarify this because it seems my post did not cut it. I don't say that current system is ok. NO! I support separate bracket for 50s! What I tried to do is encourage ppl not to quit because of the current system! We don't know when the lvl50 bracket or any other brackets will be introduced, but until the current system is up and running it would be bad decision that one quits the game because of it, rest is in my post. Am I clear now?

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