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Everything posted by Warhrs

  1. Then there's players like me...who posted up a thread months ago on the subject of PvP and how it's completely unplayable in this game, figuring there might actually be one person out there who would go, "Look, it's not that bad. Meet me in-game, lemme check out yer gear, I think I can put ya straight." Instead, I got a flood of "L2P" replies and stupid insults---obviously originating from a bunch of no-life-having teenagers/otherwise lost souls---which absolutely did not help at all. I will never, EVER touch PvP again in this game. I've got a lvl 55 JK Sentinel that---apparently---can't hit for squat in PvP. Other players simply laugh and burn me down in 5 seconds or less. Not only that, but I get killed by players who are 20 levels less than me or more. PvP is a terrible black joke in this game. Anybody who doesn't believe it, look for me in-game and I'll go ahead and suffer further indignity at some stupid teenager's hands just to prove my point.
  2. Uh huh. And if you keep losing, exactly how are you supposed to get good enough to win? The only thing continual losing breeds is...more continual losing. Your rating doesn't go up, you DON'T get access to the good gear,...and you keep losing. This is just one of the multitude of reasons why I don't PvP in this game.
  3. This sounds scarily like the complaint list for another MMO I've been playing---Defiance. ---Forced out early without proper beta testing ---PvP hopelessly broken, and repeatedly lied to by Trion about it getting fixed ---NUMEROUS, numerous server DC's across all three platforms (PC. Xbox360, PS3) ---Complete, calculated, and deliberate ignorance of the player base. I've mostly given up Defiance; played for a while, thought it was kinda cute, and then it started falling apart. Then it fell apart even more. Trion's abandoned it, so don't bother. The TV show side of it is better anyway. But I came back here from Defiance, and my impression is that this community will actually survive, even if it does look bad. But Defiance is done.
  4. But it's not impossible. I went into two WZ's yesterday where I faced off against at least one 30's level and a scattering of low 40's levels. I can't remember the name of one of them---it was a domination WZ where we had to capture three turrets that were shooting at a landing capital-class ship. I saw a 39 in that one, and got ganked by two 43's working in tandem. The other WZ was a Huttball one---got a level 52, a 54, and a 49 in that one, against the three of us that were 55's across the board. Before you ask---no, I didn't get any screenshots, although in retrospect I probably should have. My claims would carry more weight that way. In my defense I'll say that I was too busy playing AND getting melted at the time to snap a couple of pictures. I tell you what: I'll go back into WZ's again today, and try to get some snaps. If what you all are telling me is true, then the only other thing I can think of is that the PvP system is borked, big-time. Not that it would have made a big difference, because I'm also learning---as I sift through the forums---is that I've got to somehow change out all my gear for PvP, which I can't do because I don't have anywhere near the awards to get any good gear. As to the rest...when somebody posts up that they're having trouble, the first response is NOT "r u 4 real?" The correct first response is: "Okay. So which warzone/PvP instance was it, what time were you playing (because these servers DO get lagspikes and you may have gotten caught in one), and what were the players' names?" Additional questions like "What exactly is your gear and what are the adds on it?" are also reasonable. But that response isn't gonna get it.
  5. I'll second this idea, in a big way. I'm caught in the worst possible situation with my toon: A level 55 that, while maxed out against NPCs, can't land a single hit in PvP. Got a full suite of gear, all epic, but based on what I saw in PvP yesterday, it's all completely worthless against players 15-20 levels below me. As far as I'm concerned, I'm getting penalized by the game because I stayed out of PvP early on, and just focused on leveling. So the game puts players into a sort-of Catch-22 situation: You have to PvP from the start to get the gear, but you get mangled by higher levels if you do and don't get the success necessary to gain better gear, OR---you grind up your level, but still don't have the gear to PvP, and then get subjected to public humiliation by levels that are way lower than you but have---apparently---have better gear. This could be solved if the gear was simply the gear. In other words, higher levels get better stuff, lower levels don't. Then it would just come down to a contest of who's higher, OR---in the case of dueling 55's---it would come down to who can rack up the DPS faster. I give up. No way to win on this scenario. I guess I just won't PvP anymore.
  6. Never mind. I guess I should'a known better than to come here looking for real help. Instead I get a couple of goofballs who just want to bust my chops. So sorry to have wasted your time just because I wanted to get more invested in this game and try to get better. You can go back to your life of doing nothing but playing the game now...bye, and thanks for nothing.
  7. No, what I am is a frustrated player who, upon maxing out my level, wants to try other aspects of the game. I come here looking for help, and all I get is...you. Thanks. Thanks so much! You're so helpful!
  8. Beats the heck outta me. All I know is I got owned hard by a pair of them yesterday. Shadowlands server.
  9. Errr., yeah. Is yours? Do you actually have something constructive to add, or are you just some kid in his basement who never leaves the house, plays the game all day long, and thinks that the rest of us---because we have jobs and lives---are just hopelessly inferior?
  10. The question is a rhetorical one. I've been trying to move into the PvP and starfighter arenas, with absolutely no success. With starfighters, I've sorta been able to make it work, but I'm so far behind everybody else that all I really amount to is easy meat for the Imp players. PvP is even worse. It looks to me that---because I haven't been PvP'ing all along---now there's no way whatsoever to have the success necessary to earn the commendations to buy better gear. My JK Sentinel is unstoppable against NPCs, but I've been repeatedly humiliated by PvPers that are fully 20 levels below me. I get torn to shreds by level 35s and 40s, when I ought to be able stomp them into the ground. Instead, I get no hits at all---but THEY burn me down in five seconds or less. How the hell does anybody PvP in this game? It's being made clear to me that I should have been doing this all along, but I chose to level rather than PvP and now I'm being penalized for it. (In case you're wondering,...No, I don't believe you can level while PvPing. That's what the story missions are for.)
  11. All these posts are from 2012...as of October 2013, a level 47 JK Sentinel can't beat him with two runs with Kira, three runs with Doc, and one run with Sgt Rusk. His buffs are too quick, my stuns don't recharge fast enough, and those two !@#$!@ lackeys only add to the problems. Anybody got any other ideas? I'll try a run with Scourge, but he's probably been nerfed since this thread was started....I think I'm done with this mission, and will come back at lvl 50 or so when I can overpower him.
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