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1-49 and a 50s bracket is needed *now*


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You're clueless. There are line of business concerns involved here.


The only thing the current 10-50 bracket will accomplish is make it so that lower levels don't bother PVP'ing because they will just get farmed by decked 50s. This kind of thing contributes to people cancelling their subs and spreading bad word of mouth. (this is bad business)


It's all about getting more subs and making the game as fun as possible to all - the days of what you're advocating died out with EverQuest.


Yea well, if you cant wait for two more weeks to let more people get 50, or to get 50 yourself, then dont play PvP, simple as.


The main thing you have to do right now when you ding level 50 is PvP'ing, you still have all the quests and questlines to go through.


You shouldnt be screwing end-game content over and let the people investing alot of time into the game get punished because they spent alot of time on the game, makes no sense.

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the only folly to your argument is the time (or date) they started leveling. Some people got it on Christmas despite EGA happening etc. you may say pathetic but also not everyone is a power leveler like you or me. I was level 45 by end of EGA. Only reason why I didn't power level thru 30+ was because I Did not get thru the class story in beta. So I took a little bit longer after day 2 1/2. I paid more attention to content I had yet to see.


Basically, not everyone is as fast as you, nor are willingly to plow thru the game like you are. Also.. not everyone has a played a MMO before. :p


True, edited my post.


Was getting tired of the random accusations ;)


Dont mind brackets. Hate the hate people have for us.

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So they should cater the little no-life hardcore group over the huge mass of customers that are what you could call casual?


Sounds more like catastrophic than profit to me..


Yes, i belong to the category that has a job and gets slaughtered in two seconds flat whenever i join a warzone now..


At 40 with the pvp gear i can not do anything more than putting a dent into a decently farmed level 50, and if they happen to get annoyed by your puny attempts, well, you figure out what happens.


This is at 40, i dont want to think of how it feels as a fresh level 10, but if i had to give it a try i would most likely think that it felt like the next months 15 bucks could perhaps be spent on something else.


I have been level 50 for over a week now, and I have work, ontop if this i have been with my friends and family over christmas and new years.


So why should i be punished because you are a very slow leveler?

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Some people actually do something with their free time besides catch a tan from their computer monitor.





You realize that by saying this you actually concede to the fact that you will not be the strongest, best or highest level.


The fact that you are complaining means that you wont ever stop complaining.


Heres my gripe. People like you hate people like us. Jealousy. So if you CHOOSE to do other things CONCEDE the fact that you might not be the best.


Most of us rushed 50 so that we didnt have to level when going back to work.


Say it with me one more time. If you choose to do other things with your time, this is your choice. Just stay away from the forums to whine and spend that time levelling.


If you want to have thesame advantages and disadvantages in a game: Play counterstrike. If you want an rpg where you get stronger the more time you put into it, play an mmo.


Know your audience. Play your game.

Edited by CoreofexisteNz
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True, edited my post.


Was getting tired of the random accusations ;)


Dont mind brackets. Hate the hate people have for us.


agreed. I just have to sigh my head in frustration as I PvP with 20's and 30's. Though in their defense, I see more 30's and 40's now than 20's/30's. So they are leveling. Just not leveling at the rate sith players are.

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Why must people say others have "no life" because we focus on PvP more than PvE or anything else. Or if we level faster than other because we skipped the dialog about someone telling me they got robbed, were clearly a "no-lifer" You work? thats cool. I go to college that requires 35-40hours of work a week and still leveled to 50 in about 6 days days. Problem? Some of us can level faster than you. Problem? Oh and btw its holiday vacation time where many people have off, like me.


Also, do you know how many warzones can be played in 4 hours? Compared to dragonslayers, or droidslayers in this game, farming flashpoints that take much longer to complete yet still play for the same time.

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This problem is only going to get worse. If you want to make Warzones available for people leveling up, you need to create 2 brackets.


The scaling to 50 thing works fine 1-49. You are still at a disadvantage at low levels, but you can still play and have fun. Once you throw 50s with PVP gear you completely ruin any sort of balance because they are simply untouchable.


(don't give me crap about queue times - Huttball allows same faction matches and there are plenty of 1-49s to play. The longer this single bracket nonsense goes on the less 1-49s are going to play, however)

Too soon for something like that imo. Not THAT many 50's online PvPing usually, at least on PvE servers. If it wasn't for the brilliant idea of Huttball (fight your own faction) and 1-50 same bracket, a LOT of people would complain or be bored or quit or -even worse- go PvEing :p due to SLOW Qs. Now we have fast Qs, super fast Qs tbh, Qs every other freaking game envies. Keep it like that for at least a few weeks more imo.

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This problem is only going to get worse. If you want to make Warzones available for people leveling up, you need to create 2 brackets.


The scaling to 50 thing works fine 1-49. You are still at a disadvantage at low levels, but you can still play and have fun. Once you throw 50s with PVP gear you completely ruin any sort of balance because they are simply untouchable.


(don't give me crap about queue times - Huttball allows same faction matches and there are plenty of 1-49s to play. The longer this single bracket nonsense goes on the less 1-49s are going to play, however)


i totaly agree but the brackets need to be like 10-39 and 40-50


those are more reasonable brackets as just having a lvl 50 bracket on its own is gonna have like a day que times.

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agreed. I just have to sigh my head in frustration as I PvP with 20's and 30's. Though in their defense, I see more 30's and 40's now than 20's/30's. So they are leveling. Just not leveling at the rate sith players are.





I still cant believe how much diversity there is between the leveled... and the levelers.


WoW was 105 hours to get to max level. With some help it was what? 30 hours? point is.


Compare that to Lineage 2 where it took a full 4 months get to 60 and another 6 months to get to 72 and another 6 to get to 80.

This is a game most of you wouldnt even touch with a long stick. Now you might cause its 10x easier to level the game has been out forever. But back during startup it took ages.

In lineage 2. You could not see other peoples levels gear etc. I was amongst the highest levels after 3 months (64~). No big deal :) But do you know what people said in that game?

Holy ****! nice work! Are you sure you're not a chinese farmer!? HAHAH :D


Thats seriously not the reaction you get in casual games. All you ever get is people who want ALL THE REWARDS for NONE OF THE WORK.


Seriously screw the fact that you paid for a game. You have absolutely no idea what it is to put in some effort.

(Actual real life jobs not withstanding already covered this in a previous post)


I can totally respect people who after a long day come home and dont want to work for their rewards but can I suggest you play a game like frogger or donkey kong perhaps?

(Mind you I felt like frogger when killing Gharj, hop hop hop hop hop hop.)

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i totaly agree but the brackets need to be like 10-39 and 40-50


those are more reasonable brackets as just having a lvl 50 bracket on its own is gonna have like a day que times.


You are missing the point. Only level 50 get access to expertise gear (beside pvp weapon). It is obvious a level 50 bracket is needed, although i can understand if BW is waiting to make sure the level 50 population is large enough to get acceptable queue time.

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I still cant believe how much diversity there is between the leveled... and the levelers.

You know what's really screwing over everyone? Almost everyone and their mother being on the empire side IMO. War-zones probably would be less of a version of hell if the republic had even 45% of the SWTOR community. I highly doubt we're even 25 or 30% if we have some servers where imperials are leveling their characters and only seeing a republic character twice on their way to level 50. On top of that, republic's having trouble just finding people to group up with. That is a serious issue which imo is one of the leading causes as to why we're in this mess.

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Why only split off the 50's? 10-49 I'd still be flustered as a new player fighting a level 40. They need to bracket the pvp to something along the lines of 10-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 or something similar to that. Personally I think 50's should still have their own bracket because of the expertise stats they get from pvp gear, but at least 41-50 would be more tolerable than 3 level 15's trying to kill a level 50 merc who has heavy armor and just sits there healing themselves (saw this today on my alt, he was almost impossible to kill and it made me not want to play pvp with that alt ever again, pissed me off to no end.)
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Well here's the problem with waiting too long folks: STIGMA. Let's face it, this game is gonna face heavy competition from Guild Wars 2 in the PVP department. Last thing it needs to is develop a stigma for poorly balanced PVP because of some stupid level bracket issue.


You wanna see what stigma can do to a game? Look at EQ 2. When it released it was a poor MMORPG. Within a year or so they made it fantastic. It took YEARS for perception of the game to change and people would not go back to it because all anyone remembered was EQ 2 sucked.

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Well here's the problem with waiting too long folks: STIGMA. Let's face it, this game is gonna face heavy competition from Guild Wars 2 in the PVP department. Last thing it needs to is develop a stigma for poorly balanced PVP because of some stupid level bracket issue.


You wanna see what stigma can do to a game? Look at EQ 2. When it released it was a poor MMORPG. Within a year or so they made it fantastic. It took YEARS for perception of the game to change and people would not go back to it because all anyone remembered was EQ 2 sucked.


A better example would be FFXIV... My friends swear up and down that the game has improved since last year, but being a huge FFXI fan and jumping into FFXIV I got burned real bad. No matter how much that game improves I will never play FFXIV ever again.

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You realize that by saying this you actually concede to the fact that you will not be the strongest, best or highest level.


The fact that you are complaining means that you wont ever stop complaining.


Heres my gripe. People like you hate people like us. Jealousy. So if you CHOOSE to do other things CONCEDE the fact that you might not be the best.


Most of us rushed 50 so that we didnt have to level when going back to work.


Say it with me one more time. If you choose to do other things with your time, this is your choice. Just stay away from the forums to whine and spend that time levelling.


If you want to have thesame advantages and disadvantages in a game: Play counterstrike. If you want an rpg where you get stronger the more time you put into it, play an mmo.


Know your audience. Play your game.


Nice attitude. But don't complain when you see ever increasing amount of cheaters and AFK bots in your games.

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This problem is only going to get worse. If you want to make Warzones available for people leveling up, you need to create 2 brackets.


The scaling to 50 thing works fine 1-49. You are still at a disadvantage at low levels, but you can still play and have fun. Once you throw 50s with PVP gear you completely ruin any sort of balance because they are simply untouchable.


(don't give me crap about queue times - Huttball allows same faction matches and there are plenty of 1-49s to play. The longer this single bracket nonsense goes on the less 1-49s are going to play, however)


It is needed, but not "now" because then 50s would have to wait forever for Warfront pops.

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I agree. The Bracket has to come in now. Not Later. I just did huttball with 6 50s Vs our team which had 1 50 and me being the next highest level at 36. I dont mind loosen but when 6 50s can get in a group and AoE an entire group of us down in a few seconds there is no point to playing in PVP. I dont mind loosen I like to learn and become better, again there is no point to playing when the team is so lop sided.
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