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....but moaning about story and voice acting in a game touted for its story and voice acting is like complaining that the chocolate cake you ordered has chocolate on it.


I'm not one for analogies, but that was as spot on as it gets. And it made me laugh for a bonus point

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Ive been 50 for nearly 2 weeks now, and I watched all the story lines up to 50. But, once you have seen the "storyline" on the dailies and flashpoints multiple times, its time to start skipping them. Ive ran some flashpoints upwards of 20 times. Ive seen the story once, dont need to see it everytime. So, before you start flaming people for "missing content", remember that some of that content becomes repeatable at a certain point.
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Story is playable content.


In an RPG, the act of choosing vocal responses is just as much gameplay as shooting someone is.


I agree and find this refreshing. However, common sense tells me that the return on investment for making that "movie" is small. Days upon days of development for one 3-4 minute sequence is a questionable use of resources.


I'm just trying to be realistic here. I don't see this much story adding appropriate value over the long haul. It's just too much dev time for too little return.


Perhaps I am wrong and am overestimating resources used to create the movies.

Edited by Marlaine
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Ive been 50 for nearly 2 weeks now, and I watched all the story lines up to 50. But, once you have seen the "storyline" on the dailies and flashpoints multiple times, its time to start skipping them. Ive ran some flashpoints upwards of 20 times. Ive seen the story once, dont need to see it everytime. So, before you start flaming people for "missing content", remember that some of that content becomes repeatable at a certain point.


True, but then I really don't see what the problem is, as everything can be skipped and the quests picked up as per any other MMO. So all this rage and whine is irrelevant in the first place.

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The OP did not mention any of those concerns in his post. Your "concern" seems off topic in regards to what the OP is trying to convey. Which is not constructive feedback to help improve the game. He is simply bashing and QQing like he did in the other threads he started today. Quite simply, the OP is trolling.


I know, but the non-troll threads sink to page infinity, while the troll threads stay on top. Sometimes you have to get in your discussions wherever you can.

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I agree and find this refreshing. However, common sense tells me that the return on investment for making that "movie" is small. Days upon days of development for one 3-4 minute sequence is a questionable use of resources.


I'm just trying to be realistic here. I don't see this much story adding appropriate value over the long haul. It's just too much dev time for too little return.


Perhaps I am wrong and am overestimating resources used to create the movies.


I don't think you're overestimating resources.


But I think you're underestimating the value of story for many of us.


I got dozens of MMOs that have eveything but a good story.


This is the only one providing me with my favourite aspect of RPGs.

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I know, but the non-troll threads sink to page infinity, while the troll threads stay on top. Sometimes you have to get in your discussions wherever you can.


Agreed, my biggest complaint about the game so far is the lack of moderation on the forums. To many obvious troll threads get to stretch on to 100's of pages, while anything actually helpful gets dropped back to the dark ages.

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You could actually check the box that allows you to skip all cut scenes saving your space bar from constant pounding. That would be a logical solution though, which seems to escape you.


I guess it is just more fun for you to post lies on the forums. Judging from your other threads you have created today that simply bash the game and offers no creative or constructive criticism of any kind.


Why is this thread still open? This guy shut it down.

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Being the first MMO to break most players keyboards. Thanks to having to spaz space bar to skip the voice overs. Calling it.


Thank you for buying the game and make it so they have more money for future patch.WE love you big time.

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Why is this thread still open? This guy shut it down.


Im curious, in what way did that post shut it down. There is no "skip conversations" box. There is a "skip movies" box. Thats for intros and maybe the ship docking and undocking movies. All conversations must be space barred through, regardless.


That being said, if someone can prove me wrong, and tell me of a box OTHER THAN the skip movies box, id be happy to admit my fault in this thread.




Of course I mean, space barred through if you dont intend to watch that particular sequence.

Edited by Akrys
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It's closed-minded to think that all players will have the same playstyle. I happen to find the story refreshing. Others may (righfully so) find it boring and taking away content. Neither side is right or wrong. The game is just what it is.


What is concerning is the development time spent on all those movies. MMOs are a tough enough beast to keep creating content for as is. Add in those movies and you have a conflict of interest. Make more content to keep your high levels happy? Or spend massive dev time creating more movies which will limit the content you can make?


Those are legitimate questions...


Close minded?


Complaining that a game that was marketed as story driven, has *gasp* story driven content?

So, if I dont like flight sims, Ill buy Flight Simulator, then go on their forums and say it's the worst game I've ever played cuz it focus too much on flying planes?

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Im curious, in what way did that post shut it down. There is no "skip conversations" box. There is a "skip movies" box. Thats for intros and maybe the ship docking and undocking movies. All conversations must be space barred through, regardless.


That being said, if someone can prove me wrong, and tell me of a box OTHER THAN the skip movies box, id be happy to admit my fault in this thread.




Of course I mean, space barred through if you dont intend to watch that particular sequence.


Agreed. I'm skipping movies on my alt, but that doesn't seem to skip the conversations. I don't think they can be skipped as the choices you make can impact your character and affection. Of course, that's a good reason not to skip the conversations. :)

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Im curious, in what way did that post shut it down. There is no "skip conversations" box. There is a "skip movies" box. Thats for intros and maybe the ship docking and undocking movies. All conversations must be space barred through, regardless.


That being said, if someone can prove me wrong, and tell me of a box OTHER THAN the skip movies box, id be happy to admit my fault in this thread.




Of course I mean, space barred through if you dont intend to watch that particular sequence.


Have you actually read the original post, it pretty much shut itself down. So what you are defending now since you have clearly taken up the torch for this thread is

Being the first MMO to break most players keyboards. Thanks to having to spaz space bar to skip the voice overs. Calling it.


I understand pressing spacebar can be very difficult, even moreso when you think you need to spaz it or it's not working. Sounds like a user-end problem to me, maybe get a better keyboard? And no he wasn't just making a lol, if you can read the OP sig he is cleary trolling forums on a game that he already decided he doesn't want to play.

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Step 1: Rush to max level as quickly as possible, skipping as much content as possible.

Step 2: Rush to endgame as quickly as possible, skipping as much content as possible.

Step 3: Stand around, complaining that there is not enough content. despite skipping most of it.



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Maybe your space bar because you just wanna rush to end game, get phat lewts, and sit around in a town afk while you bask in your own e-glory, but for the rest of use who knew this was a story driven MMO we will enjoy not only the game, but also the lack of players like you. Indeed this community looks to get better and better with all of your type of guys leaving.


I support this. Its like buying a movie and watching it with the sound off. Research what STORY DRIVEN MMORPG means OP. Mabye then you can be wiser about your purchases.

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Step 1: Rush to max level as quickly as possible, skipping as much content as possible.

Step 2: Rush to endgame as quickly as possible, skipping as much content as possible.

Step 3: Stand around, complaining that there is not enough content. despite skipping most of it.


So most of the content is just sitting there listening to story rather than playing the actual game.


In a game where you have to pay $15 a month to play?


The funny part is you see nothing wrong with this.

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