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10 Good
  1. because you cannot compare the two within the same context. WOW was superficially similar to other MMORPGs at the time, but frankly, it was in a league of its own from day 1. graphics.. incredible. you may not like the art style, but the 3D engine was impressive, and delivered high performance on a wide range of systems (something that plagues SWTOR), had an interface which was simple and functional and quite easy to understand. the game was highly accessible as it took only seconds to load (another aspect that plauges SWTOR) for you to gain access to a world that was for the most part, "seamless". i cannot underemphaize that the game played fast and smooth - that is probably my biggest disappointment with SWTOR. WOW had better sound effects back then than SWTOR has now. subtle ambient affects followed the visuals and made for a much more immersive feel. SWTOR has excellent effects, they just seem to be used almost sparingly. along with the lack of other players, other ambient critters (not npcs you can attack; rather those there just to create immersion) SWTOR's worlds seem a bit empty. while leveling up 2 characters to 50, other than fleet, it was rare to have more than 10-15 ppl on an entire world. yes, SWTOR is an MMORPG, but it often feels and plays like a single player game. for the most part, WOW was a PVE game. there was no PVP other than griefing that could happen in "contested" zones, so at launch the PVP system was missing, which is not something you can say about SWTOR, regardless of wheter you like or dislike it in its current form: at least it had it it's easy to see why people have such a fond memory of vanilla WOW. yes, it had a few stability issues, and it was missing its PVP component, but in 2004, it was so ahead of its competition it was almost incomparable. in 2011 SWTOR is received with moderate to great reviews, sells a ton at launch - setting records in the process (Star Wars IP duh!) but it certainly wasnt as polished compared to the competition as WOW was in 2004. Just the fact so many compared it to a game released 7 years earlier is proof of that.
  2. I don't get it... this game feels nothing like WoW (good in some ways; bad in others). It looks nothing like it (SWToR is far inferior.. maybe if they ever enable high res textures it will look better), sounds nothing like it (far less ambient sounds, completely different type of musical score, etc), and plays nothing like it (combat completely different, overabundance of spells/abilites cluttering an at best mediocre interface which is non-customizable). Even the mood is different, which SWToR not really feeling like an mmorpg at all due to sparse populations and sharding. Beyond tagging both "MMORPGs", they have very few similarities, which again can be an advantage but is certainly not always a good thing. I would have preferred BW had used the best elements of WoW, while pushing the genre forward with their own unique features. Instead, they pretty much tried to rewrite the genre, hitting and missing along the way.... No, i see very few similarities between the two, unless you compare today's SWToR with vanilla WoW circa 2005.. although even then there are far more differences than similarities.
  3. The exact same thing happened to me.... after several attempts where i was close, the last fight i basically one-shotted him... as for the puzzle, complete it and you get the ancient chest. it's bugged, but if you leave the story mode and re-enter, you'll be able to open it. unfortunately, all the npcs respawn. the easiest way is to simply queue for a warzone. when you come back, you'll be able the open the chest, which i read contained a full set of blue gear for T7, however it was a full set of green gear....
  4. Took me about 5 tries to get it right, but I beat him @ lvl 43 using Doc... took out ads first, used a med pack, and Force Stasis (yes it works on him) and interrupted him as much as i could.
  5. No kidding..... And after paing 230k + creds for the next level vehicle speed I can't even tell the difference
  6. Couldnt disagree more. It's not "said player"; it's a large number of players across many servers, and it's not confined to level 50 either. Sure, there are times I simply stumble into groups, and when I do I generally ask if I can add them to my friends list (no one has ever refused) but more often than not I never group with them again as I often don't see them, or they are not avail. With so much "single player" content it's much more satisfying just to do the class quests. As one poster stated, there needs to be a way other than having to be in one area spamming chat. I will say one thing tho... Dut to the difficulty of putting groups together, they generally stay together until someone HAS to leave
  7. Did you actually do this encounter? There is no cast bar by Sand Demon during the fight and nothing to interrupt.....
  8. Did you actually do this encounter? There is no cast bar by Sand Demon during the fight and nothing to interrupt.....
  9. Wow... Talk about your paranoid, lamearse excuses.... Not to mention many of them are completely irrelevant, there are ninja-looters, obnoxious and rude ppl, look who don't talk, etc with the current system. Will a more convenient LFG tool increase the amount? Probably... But it will also increase the amount of friendly fair people as well. I don't believe any of you naysayers can provide statistics to the contrary. It might even be a matter of perception... If you're worried that having a convenient way to find other players and form groups lack "accountability" (to which I'd argue there really isn't any now) then add some. There's no reason it can't be improved. Add a function you can add players from other servers a friends - or have a personal blacklist so you wont have to group with those who have proven to be..... Lacking... So you won't have to group with them again ( which would be as much or more accountability then there is currently). Instead of QQing about what a large subset of subscribers want or trying to tell them they are "wrong" for wanting it (which they aren't) how about not being like the arses you claim as a reason for not wanting this, and start being friendly and helpful like you claim (which is the very reason you want to keep the lowlifes out of your groups) and cooperate and collaborate to find a solution which would satisfy both sides of the community?
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