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Ive Yet To Meet Someone Ingame Who Hates TOR


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Ive Yet To Meet Someone Ingame Who Hates TOR


Amazing isnt it?


Not one person.


Not one.


Some have complaints, about the UI, dodgy PvP implementation etc & I agree.


But noone hates the game as much as the ex-WoW forum brats do here in post after post.


The most amazing thing is the number of people NEW to MMO's I have met, they are there because its Star Wars, because its KOTOR 3, and they are LOVING it.


If you dont like SW:TOR, then please GO AWAY.


Constructive criticism is fine but all this ranting negativity is pointless, You wont get what you want, so why bother?

Edited by Kheld
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Some guy was whining in /general, when I still had it turned on, and most of us just started saying "We're sorry" to everything he posted.


Eventually he gave up.


When a person whines, they're looking for a debate.


Just patronize them.

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It seems the trolls who hate TOR flock to the forums to express their distaste for the game. People who truly like it play the game.


Granted, some who play the game genuinely don't like it, but still play it. I don't understand these people and I don't think they do either.

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Ive Yet To Meet Someone Ingame Who Hates TOR


Amazing isnt it?


Not one person.


Not one.


Some have complaints, about the UI, dodgy PvP implementation etc & I agree.


But noone hates the game as much as the ex-WoW forum brats do here in post after post.


The most amazing thing is the number of people NEW to MMO's I have met, they are there because its Star Wars, because its KOTOR 3, and they are LOVING it.


If you dont like SW:TOR, then please GO AWAY.


Constructive criticism is fine but all this ranting negativity is pointless, You wont get what you want, so why bother?


I have... I made it to the fleet the other day, a guy invited me to a group, traded me 50,000 credits, said "F it" and logged out.

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Typically, forums are not representative of a gaming community. Look at WoW from launch, to its peak of 14 million subscribers, to where it is today. Throughout that time "WoW is dying" threads were often (if not always) on the front page of general. Yet WoW is, for better or for worse, the standard bearer of the mmo genre.


Most people now are too busy having fun to bother posting on the forums. TOR is the first mmo I've played that actually focuses on making the leveling process FUN. TOR isn't fun if you power level to 50 and skip out on the story dialogue and side quests, which is what some individuals did and their experience suffered for it.

Edited by PotatoOverdose
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Typically, forums are not representative of a gaming community. Look at WoW from launch, to its peak of 14 million subscribers, to where it is today. Throughout that time "WoW is dying" threads were often (if not always) on the front page of general. Yet WoW is, for better or for worse, the standard bearer of the mmo genre.


Most people now are too busy having fun to bother posting on the forums. TOR is the first mmo I've played that actually focuses on making the leveling process FUN. TOR isn't fun if you power level to 50 and skip out on the story dialogue and side quests, which is what some individuals did and their experience suffered for it.

The early days of wow were especially bad on the forums. At least people had valid reasons to complain in that game as there was litterly no end game outside of 10 mans, no warfronts, world pvp was borked by dishonorable kills, there were a ton of bugs, and a lot of server crashing.. Here it just feels like a bunch of whiny kids crying all day which tends to drown out the few who are actually making constructive posts critiquing the game. Edited by Tool_of_Society
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Because if you do voice your opinions about the game being terrible, you only get swarmed by the Bioware Defense Force, be it in-game or on the forums. People know better than posting here, which is why you can claim "Well I am not seeing anyone complaining on the forums!" while the leavers use a different outlet to voice their opinions (most likely a place where forum moderators here have no power), i.e. Metacritic, or just by telling their friends "This game is bad" and they follow suit.
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There's a guy over on the crafting forum who is so steamed at the "nerf" to slicing that he has un-subbed and rage quited.


I don't think he's very happy with the game.


Me, love it. It "IS" what I was waiting for, sure they need to fix up a few things and in time they will. But I have no complaints.

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Because if you do voice your opinions about the game being terrible, you only get swarmed by the Bioware Defense Force, be it in-game or on the forums. People know better than posting here, which is why you can claim "Well I am not seeing anyone complaining on the forums!" while the leavers use a different outlet to voice their opinions (most likely a place where forum moderators here have no power), i.e. Metacritic, or just by telling their friends "This game is bad" and they follow suit.


I think you need to re-read his post......

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Ive Yet To Meet Someone Ingame Who Hates TOR



Same here. The only complaining I've come across was about server que's, that's it. Everyone I've played with that has mentioned WoW all said they dropped their WoW accounts and were having more fun on TOR than they ever had on WoW. Makes sense though. The people who don't like the game probably won't be playing much and they are just looking to vent here before the sub period kicks in and they can no longer post.

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Because if you do voice your opinions about the game being terrible, you only get swarmed by the Bioware Defense Force, be it in-game or on the forums. People know better than posting here, which is why you can claim "Well I am not seeing anyone complaining on the forums!" while the leavers use a different outlet to voice their opinions (most likely a place where forum moderators here have no power), i.e. Metacritic, or just by telling their friends "This game is bad" and they follow suit.


If you voiced your opinions constructively, you'd find the responses quite different.

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Ive Yet To Meet Someone Ingame Who Hates TOR


Amazing isnt it?


Not one person.


Not one.


Some have complaints, about the UI, dodgy PvP implementation etc & I agree.


But noone hates the game as much as the ex-WoW forum brats do here in post after post.


The most amazing thing is the number of people NEW to MMO's I have met, they are there because its Star Wars, because its KOTOR 3, and they are LOVING it.


If you dont like SW:TOR, then please GO AWAY.


Constructive criticism is fine but all this ranting negativity is pointless, You wont get what you want, so why bother?


Lets hope they stay WoW fans because nothing is worse than an ex-wow fan who won't go back but wants that game in every game.

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Me neither.


Last I checked in prime time there were about 50 US servers with queues, about 20 with very heavy to heavy, another 20 at standard, and about 10 at light.


Seems healthy at this early stage.


Bioware has "known issues" to work on, that cannot be denied. But I'm sure they will get it done. In the meantime so many are enjoying it. I find nothing that prevents me from playing and having fun. Like all games it's just not for everyone.


I don't mind complaints. I just take exception to raging, ranting, and crusades like some trolls are on.


And if I get called a "fanboy" "Bioware Defense Force" or "White Knight" for that then so be it.

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People who are enjoying the game are usually too busy playing it.


Also, You'll almost never see someone post "GOOD JOB GUYS, YOU'RE GAME IS AMAZING" In a serious fashion. Most people just don't feel inclined to speak up till something is wrong. It's always the vocal minority on forums that are whining. It doesn't matter what game we're talking about, you can't assume the people on the forum's share the common opinion.

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