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Why are people leaving and constantly crying?


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The game hasn't even been officially out for 1 month. All/most of the significant gameplay issues WILL be addressed. This game is a VERY LARGE game. The amount of time/effort to modify and create new coding is much more than 1 week.


Yes there are many issues. But with our feedback they will be addressed.



Look at all other MMO's. Look at their starts. Look where they ended up. The games never stayed the same from their launch. SWToR will improve.



PvE will get better.


PvP will also get better.


Things will change for the better.


Have some faith and have some patience.

Edited by Spade_PK-XLVII
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Look at all other MMO's. Look at their starts. Look where they ended up. The games never stayed the same from their launch. SWToR will improve.





And im sure that this game will end up to exactly the same place where those "other" games did.

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Because the game did not fit the exact vision of it they built up in their heads.


Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize the game was finished. I didn't realize they implemented all of their changes both by our feedback and their visions.


Maybe I'm just blind.....


but... then.. how am I reading and typing?




Because people pay for things they can use now, not things they might be able to use if they keep paying?


This is true... but BioWare can't exactly change things instantly before they get a bit of money. WoW didn't have it's first major patch until... what... 6...7 months into it? And by major, I don't just mean added content.

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Threatening to quit is one of the ways people hope there views will be listened to. Saying I am really unhappy about the following things but will continue to pay you regardless of what happens means the Dev's have no incentive to add what you want. They get your cash either way.
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Since you can obviously tell the future, will I ever find true love?


It's not predicting the future. It's logic.



They will update and change the game to better suit the player's desires/needs. They want you to enjoy the game so you continue to play.




As for your question....


When you search for the right things when looking for a man/woman (whichever), you will. Not just 'because' they're cute or they like 1 particular thing. (Assuming that's what you're doing now...)

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some people will quit. some people will quit in a huff and claim the game sucks.. obviously this happens in every game, and I am willing to make a bet that the same thing happened to WoW when it started up. (dunno tough never played the game at all) but my question is.


why do you care what other people are doing, unless the people leaving are posing a real threat to closing the game down ( ie lack of subs to keep it running) which it clearly isnt at this point, who cares?


the game is constantly being developed ( all mmos are even wow still) so it will either improve and people will play, or the devs will mess it up like SWG and it will die.


But people leaving and crying about it shouldnt be an issue to you.

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all the doom and gloomers need to just cancel and go back to world of pandas...or better yet go back to swg .


yea SWG, reinstall it and just stare at the blank server list


just think of the framerates they will get .

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A majority of the playerbase came into the game expecting WOW but better and were turned off when the game wasn't "perfect like wow" and missing alot of the key features that have been added to wow over the years when SW has been live a grand total of 2 weeks.


If any mmo company knows what it takes to take on blizzard it's bioware and i can guarantee the next month or 2 will be changing a large portion of the game for the better but people just don't want to wait for that when they can just go back to wow and roll their faces in raid finder/5mans or sit in trade all day.

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I'm probably never likely to make it as one of the guys on Dragons Den, but even I know investing in something I get a 0% stake in would make me a complete and utter moron.


I'm happy to give the game time to be the game Bioware promised, but I'm not going to pay for it in the meantime, effectively investing in them without getting any consumer benefit. And as far as people complaining...well it ain't gonna get better if people don't say what's wrong and the extent of the impact it has in terms of continuing, albeit frustrated, or being forced to completely quit the game until it's fixed.


But to reiterate, the fact it isn't what I feel it should be now isn't my problem, I'm not going to throw good money after bad.

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I'm sure the dev's are hearing the pleads and cries of many.


There are already many players. Imagine trying to sort through each post, comment, mail, email... and all that. And imagine how big their team may be. Depending on how large they are, it'll take time to sort through it, discuss it, figure out ways to improve. Etc.......

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all the doom and gloomers need to just cancel and go back to world of pandas...or better yet go back to swg .


yea SWG, reinstall it and just stare at the blank server list


just think of the framerates they will get .


actually someone has rebuild SWG on a private server:P so you can technically play it.. it just is a clone of the game and sucks.

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Some honestly don't like it. But those won't come to the forums and whine about it. They'll just cut their losses (since nobody forced them to pre-order and pay anything, they are very aware of the fact that MMOs usually get released unpolished and need work. They know they can't judge it in comparison to games that have been out and have been actively worked on for years with customer feedback and thus extensive testing).


Some are here because they are sitting in a queue waiting to get into their server. They stop whining once their pacifier has been reinserted.


Others are complaining because they love the game and want to see it get even better. Those usually don't cry about quitting in the next 24hours.


Then there are those who actually quit, whine and post. Those are the ones you usually find in grotesque hostage scenes. "I have my own kitten, I'm not afraid to skin it alive! Now hand over that Happy Meals, or Whiskers gets it!!" - If the McDonalds employee does not act swiftly, the kitten will be furless. There is no reason for quitting and posting it. It has been done for years in the WoW Forums, nobody cared, nobody does care here. BW will have very exact numbers of their subscribers and how many are leaving the game prematurely (e.g. before their 30 free days are done). They are the only ones who are able to predict if the game is in serious trouble or not. Then again our species has a remarkable tendency to narcissistic behavior. - I quit, that can only mean one thing: Everyone is going to quit - And if you think it through, the people who whine, quit and post are true heroes. Why? Because THEY know if THEY aren't happy with the product, nobody can be. They are warning a company that they are losing their most valuable client.


In any case I'm glad they post. Otherwise I'd be able to forget for just one second, that our species is not ultimately doomed.

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