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1.5 mil subscribers playin, 1k whiners posting


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Dont get me wrong, i post lot of negative thing about this game but just dont fool yourself by looking this forums only..


i still play this game a lot, dont judge it by this forums and go try yourself because only %1 of players QQing here

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Bioware/EA has announced 1.5 million subscribers? I missed the press release.



Dont get me wrong, i post lot of negative thing about this game but just dont fool yourself by looking this forums only..


i still play this game a lot, dont judge it by this forums and go try yourself because only %1 of players QQing here



Anyway you are right the forums don't matter. It's the overall loss at one month that will be telling one way or another.

Edited by Pyrolight
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1.5 million subscribers, big deal.


What the current active subscription level is at in 3 months is what's going to matter.


And unless BW and EA start digging down hard, I see this game flopping. Not dieing, but I definitely see a lot of people going to ditch this game for GW2 easily when that comes out.

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Dont get me wrong, i post lot of negative thing about this game but just dont fool yourself by looking this forums only..


i still play this game a lot, dont judge it by this forums and go try yourself because only %1 of players QQing here


Actually 1k is 0.066recurring % of 1.5m and maybe 0.01% of people who don't like the game come and post on here, so actually 100,000 people aren't happy, which is like 6.66recurring % of players. ZOMGZ pulling numbers from the air ftw

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At the end of the first month, we will lose the ADD players, full time trolls, the people who wanted SWG2, and the people who wanted WoW2.


A small, but vocal and obnoxious percentage of the population.


I can't wait. :D


It's not a small percentage, it's at least half. It's happened with every MMO that has come out in the last few years. They get massive interest and then one to two months later more than half their subs are gone.

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1.5 million subscribers, big deal.


What the current active subscription level is at in 3 months is what's going to matter.


And unless BW and EA start digging down hard, I see this game flopping. Not dieing, but I definitely see a lot of people going to ditch this game for GW2 easily when that comes out.


...because GW2 will be the game of games... Whiners are just whiners for the sake of it, they will never be satisfied, never.

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At the end of the first month, we will lose the ADD players, full time trolls, the people who wanted SWG2, and the people who wanted WoW2.


A small, but vocal and obnoxious percentage of the population.


I can't wait. :D


I don't have ADD.

I'm not a troll.

I didn't want SWG2, or WoW2...


I just wanted an MMO that did something different, and kept up with the current MMO market. IMO SWTOR does do something different with the story, however everything else in this game is just recycled, and it doesn't offer anything new gameplay-wise. Not only that but the game enging itself is horrible - you can clearly tell they rushed to get it out before christmas so they could make money off the sales - but it wasn't nearly polished enough IMO. If they had just waited a couple more months to iron out the problems currently with the game, then this game would be a lot more fun. I find myself going back to LoL(a free to play game) in order to fulfill my PvP needs, and I'm already bored of the story conversations.

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I just wanted an MMO that did something different, and kept up with the current MMO market. IMO SWTOR does do something different with the story, however everything else in this game is just recycled


did you read what you typed? it's exactly what you "wanted" according to your standards/criteria.

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...because GW2 will be the game of games... Whiners are just whiners for the sake of it, they will never be satisfied, never.


Not a whiner. I gave the game a chance, but by the time you hit level 25, I'm sure you'll find yourself bored of the story already like most people.


Tell me what does SWTOR offer new gameplay wise besides a lackluster space combat? Absolutely NOTHING. There are a ton of other MMO's, and even free to play games that offer more gameplay wise.

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did you read what you typed? it's exactly what you "wanted" according to your standards.


As a whole the game doesn't offer anything different, besides the story. That is my point. Once you get past the story, there is nothing new. It's recycled garbage.

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At the end of the first month, we will lose the ADD players, full time trolls, the people who wanted SWG2, and the people who wanted WoW2.


A small, but vocal and obnoxious percentage of the population.


I can't wait. :D


i wouldn´t say that this will be a SMALL percentage of the population


i just can say whats happening with our folks (guild/allys/Enemys - around 400 people in total) - we are discussing heavily if we go back to wow because of the missing "basic" features and content (seriously all "raid content" (if you can call those wierd bashings even raids) can be cleared within a few hours.... i am sorry even vanguard:soh had more and much harder endcontent at it´s launch

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I just wanted an MMO that did something different, and kept up with the current MMO market. IMO SWTOR does do something different with the story, however everything else in this game is just recycled, and it doesn't offer anything new gameplay-wise. Not only that but the game enging itself is horrible - you can clearly tell they rushed to get it out before christmas so they could make money off the sales - but it wasn't nearly polished enough IMO. If they had just waited a couple more months to iron out the problems currently with the game, then this game would be a lot more fun. I find myself going back to LoL(a free to play game) in order to fulfill my PvP needs, and I'm already bored of the story conversations.

So will we see you in two months?

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OP, maybe it's just 1% of the players who complain, but that is surely just the tip of the iceberg, because many just don't bother posting here and the game has many issues.


This is true.


I work for the government, and my boss once handed me a letter and said to reply to it quickly. I said I'll get to it today, and he said now.


What he said was that a phone counts as 10,000 people, and a letter counts as upwards of 50,000.


Not sure where he got those figures, but keep in mind that the majority of people, even if unhappy, can't be bothered to speak up. They just quit and move on.


So, the quote is accurate.

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So will we see you in two months?


I'll stick around, since I've already subscribed for 60 days. I'm not one of those WoW-fanbois either, don't get me wrong. I see a lot of potential for this game, but the game to me just feels very unpolished at the moment.

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antOWNio is right. Even if SWTOR is a great game people are blinded by the hype and not acknowledging is full of bugs and inconsistencies. Also the fact that many things like the mount system is a complete ripoff from WoW/RIFT. Have you no shame? I realize making a similar product for people to grasp easier but to flat out copy features? I hope Blizzard sues Bioware just to force them to revamp the mount engine.
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As someone said on my server and I quote:


"The only reason the forums is so full of complaining, is because everyone that is actually ENJOYING the game is online playing it."


That made me think "hm, so if half the servers are full, and the others are at least standard size, then the complainers on the forums really are the minority, seeing as there isn't thousands of people on the forums at once."

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