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Is Commander Rayfel Unbeatable??!


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Hi I am a lvl 44. I go in fully buffed with might stims. I don't have many options for interupting his casts (plus they are really fast) Any tips on how to beat him. I am specc'd into the combat tree. I have only done it with Doc. Do I need to kill the other two mobs first? Either which way I get killed. Any advice would help thx.
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We should not have to rely on having other people along to help us on our class missions...Even using all CDs and medpac/stim there is no way to solo this NPC.


If this is the way things are from 43-50, I may as well just stop playing since I do not like having to rely on others to complete things that should be soloable.


And this is not a l2p issue, I am more than competent. This NPC is just impossible to solo.

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I agree this is a ridiculously hard fight i tried from 41 to 45 to do this and finally got it at 45 the only way i could was to use doc keep the adds off him and then pound on the boss Edited by Zharzu
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Hey there,


Same thing I wrote to the other guy.


I dont really know where this NPC is, but anyway.

Usually when I had real problems killing some tough mob I just leg slashed him and kited him for a while to give my Doc some time to heal me up and for my def abilities get back off CD. Takes a lil longer but I managed to kill all elites during my class missions.


If its a ranged mob on the other hand, just use LoS. They usually have some casted ability that hits like a truck so just fight him near some corner and run around the corner when you see him casting it (if it cant be interrupted).


If those two things dont help then I guess just gear up or I dno..

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This was definitely the most difficult fight I had done yet. I was able to solo this at level 40 with doc as my companion. It took me multiple attempts.


Watchmen spec

I am VERY good at keeping up on gear for me and my companion. I am actually quite anal about it.


I had the best biochem medpacks, stims, and adrenals for my level, I don't remember the heal/buff amount but iirc they're better than the ones you can buy at the med vendors. Check the GTN or bum some from a buddy.


Here is roughly what I did. (I admit it was a very close fight, I almost died, )


  1. Leap to an add and Pacify the boss
  2. Turn on rebuke
  3. Use Call on the Force. (I usually try these hard bosses a few times without it to get a feel for the fight, then use it when I feel I'm ready to beat them).
  4. Kill the adds, use pommel strike on one combined with sweep (for the incapacitate).
  5. Use your Relic
  6. Use your Adrenal
  7. Use Saber Ward as soon as rebuke is down
  8. Burn Burn Burn. Be on top of your Zen, wasted GCD's with strikes will cause an issue if you're not on your rotation or skill priorities. It's a DPS race at this point.
  9. Use Guarded by the Force at about 15% or so. The less health you can pull this ability off with the better. With ability delay and lag sometimes you just die if you use it when you're too low :/
  10. Use your medpack while Guarded by the force is active to prevent accidental death. :D
  11. Use force camouflage when you're low after the medpack so he swaps to Doc.
  12. Burn Burn Burn
  13. Pray
  14. Hopefully by the time he has killed doc and swapped back to you you'll have another defensive CD up.


I remember that I used force stasis, but I don't remember if it affected the boss or not. This is a pretty big deal too, wish I could remember. If it does affect him the time gained from doc & burn heals gives a great advantage.


I used Zen out of habit in Juyo form, which gives back 6% health, (not to mention good damage on OS). However I am not sure if transendece would be a better choice here. (10% melee and ranged defense for 10sec).


Also, as a side note, to have to do all of this stuff is a bit nuts. I like it to be difficult but that fight was like just "whoah" over the top :/


Either way, I hope this has helped. Godspeed.


I've not done this fight, but you should ALWAYS kill adds first. You might die, but when you respawn, you'll only have to fight one dude. If you're going straight after the boss, you're taking damage from three people at the same time.



The adds come back every time :(

Edited by Nyliana
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Maybe the Sentinel quests are tuned differently, but I never really had a problem with any class quests on my Marauder.


General tips:


- Don't forget to use your AOE mez.

- Use Camo midfight to re-direct aggro onto your companion. Let them soak some hits.

- Remember to use your blind (Pacify?) on cooldown. Rebuke on cooldown. Stasis on cooldown. Berserk on cooldown.

- Generally, for a multitarget fight where you start with the AOE mez, use Saber Ward before Rebuke.

- Avoid stacking Saber Ward and Rebuke.

- Use the medpacs that heal you and your companion. Midfight, let your companion die ... THEN use the medpac. The companion will revive, have 0 aggro, etc, and you will maximize how much they sat there tanking.

- Use medpacs early so they are up in 90 seconds. This is more important for fighting champ mobs with 200k hp though.

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- Use the medpacs that heal you and your companion. Midfight, let your companion die ... THEN use the medpac. The companion will revive, have 0 aggro, etc, and you will maximize how much they sat there tanking.

All great suggestions except for this one.


This suggestion is ridiculously awesome. I had NO idea it could do that. Not only do you get full tank potential, but then he's up for the rest of the fight. So perfect.

Edited by Nyliana
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I beat him at 42 and combat spec. Use crowd control, doc (if he's geared), and call on the force. Use interupts and force stasis whenever possible. Blade rush, precision slash, and blade storm whenever buffs wear out and CD wears off. you've got tons of powerful moves so whatever's on cooldown use the next most powerful thing you've got. I also had to use a medpack halfway through. Don't go for adds.. they're too far away and give him too much time to wail on your comp.
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Funny thing, I concentrated on Rayfel first thing. Made sure all my stuff was off CD. I tried like 4 times with Kira thinking DPS the heck out of him but to no avail. I pulled DOC and got him the first try. I used a Fort stim and had a nice med pack also. It is a very hard fight.


The first few time I tried killing the adds but it seemed that my comp just died quicker. They don't start attacking you until Ryfel is 1/2 dead anyway.

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Hi I am a lvl 44. I go in fully buffed with might stims. I don't have many options for interupting his casts (plus they are really fast) Any tips on how to beat him. I am specc'd into the combat tree. I have only done it with Doc. Do I need to kill the other two mobs first? Either which way I get killed. Any advice would help thx.




--Level 50 Sentinel with completed class questline

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just did it at lvl 41 w/ crappy stims....those pillars are there for a reason =) kite, kite,kite......and kite some more. kill adds first.


oh and make sure doc has a good weapon, w/e he starts attacking doc, you jump in and take aggro, leg slash...kite..kite ..kite..huge pillars , pretty easy.

Edited by badseed
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--Level 50 Sentinel with completed class questline


At reading the thread, I thought the exact same thing.


Unless I'm mistaken, this is the boss on Belsavis where you have a bunch of NPC help? Use Doc, force camo after taking a few hits and let the NPCs tank him while you wipe up the adds.


EDIT: Ah, fight before that. He gets a MASSIVE buff if you let the adds kill the scientists, so don't let the adds kill the scientists.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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i play as watchman spec, so i'm not sure about the other spec's. but i can pretty much destroy the 2 adds rather fast . at the start of the fight i pop Rebuke, then force leap to an add, Zealous strike then Merciless strike practically kills it . then blade storm, pummel strike, master strike should kill the next.


force leap to the boss and drop your burst cycle on him, stun him to let the burns finish, leg slash and start kiting around the pillars until your burst is off cd. then rinse repeat . the rest is just timing .


if the boss is closest to doc then doc will dps the boss. if you're closest to doc he will heal you .

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Put Scourge on him, and you prioritise taking out the adds.

Really had no trouble at all on this fight.


Cant stress this enough. I went three rounds with doc, whose a bit more geared up compared to the starting equipment and stats Lord Scourge has, and doc couldnt out heal the damage he was getting, so I died 3 times trying to hit different ways. I wouldn't recommend doc for this fight, but much rather a tank like scourge, who can even heal himself (the little bit counts). Scourge died when the boss for me was like below 40%, and I just finished him off with blade rush,storm,precision and so forth, but that was with 1 run through compared to doc being 3 run thrus, and I do not think you can stun him with a Crowd Control, least I couldnt with awe.

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I do not see an issue here.


43 watchmen spec I beat him on the first try and his two little lackeys, easily. I read this post before I even confronted him, I was wondering who he was. When I eventually encountered him I was concerned with how hard it was going to be. He was surprisingly easy I had no issues taking this guy out.

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  • 1 year later...

All these posts are from 2012...as of October 2013, a level 47 JK Sentinel can't beat him with two runs with Kira, three runs with Doc, and one run with Sgt Rusk. His buffs are too quick, my stuns don't recharge fast enough, and those two !@#$!@ lackeys only add to the problems.


Anybody got any other ideas? I'll try a run with Scourge, but he's probably been nerfed since this thread was started....I think I'm done with this mission, and will come back at lvl 50 or so when I can overpower him.

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It's been ages since I ran this on my main, a Watchman, so take this with a pinch of salt, but my recollection is that switching between targets is key on this one. You've got some important channels to interrupt on the mini-boss while burning the 2 adds down first. That meant shifting from one target to the other and back (i.e. burning down the adds, see boss beginning to channel nasty power x, switch target to boss and interrupt, then switch back to adds and finish burning them down, repeat as needed).


Oh, and if you don't have the Legacy power Unity, go buy it. That's 15s of invulnerability for you and your companion while it's active. That's very handy when you're either facing the most incoming damage or when you're hanging on by a thread at the end. Preferences vary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

oh yeah remember that fight was sooo hard and all ads killing me and all can do is dye cause cant find my kooldawn butons to klick on so I just stopped and leveld to 50 than I come back and killd him.


Nooo just kidding! You just suck.


If this is the way things are from 43-50, I may as well just stop playing since I do not like having to rely on others to complete things that should be soloable.

Yes please stop. Better for all of us.


And this is not a l2p issue, I am more than competent.



Any advice would help thx.

Use that thing called KEYboard and KEYbind some stuff instead of terrorizing your left mouse button, get a reaction time lower than your grandpa's, or simply uninstall.

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