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Are you really implying...


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...this structure is +3000 years old?



Ah! you are not! the original we saw in Empire has like... 4 discs... instead of 3!



Okay... so the former seems to be a "conduct relay", the later a "shield generator"... yet they have almost the same exact base design? and both are exclusively present on Hoth (never saw them on other planets) ... huh...


Seriously, call it nerdy nitpicking if you like, but I feel my supenssion of disbelief is being gradually stripped away with every new SW product released. I just thought this game was going to be an exception, it seems I was somewhat wrong.

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Its an energy generator for the shield actually.

You can see the design nearly everywhere in SWTOR. Sometimes it has just one disc, sometimes more than one.

If we go down that road, we could not take ANYTHING in this game seriously.

"Bad Guys, driving triangular ships since 20.000 BBY!"

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I agree, this totally breaks the game. I will unsub directly!

Never said it was.


Are you saying you have a hard time believing in a universe with people who levitate large objects and shoot lightning out of their hands? I do too!! how dare they make a game thats stretches the truth!

I know, right? only those are not the things I'm "complaining" about, read below.


If we go down that road, we could not take ANYTHING in this game seriously. "Bad Guys, driving triangular ships since 20.000 BBY!"

Yeah, that's another one... and there are many like these.


My point is... developers of most recent Star Wars products try WAY TOO HARD to tie in with the "source material", so much that sometimes it's annoying and IMO, most of the time it leads to a lower quality product


Just like Chewbacca appearing on Ep. III (for no reason whatsoever) just so we could all say "hey look! it's that furry thing from the original movies! I recognize that!"

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Except it did, in Tales of the Jedi: The Old Republic the starships and space stations has a very different design.


In TOR every design of anything from cities, to buildings to starships and to droids, is something that has been transplanted straight up from the trilogies with minor changes to make it not so obvious.


The Star Destroyers used to be an innovative design back when Palpatine commisioned them from Sinai Fleet Systems, the same with the Tie series of spacefighters.


Now it seems like it's just something that was made before and then rediscovered.


The Interceptors you fight as republic in space combat is the Tie-Interceptor with it's wings flipped and the Imperials are fighting Z-95 Headhunters as they appeared in Tie-Fighter with slightly angled wings. The Z-95 was the predecessor to the X-wing.

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I think the simple answer is this: TOR is thousands of years before the movies.


People saw the movies and want to feel like they're in the Star Wars universe. I'm thinking they just took some liberties with the design, so that it all feels more like Star Wars...at least a bit more as people remember it from the movies.

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The reason they have similar design is because of the nature of Hoth's environment. Using a trick of architecture, the dial design manages to limit the environmental damage to key systems within the structure. Technology waxes and wanes, but the genius of this design is as time spanning as the wheel.
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If you notice, TOR's has three tier-rings, wiki's has four. In over 3000 years, they added one more wing.


Honest opinion: SWTOR likes to take nods to the original movies. There's tons of easter eggs which jest and mention quotes or scenes from the movies. It's just a way to familiarize fans who would say SWTOR is not actually star wars because it doesn't have iconic looking references.

Edited by JediRyuk
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Except it did, in Tales of the Jedi: The Old Republic the starships and space stations has a very different design.


In TOR every design of anything from cities, to buildings to starships and to droids, is something that has been transplanted straight up from the trilogies with minor changes to make it not so obvious.


The Star Destroyers used to be an innovative design back when Palpatine commisioned them from Sinai Fleet Systems, the same with the Tie series of spacefighters.


Now it seems like it's just something that was made before and then rediscovered.


The Interceptors you fight as republic in space combat is the Tie-Interceptor with it's wings flipped and the Imperials are fighting Z-95 Headhunters as they appeared in Tie-Fighter with slightly angled wings. The Z-95 was the predecessor to the X-wing.


Exactly my point.


I won't really mind stuff sharing basic "design guidelines" from the source material, but for crying out loud... how about a little bit of originality? Never played KoTOR throughly, yet when I did I recall it felt like Star Wars, only different... I was hoping for this game to be the same being the spiritual succesor and all that.


Meh, guess maybe I'm just not part of the "target audience" this game is aiming for.

And I don't consider myself a huge hardcore SW fan.

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The Star Destroyers used to be an innovative design back when Palpatine commisioned them from Sinai Fleet Systems, the same with the Tie series of spacefighters.


Unless Lucas suddenly has a problem against his good friend Speilberg, I'm pretty sure it's Sienar Fleet Systems, not Sinai. :)


As for your point, it's a common thread used by designers worldwide - take something that everyone can identify with and tweak it slightly so that it resonates with your mind. EG "That ship kinda looks like a Star Destroyer. I love Star Destroyers, ergo I love this 'new' ship."

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After a while wars, star exploding and slowing forgotten ideologies are lost only to be rediscovered years later.


Imagine instead of 1,000 years, it is 10,000. The Persians might have used cranes to build large shipyards and structures, and so might have the Eqyptians. The Romans used cranes when they built shipyards. The Ottomans used cranes when they built castles. We use cranes to build skyscrapers. New tech? Not really. Just new ways to build it.


Look at firearms. Not much change in function and form in 400 years, but they are accurate. Fire more often. And worse, can be customized with sights, magazines, ammunition, stocks, etc. And it doesn't take over a minute to reload a single round.



So... How far can technology go before it takes a new super genius to reinvent or recreate it if they forget how to make it? Blueprints lost in war, races wiped out by natural events, etc.


Could we remake jet engines if all the blueprints were destroyed? What if people were on Mars, and everyone on earth was killed by a solar flare. Could they recreate space-travel without the industry and rocket engineers?



Techonology can also stagnate when a body of peoples are not in a time of war. Sadly, technology usually advances during war, not during peacetime.

That, and compare shields now to shields in the future. Ion cannons now to thoe in the future.

Edited by Zeromentor
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Seriously, call it nerdy nitpicking if you like, but I feel my supenssion of disbelief is being gradually stripped away with every new SW product released. I just thought this game was going to be an exception, it seems I was somewhat wrong.


Are you kidding? Being a SW fan requires a tremendous suspension of disbelief going all the way back to the original movie....have no idea how you made it this far if this thing is hanging you up, lol.

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Well, TBH, I am also amused to see how little changed over such a massive timeline... As a matter of fact, with all the superweapons mentioned in SWTOR, Death Star looks like a caveman's spear compared to nuclear missile.
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Well, TBH, I am also amused to see how little changed over such a massive timeline... As a matter of fact, with all the superweapons mentioned in SWTOR, Death Star looks like a caveman's spear compared to nuclear missile.


Barrage takes ALL power on a planet to kill a fleet above the planet.

Null Cannon kills everyone on a ship.

Gauntlet kills ships in Hyperspace.


All are possibly destroyed.


Death Star kills entire planets.

Comparison? Not much of one.

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The buildings they're using as hangars on Yavin IV are Massassi Temples; they're over 5,000 years old by Episode IV :p


I believe the EU fluff for Hoth is that it's been used as a smuggling base by various people for thousands of years. People just stumble on it and think "handy..." - I think Luke was supposed to be the one who found it and suggested it as a base for the Rebellion.

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