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When is the Sith Inquisitor nerf going into effect?


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You can cleanse the slow, but iirc shadow/assassin slow has no cooldown (or a much shorter cooldown)


it's irrelevent anyway because I doubt anyone in this thread has actually run into a sorc who has ever even used their cleanse, even on nothing


I try to use my Cleanse when I can

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SI Sorcerers are VERY easy to deal with in PVP, actually. With my jedi guardian I have 4 good interrupts which - if used to good effect - can lock down their channeled and cast-timed effects.


Wich leads me to say, as a 50 sorc rank 55, sorc. need a good deal of buff'ing in damage and suv. in pvp, especialy in the suv. department. fx. make the shield not get hit by the pvp healing debuff, armor buff talent in existing tree fx. the hot make it 20 % on others 50 on self. ect.

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Sith Inqs are incredibly OP.. Everyone agrees (except people playing em)


Massive heals, Massive Shields, Massive Damage, all on one class?


All it takes is 2-3 of these in a Warzone to completely imbalance the entire thing.




I don't play a Sorc and have no interest in playing one aside from levelling one eventually to see their story. They're not OP, stop being bad.


I'm not even that good at pvp myself, but they're generally pretty easy to blow up if you actually try to kill them instead of running away from the scary purple lightning. They're really squishy.

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Not sure exactly what the OP is asking for.

It sounds like someone asking to nerf 2 classes and 6 specs.

I think they only way it could be even more vague is if he said "Please nerf Force. Force is too strong."

Edited by Keii
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For me its not really 1 individual inq that is hard to kill. It's when you enter a WZ and theres like 4-5 of them stun locking you and a screen full of purple lightning followed by death.


So many times i've come running out of the gates and became a gray spot within 4-5 seconds because 2 of them are stun locking and frying my butt. It sucks.


Dont have a problem lasting a while against 2-3 other classes at once sometimes. But 2-3 inqs are just gonna tear you up.

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Don't forget OP, BH, Trooper, Smuggler, Marauder, Sage, Another INQ..


Yep all the other classes.


Cool down on tracer missile and commando grav round nerf, scoundrelOP opener nerf, sage/sorc need serious nerf in several aspects, juggs/guardians need a buff, assassins/jedi shadow are fine.. everyone happy after that?

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4 or 5 of any class that has a stun is going to have the same effect as 4 or 5 Sorcerers. It's just that people see Sorcerers more and they have to rage on SOMEONE after they just ran into 5 enemies alone and died... and they wonder why. But they saw lightning... so Sorcerers must be OP. But not Sages.


That makes sense, right?

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4 or 5 of any class that has a stun is going to have the same effect as 4 or 5 Sorcerers. It's just that people see Sorcerers more and they have to rage on SOMEONE after they just ran into 5 enemies alone and died... and they wonder why. But they saw lightning... so Sorcerers must be OP. But not Sages.


That makes sense, right?


You have a good point in that sages should not be ignored as being just as OP as sorc. Its just people usually don't mention the mirror class. Saying scoundrel is OP for example also includes Operative. Grav round being OP includes its mirror Tracer missle etc.

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I read the first page.


I know the game is balanced about level 50, and as I'm only level 32 (Sorcerer), I can't say how things will be. But I'm on Tatooine at the moment, and I constantly run into Sentinels and Sages. Usually in groups.


One thing that I find really troubling is that I have no way to flee from a PvP fight, and I have no way to stop my opponent from fleeing. When I try to flee, I'm stunned all the time, and my Static Barrier (the bubble) is gone after around 2 seconds. However if my opponent flee, I can't stop him. I have a single stun ability that lasts a few seconds and has 1min cooldown, and pretty much all of my abilities are with 2 or 3 seconds activation time - before the 2 secs are gone, the player is out of range.


That means I have only one choice: to fight. I've won some 1v1 fights, and lost others. Those I won was usually with little hp left.


If Sorcerers are nerfed, I'm gonna create a new character with another class, because I'll be unable to go anywhere in PvP areas. Yesterday, no matter where I went, there we teams of Republic players after me. I don't mind getting killed, but it's not fun when they attack you again as soon as you respawn. There should be a way to flee from the scene without having to respawn in medcenter.

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This class is so over powered in pvp it ruins the game. When you pvp against the imperials on the server I am on and 82% are sith inquisitors you wonder why there are more imperials than republic players. I am at least on a PVE servers so not exposed to it continuously but, it reaffirms my decision not to roll on a PVP server for this very issue.


If they nerf inquisitors they have to supernerf troopers.

Also you need to learn to rotate your snares, interrupts and stuns to beat an inquisitor, the good ones are based around DOT's with some points in off-healing and rely on their shield.


I play with one all he does is DOTDOTDOT run, heal.


Troopers are OP, nerf them then i wont mind this retarded post of someone who can't chase down an Inquisitor cos they probably burn all their stuns/interrupts and then use them while resolve has been procced.

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