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  1. http://taugrim.com/2012/01/19/understanding-swtors-avoidance-and-mitigation-mechanics-for-tanks-in-pvp/ This is a must read if you're a tank.
  2. Your spec looks silly, and is probably outperformed by better pure specs going the full 31 points into the trees.
  3. Well the Shadow tank spec is called Kinetic Combat, and it's a great tree. But until you're level 25, it feels lackluster and you have a harder time surviving or so I've noticed. I'm not saying you can't, just that it'll be a little frustrating. My suggestion would be to go into another spec until 25 and then respec at the Skill Mentor(which resets your points and lets you spec into another tree).
  4. 4 day old necro is bad. On topic, the DB lightsaber is incredibly awesome and it's one of the reasons why I rolled Shadow. Plus the run animation looks really awesome with it out and at the ready.
  5. Shadow Tanks do very well and are pretty fun to play, however I wouldn't recommend Kinetic Combat until around 25, where your talents start to really kick in and help your survive. I've heard a lot of people complain about Jedi Guardians as tanks, but Shadows seem to do very well.
  6. A statement without proof to back it is as empty as your attempts at trolling.
  7. Anything that you can provide to back your claim?
  8. So the only way to be successful is to make a fortune then? Then in your eyes I could see how WoW is the only successful MMO ever.
  9. People bicker for the sake of bickering and act as though their years of experience in the MMO market with WoW dictate everything about just about everything.
  10. That's like comparing K-Mart, Wal-Mart, and Target. Everyone knows that Wal-Mart generates the most revenue, but the other two seem to stay in business and are seemingly quite successful. ?
  11. Exaggeration is used for effect, silly.
  12. Actually it's a mock thread but you're close! And I don't believe I ever said I was scrutinizing other people's complaints, but just the fact that they can comment ever so vividly on how the MMO market works. Never said anything else. I don't need attention, but I like it? I'm not complaining, as stated above. Some complaints I've seen are fairly legitimate, but a lot of it is overblown drama~
  13. Every forum member on any MMO forum thinks they know the market for MMOs, what is considered a success, and how an MMO is supposed to be competitive in the current market. The fact that so many people can comment so richly on this really speaks of their years of experience.
  14. For Infiltration, it gets a crazy 50% crit damage buff through talents in the tree, as well as a stacking proc that increases its damage either 6% or 8% per stack, up to 5 stacks. So it's actually an incredible nuke, especially if you can force a crit out of it.
  15. Funny thing, both games are enjoyable and both games are complemented in their design very well by the mechanics that the developers use in their respective games. At the end of the day, both TOR and WoW are fun games and really, shouldn't that be enough? If you like the concept of TOR and the mechanics it uses, then play TOR. If you like WoW's concept and core gameplay, then play WoW.
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