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The Most lifeless, dull, boring, dead mmo ever.


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Congrats Bioware on making the first MMO to make me feel like Im playing this huge game all by myself. Never see more than a few people here and there in every zone.


This is not even a MMO. Its a single player game with a slight opton of multiplayer and a chat connected to other people.


What a dull, boring, lifeless MMO you created. No world pvp, no people period in this game. Ive finally questioned why I am even playing this crap. Grind the most boring quests ever and adding a few basic choices and voice over does nothing. Just gonna break my space bar and have to buy a new keyboard soon.


You know what makes grinding in a MMO not that bad. World PVP, and playing with alot of people which does not excist in this MMO.


Im not even gonna lie I rather play SWGs than this garbage. Least I could play with other people and pvp.

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It's true. I'm playing on a server that has been queued to get into at times (Firkraan Crystal) and you can seriously play the game for hours and never run into another person - enemy or ally. There are instances everywhere, instance within instances.


The game has essentially no grinding and still manages to be unfathomably boring. Guild Wars feels more like an MMO than this game.

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You've already posted this exact sentiment in four other threads. Why are you making a new one? Not vocal enough? Feeling a need to keep on bashing the game? Do you not have anything better to do?


It's not even that I agree or disagree; I just think you've gone way beyond appropriate forum etiquette.

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See on my server i see different people all the time so i cannot really comment on your pain. Also i do not play on a PvP server so again not seeing enemy players does not bother me.


All of that said i have not seen an MMO where meeting other players in a zone was a good thing.

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I can't wait to watch this game go down in flames.


Any MMO as big as this with no world pvp. All sharded instanced so you never seen more than a handful of players in any zone.


Never has a MMO deserved to fail more than this game.

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What? I'm competing with 2-3 people with every quest I'm doing. I don't understand how you're seeing nobody. And there are huge group heroic areas that aren't instances.


Your complaints are flawed. Or your doing it wrong.


Also, why post if you "canceled a while ago"?

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Congrats Bioware on making the first MMO to make me feel like Im playing this huge game all by myself. Never see more than a few people here and there in every zone.


This is not even a MMO. Its a single player game with a slight opton of multiplayer and a chat connected to other people.


What a dull, boring, lifeless MMO you created. No world pvp, no people period in this game. Ive finally questioned why I am even playing this crap. Grind the most boring quests ever and adding a few basic choices and voice over does nothing. Just gonna break my space bar and have to buy a new keyboard soon.


You know what makes grinding in a MMO not that bad. World PVP, and playing with alot of people which does not excist in this MMO.


Im not even gonna lie I rather play SWGs than this garbage. Least I could play with other people and pvp.


Seems like we are not playing the same game.

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I can't wait to watch this game go down in flames.


Any MMO as big as this with no world pvp. All sharded instanced so you never seen more than a handful of players in any zone.


Never has a MMO deserved to fail more than this game.


I smell... yup... Troll.

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Congrats Bioware on making the first MMO to make me feel like Im playing this huge game all by myself. Never see more than a few people here and there in every zone.


This is not even a MMO. Its a single player game with a slight opton of multiplayer and a chat connected to other people.


What a dull, boring, lifeless MMO you created. No world pvp, no people period in this game. Ive finally questioned why I am even playing this crap. Grind the most boring quests ever and adding a few basic choices and voice over does nothing. Just gonna break my space bar and have to buy a new keyboard soon.


You know what makes grinding in a MMO not that bad. World PVP, and playing with alot of people which does not excist in this MMO.


Im not even gonna lie I rather play SWGs than this garbage. Least I could play with other people and pvp.

have to agree. many gaming websites stating the same
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You know, in my experience, when people complain about not having "world PvP", they mean "I can't gank people". So what I'm saying is... you probably miss not having the option to PK some poor guy over and over, and call it PvP.


Um, that's what open PvP servers are all about. You can't loot people, you don't lose XP when you die - what the hell could you possibly stand to lose by getting ganked? I mean, ffs, you can respawn at the position you died in, in this game.


Sorry but trying to demonize someone for liking FFA PvP on a PvP server is completely ridiculous.

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I can't wait to watch this game go down in flames.


Any MMO as big as this with no world pvp. All sharded instanced so you never seen more than a handful of players in any zone.


Never has a MMO deserved to fail more than this game.


You know, disliking the game because it doesn't fit or suit your play needs is fine. Games are subjective experiences for the most part and you're more than welcome to your opinion.


Even going so far as to post your negative opinion about the game on the official forums is ok in some respects. But when you follow up with a post like this, I can't help but lose all respect for your "opinions".


It didn't work for you. Great. Move on like a mature person. But to wish it failure when it does work for plenty of other people is just a little immature and selfish.


Just move on and find something you do enjoy!!


Good luck in your search :)



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I can't wait to watch this game go down in flames.


Any MMO as big as this with no world pvp. All sharded instanced so you never seen more than a handful of players in any zone.


Never has a MMO deserved to fail more than this game.


Agree with this, Bioware should stick to singleplayer games.

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