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I unsubscribed, and here's why.


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I wanted to love this game, I quit WoW after playing SWTOR beta in July and, despite it being a buggy unpolished mess, I saw greatness in it, and honestly thought it could've been a game that could replace WoW at least to some degree. Before you QQ, I'm not going back to WoW, Blizzard has let WoW become a joke as well.

My face when many of the crippling bugs in July beta/beta weekends are still in the game, many aren't even covered by 1.0.1, or 2.


Yes I know it's Christmas & New Years - so why release a game during this period?


EA got greedy, and released an unfinished, unpolished, flawed game, ignoring many of the massive massive threads from beta to complain about certain aspects of the game which were inherently flawed.


Took us 20 minutes to get everyone into hard mode foundry, the game would only let people pick hard mode if they'd completed the associated call to arms quest - why can't we just select "hard mode" from the group menu?


Burned through every boss until the last one, which was so bugged he was unkillable, we decided to die and reset, upon doing so, the entire instance reset itself, rather than let us figure out how to get around this crippling bug.


Trade skills are broken, Cybertech cannot make any tanking mods, so there's another massive waste of time. I believe the same goes for many other professions being useless/waste of time.


PVP is fun, purely because I have 9% damage/reduction from my expertise (got lucky with the Champion's Bags), but I doubt being a level 15 being completely and utterly destroyed by my premade can be enjoyable. (http://i.imgur.com/tat6E.jpg - Republic got a grand total of 5 kills in this battle...)


This "free month" is free, because it's another beta test, one we've all had to pay for.


I am confident Bioware isn't to blame, but more so the publishers/investors who were forcing them to do the impossible and release something that was nowhere near completion.


ALL THIS SAID, I've thoroughly enjoyed the single player aspects of the game, levelling up with friends, group conversations were really fun. But, the unfortunate reality of this is that none of the choices matter squat... and then you realise it was all just a USP (unique selling point) to differentiate themselves in a market full of failed WoW clones.


I'll keep checking in on darth hater's website and such to see if Bioware actually gets things sorted in the coming months, but I refuse to subscribe to a game that clearly isn't an mmo yet.


TL;DR - Don't want to subscribe to a beta test the mmo portions of this game, which are unfinished, unpolished, buggy and broken at best. But, think the game has a strong basis upon which to improve, but, I'm not going to pay EA to do it, because they have millions of dollars. :V

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Most other mmo's failed due to their beta state. Even if they are great games now (see Conan for an example) - it doesn't matter, the damage is done in the first month.


The damage is done and SWTOR will be a failure. This is a fact.


I want you to be wrong but, I don't think you are.

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Most other mmo's failed due to their beta state. Even if they are great games now (see Conan for an example) - it doesn't matter, the damage is done in the first month.


The damage is done and SWTOR will be a failure. This is a fact.


Cough...Opinion was the word you were looking for.

Edited by Rialth
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Most other mmo's failed due to their beta state. Even if they are great games now (see Conan for an example) - it doesn't matter, the damage is done in the first month.


The damage is done and SWTOR will be a failure. This is a fact.




My that was constructive

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Please, read my sig


Hell naw bro, I got 7 days played out of this game and enjoyed it as a single player game, like I said, levelling up was enjoyable. The main quest lines for each planet (after Dromund Kaas...) were very fun.


If you read my post, you'd see that I am unsubscribing to the MMO portion of the game, the part of the game that doens't work.

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Most other mmo's failed due to their beta state. Even if they are great games now (see Conan for an example) - it doesn't matter, the damage is done in the first month.


The damage is done and SWTOR will be a failure. This is a fact.


WOW wwas worse on launch. Fail logic is fail.


I honestly thought the Bioware Social Forums were bad. This forum honestly takes the cake with absolute worst community ever.

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Most other mmo's failed due to their beta state. Even if they are great games now (see Conan for an example) - it doesn't matter, the damage is done in the first month.


The damage is done and SWTOR will be a failure. This is a fact.


Sad, but true. The early months are very critical for MMO's. I personally don't think SWTOR will be a failure, but it has failed to impress above and beyond what other MMO's have done. It'll keep it's hardcore following but it will not see anything close to triumphant success. Which makes me sad, I was really wanting to get sucked into this game. Oh well, already back on EQ2.

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Hell naw bro, I got 7 days played out of this game and enjoyed it as a single player game, like I said, levelling up was enjoyable. The main quest lines for each planet (after Dromund Kaas...) were very fun.


If you read my post, you'd see that I am unsubscribing to the MMO portion of the game, the part of the game that doens't work.




Lol, he didn't read my Signature.



Good times, good times

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Most other mmo's failed due to their beta state. Even if they are great games now (see Conan for an example) - it doesn't matter, the damage is done in the first month.


The damage is done and SWTOR will be a failure. This is a fact.


Sad thing is, Bioware had a guy working for them who understood this. Gordon Walton knew from experience that your first month's population IS your population, that you will never exceed that, and he knew it from working on other MMO's that had made the mistake of releasing before they were ready for prime-time.


I always wondered if his leaving in February had something to do with the game taking on a direction he didn't like or because of EA interference. That's also about the time we started hearing rumors the game wouldn't release in the spring and that there were issues with the game.


If this game fails I think it will ultimately be EA's fault, along with those execs at Bioware who sold out to get the big payday from EA.


TOR and DA2 are the only two titles that BW has developed primarily while being owned by EA. DA2 was a huge disappointment. To this point TOR is starting to smell like "next in the long line of failed WoW-killers." If ME3 is a disappointment, I will lose all faith in Bioware.

Edited by Mannic
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If you look objectively at everything that is wrong with this game it should be obvious to you that it is a year from being ready. It won't be given a year - hell it won't be given 3 months and you know what? It shouldn't be given 3 months.


How long do they need? What improvements were made in the 6 months since pre-orders?


PvP is an absolute disaster, the sides are as unbalanced as they can be...worlds are flat and uninteresting. What is going to save this game? There are way too many things that are just plain bad. Story? I'm on my 5th character and spacebarring through the same crap on coruscant. There is almost NO replayability factor.


It's awful, and there will be less than 300k subs in 3 months.

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WOW wwas worse on launch. Fail logic is fail.


I honestly thought the Bioware Social Forums were bad. This forum honestly takes the cake with absolute worst community ever.

Only because of flamers and moles from "competing" MMOs pretending to be legends in their own minds. The actual community of people who enjoy playing the game and contribute constructively is the best I've ever been a part of.
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WOW wwas worse on launch. Fail logic is fail.


I honestly thought the Bioware Social Forums were bad. This forum honestly takes the cake with absolute worst community ever.


No it wasn't. WoW was FAR better at launch. Regardless SWTOR isn't up against WoW at launch it's up against WoW NOW. Where is it better? Story? :rolleyes:

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you are not the only one. I started playing EGA with 4 friends, 2 of them already unsubed TOR and told me they will never waste cash for Bioware games. last one said will wait for game time and then will decide so me either. but I have bad feelings about this game.
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Hell naw bro, I got 7 days played out of this game and enjoyed it as a single player game, like I said, levelling up was enjoyable. The main quest lines for each planet (after Dromund Kaas...) were very fun.


If you read my post, you'd see that I am unsubscribing to the MMO portion of the game, the part of the game that doens't work.


Very true. Game is great as single player, but doesn't really qualify to be an mmo in its current form. A lot of fans(including me) were against making TOR an mmo but they still did it. I hope they fix a lot of stuff and add features that every mmo is suppose to have.

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WoW had 10 million subscribers in the first month? :rolleyes:


WoW is the exception. Show me another MMO other than WoW that grew significantly after its first launch month. A subscriber-based MMO, please.


The point is, you don't plan on being WoW when you develop an MMO. That's like buying a house you can't afford when you're a mail-clerk because you plan on being promoted to CEO of your company soon.

Edited by Mannic
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If you look objectively at everything that is wrong with this game it should be obvious to you that it is a year from being ready. It won't be given a year - hell it won't be given 3 months and you know what? It shouldn't be given 3 months.


That's not objective, lolol

Reviewers did look at it objectively

And thus the average on metacritic is an 89....

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Sad thing is, Bioware had a guy working for them who understood this. Gordon Walton knew from experience that your first month's population IS your population, that you will never exceed that, and he knew it from working on other MMO's that had made the mistake of releasing before they were ready for prime-time.


I always wondered if his leaving in February had something to do with the game taking on a direction he didn't like or because of EA interference. That's also about the time we started hearing rumors the game wouldn't release in the spring and that there were issues with the game.


If this game fails I think it will ultimately be EA's fault, along with those execs at Bioware who sold out to get the big payday from EA.




Hmm - WoW's starting population was around 1 Million subs in the first month as well.


Seven years later we end up with a declining 12 million Sub Populous. My my, we forget to do our research didn't we?

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