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When is the Sith Inquisitor nerf going into effect?


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Bottom line is; ppl don't whine about Jedi Guardian, but they do about Sith Inq/Jedi Conc. ;)


There is a reason. Not everything can be explained via: 'Omg you suck/you're terrible player..'


Food for thought.

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Bottom line is; ppl don't whine about Jedi Guardian, but they do about Sith Inq/Jedi Conc. ;)


There is a reason. Not everything can be explained via: 'Omg you suck/you're terrible player..'


Food for thought.


It absolutely can. Wrakk, post a video of you playing the game. I will point out 10+ reasons why you suck/are a terrible player.


I will do this for any Sorc/Sage whiner. Go ahead.

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Says someone whining because they're so bad they can't beat a glass canon. Yup, nothing to see here but a bunch of fail players.


They are not glass cannons.... Sith Inquis and Bounts are craaaaaaazzzy OP... wonder how many sith will go jedi when Repub classes (who are far inferior to nearly all sith classes) are bugged and Empire Sith are nerfed.

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Says someone whining because they're so bad they can't beat a glass canon. Yup, nothing to see here but a bunch of fail players.


They are not glass cannons.... Sith Inquis and Bounts are craaaaaaazzzy OP... wonder how many sith will go jedi when Repub classes (who are far inferior to nearly all sith classes) are bugged and Empire Sith are nerfed.

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OP PLZ CHECK THIS VID OUT and get educated (posting in caps so ull notice)




This... Alot of things said in this vid that is true. I run an SI.. And do a great deal of dmg in wz..when left alone..if your always putting your self in the middle of a fight instead of looking for tacticle advantages..you will go down in flames. I have trouble against two classes...trooper and smugler..thats it.. Somtimes jedis get the best of me..but for the most part.. I prevail.

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I concur, nerf sages/sorcs. The combination of massive CC, heals, dps and survivability is too much. How any reasonable person can conclude differently boggles me. The have possess far more strengths than weaknesses. I know people are complaining a lot about operatives, but that imo can be mitigated.


The clothies, not so much. You can't escape the snare, if you get close your knocked back, often rooted. If you get first strike its absorbed, if you manage to get them down they can heal rather quickly.


I don't think its so much a problem in earlier levels. But in my experience, the class seems to scale too well at 50, with appropriate gear.

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The Jedi Guardian I just fought in Civil War with 19k hp and critting for up to 5.5k begs to differ. That was the first person I've encountered in this game that I just went "wow, that's OP". He never died in the game, and was just exploding people. Still won the game though, because he can't hold more than 1 objective at a time, but I am hoping it was just a huge gear issue because... wow that guy hit hard.


Thats what you call a Focus/Vigilance Guardian fully crit + surge geared with at least 28 points spent in Focus for the 30% extra crit damage bonus...


And here's the kicker, the Guardian has to give up there ability to guard allies (Shi-Cho stance instead of Soresu), lose a good chunk of there defensive capabilities while relying entirely on force stasis. force push and freezing force as there main CC's (no stuns)


What do you give up as a Sorc for your damage output that would be normally classed as class essential?


That's right absolutely nothing.


A Guardian has to be level 50 and geared to the max in order to achieve those levels of damage (I can get the occasional 3k+ crit at level 41 when i pop my surge trinket from my crit force sweep) Sorcs can put out heavy, consistent damage and have more CC readily availible at all points without needing massive gear investment.


Beginning to see the problem yet?


Time/Gear investment + Risk Reward scale is out of scale when it comes to the Sorc.

Edited by Zarthorn
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I like how they left out sages in the OP. If sorc is op your faction has one to.




lvl50's that have learned how to play their classes need nerfs, why can't my lvl20 kill one?


Sages got left out because, despite them being the mirror the sage is not equal to the sorc on some of the offending skills that people are complaining about.


This doesn't mean they don't need looking at, it just means the sorc needs looking at more as they are not even balanced properly against there own mirror.

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Thats what you call a Focus/Vigilance Guardian fully crit + surge geared with at least 28 points spent in Focus for the 30% extra crit damage bonus...


And here's the kicker, the Guardian has to give up there ability to guard allies (Shi-Cho stance instead of Soresu), lose a good chunk of there defensive capabilities while relying entirely on force stasis. force push and freezing force as there main CC's (no stuns)


What do you give up as a Sorc for your damage output that would be normally classed as class essential?


That's right absolutely nothing.


A Guardian has to be level 50 and geared to the max in order to achieve those levels of damage (I can get the occasional 3k+ crit at level 41 when i pop my surge trinket from my crit force sweep) Sorcs can put out heavy, consistent damage and have more CC readily availible at all points without needing massive gear investment.


Beginning to see the problem yet?


Time/Gear investment + Risk Reward scale is out of scale when it comes to the Sorc.

Absolutely wrong, you can use Soresu as Focus, and Focus Guardians in Soresu deals significantly more damage than a Sorc/Sage.

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This class is so over powered in pvp it ruins the game. When you pvp against the imperials on the server I am on and 82% are sith inquisitors you wonder why there are more imperials than republic players. I am at least on a PVE servers so not exposed to it continuously but, it reaffirms my decision not to roll on a PVP server for this very issue.


I battled one with companions 1 vs 1 and never got them past half way with a fully skilled sentinel 2 levels higher than the inquisitor I was fighting. The simply let the companion tank and bunny hop stun locked me to death. I can dismiss a lot of things in a game of this magnitude but when you clearly have on class that is a noob magnet because of the guaranteed win factor you remove a complete facet of playability from your game.


I will not be pvping as long as sith inquisitor remains the way it is. At this point I would pay to have them remove PVP completely until they put in a viable system that actually works.


You do realize that consulars are just as OP as inquisitor with their damn pebble spamming doing so high dmg all you can do is run away.

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Absolutely wrong, you can use Soresu as Focus, and Focus Guardians in Soresu deals significantly more damage than a Sorc/Sage.


Do you even play a Guardian or are you just looking for trolling brownie points?


Soresu is tanking stance and you get zero bonuses from your points invested in Focus/Vigil by fighting in Soresu, the only time a Focus/Vigil will shift into Soresu is to stance dance while waiting for Force sweep to come off cooldown.


All the damage bonuses, all your point investments are Shi-Cho centric, you get 0% damage bonus for Soresu, you get 9% in Shi-Cho as well as reduced force ability costs and focus regeneration from the focus tree, not forgetting 20% armor penetration if you went that far which makes cloth more or less worthless after a single sunder armor.


The entire idea of investment is to abuse Shi-Cho's lower energy costs and increased damage to get the absolute most out of your guaranteed critical sweeps from force leap and zealous leap....if you see someone in Soresu that just put out a 5k sweep crit, chances are they just switched into Soresu before you saw them, when they came in they were in Shi-Cho.


The mastery you are thinking of is Defence/Vigilance who are better duelists and have better fight management than the big crit force sweep spaming Focus/Vigilance build that's all about the one big crit.


I can guarantee a Soresu user cannot crit for big number AoEs, only a Shi-Cho focus build user can.


Edit: Not forgetting, going defence/focus isn't as big of a crit puller either since they don't have the 30% damage increase from swelling winds, the 6% increased strength from Perseverance nor the extra 6% damage from Single Saber mastery which are in the Vigilance tree.


This is the build for the big Force sweep crits with the "survivability" you are refering to which actually comes from unremitting (20% reduced damage taken and unable to be CC'ed for 4 seconds)



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Oh, Faction. You are often rude, your phrasing and word-choices are inflammatory and the negative value of your addition to most discussions - especially when you are contradicted - tends to outweigh your not-inconsiderable skillset. I'd probably ban you weekly just to reduce the flames and counter-flames in threads you visit.


But you can play and you do know your stuff, that's for sure. Some remarkable fights there.


Is your one-man war to point out to our fellow players the game is more balanced than they are seeing worth the upset and consternation you leave in your curtly-worded wake?


I dunno. I guess it is, since BW doesn't seem to mind so far.


Good luck?

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learn as much about Sorc as you know about Jedi then complain.

Every spec makes sacrifices to specialize, either in dmg or survivability.


If you think Sorc are more op than Sages you are a troll or daft.


More people play empire, more empire pvp, you have a higher percentage of pvp focused people playing those classes. They are better players than you not OP. Pub has some good players to, just less common.


If you get 2sec rooted, that is 41pt madness talent, if they have that they do very little bust it's all dots and mobility. They can't heal heal very well at all, if they can't get away they die.

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Do you even play a Guardian or are you just looking for trolling brownie points?


Soresu is tanking stance and you get zero bonuses from your points invested in Focus/Vigil by fighting in Soresu, the only time a Focus/Vigil will shift into Soresu is to stance dance while waiting for Force sweep to come off cooldown.


All the damage bonuses, all your point investments are Shi-Cho centric, you get 0% damage bonus for Soresu, you get 9% in Shi-Cho as well as reduced force ability costs and focus regeneration from the focus tree, not forgetting 20% armor penetration if you went that far which makes cloth more or less worthless after a single sunder armor.


The entire idea of investment is to abuse Shi-Cho's lower energy costs and increased damage to get the absolute most out of your guaranteed critical sweeps from force leap and zealous leap....if you see someone in Soresu that just put out a 5k sweep crit, chances are they just switched into Soresu before you saw them, when they came in they were in Shi-Cho.


The mastery you are thinking of is Defence/Vigilance who are better duelists and have better fight management than the big crit force sweep spaming Focus/Vigilance build that's all about the one big crit.


I can guarantee a Soresu user cannot crit for big number AoEs, only a Shi-Cho focus build user can.


Edit: Not forgetting, going defence/focus isn't as big of a crit puller either since they don't have the 30% damage increase from swelling winds, the 6% increased strength from Perseverance nor the extra 6% damage from Single Saber mastery which are in the Vigilance tree.


This is the build for the big Force sweep crits with the "survivability" you are refering to which actually comes from unremitting (20% reduced damage taken and unable to be CC'ed for 4 seconds)




that's a lot of words. here is me proving them wrong without any: http://guard-this.com/images/nyan/30k.jpg

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that's a lot of words. here is me proving them wrong without any: http://guard-this.com/images/nyan/30k.jpg


Oh look someone with the PvP damage buff, expertise pot, full surge gear, trinket popped, raid buffed and stimmed as well as being level 50.


So because someone got themselves nicely buffed up says what exactly?


Now think what a Shi-Cho Focus/Vigil user that's ignoring 20% of everyones armor, 9% extra damage from Shi-Cho, 6% increased strength and 30% from swelling winds instead of 15% from Pacification could do....


You'll be looking at 7k+


Edit: Looking at buff icons and knowing what they are is a wonderous thing.


And remember your argument was that Soresu Focus users do more damage than Shi-Cho Vigil/Focus users so you didn't actually prove a thing, only that you can repost screenshots of uber buffed players scoring uber buffed crits when that kind of crit is commonplace without half of those buffs/stims running on a Shi-Cho Vigil/Focus user.

Edited by Zarthorn
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It absolutely can. Wrakk, post a video of you playing the game. I will point out 10+ reasons why you suck/are a terrible player.


I will do this for any Sorc/Sage whiner. Go ahead.


What are you, a pre-recorded type on repeat? :confused:


Why the hell would i even bother to show someone like you my skill? you're not a real person in my life

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82% of the people being SI doesn't make them overpowered, it simply makes them a fad class. You have data or anything to back-up your claims? Oh wait, you don't.


And for once I'm with Chrisgg...sorcs are a freaken breeze to kill.


Agreed, I play SI and soon as a melee class gets near me Im toast. Or if in huttball, soon as a SW or BH catch us.. we're screwed ! !

(and I consider myself to be a decent PvP player)



Think about this guys, the classes are pretty well fine as they are. We (you) keep QQ about OP and nerfs its going to end up like WoW where they buff and nerf every class each month. then they gonna keep making you re-spec, then you're gonna complain again, then.... get the idea !


My suggestion.. If it aint broke... don't fix it. Cause ATM its working pretty well




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