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if you don't get in tomorrow, what are you going to do?


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I'll be extremely frustrated and curse EA/Bioware, then go back to watching How I Met Your Mother where everything is well in the world. That show is legen, wait for it.... dary! I don't care how many times you've seen it, it can never be boring.
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... I am going to load up my bear hunting shot-gun and my Katana and go on a mad killing spree, murdering everyone in my household and then moving onto my workplace.


I may make a stop at the home despot to obtain the makings of an explosives and chemicals so that I might lob unstable chemical warfare at the inevitable police intervention in my mass homicide.


Then I'll blow myself up in a fit of rage.



But, for Realz? I'll probably wait until the next day. Like a reasonable human being would.



Previously of "Xenosaga" forums

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When I was excitedly spamming F5 on my gmail for an hour straight this morning only to be let down I was sad. Then i went to bed, woke up in the afternoon KNOWING FOR A FACT! that theres NO WAY! I didnt have an invite after those 8 more hours. So I run to my pc to check my email only to be letdown and sad again. So here I sit, listening to my friends on vent enjoy the game staring at the forums and its not the most enjoyable day of my life but ohwell, there NO WAY!! I wont get in tommorro right!!!???
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Lol, the thing about EVE online is you can run it 24/7 (with the exception of the morning server reboot) on your laptop or spare computer while playing some other game. I usually have 4-6 EVE accounts running non-stop since 2003.


This underlines how over my head I am in this culture.


That's serious dedication.

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I will wake up tomorrow. Check my email throughout the day. Go outside and look at the sunshine while I still can. Go to my 2 appointments I have tomorrow. Realize I didn't get in for early access today and not be overly concerned. I've been patiently waiting to start playing for years...what's a couple more days (hopefully)? :)
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I'll be extremely frustrated and curse EA/Bioware, then go back to watching How I Met Your Mother where everything is well in the world. That show is legen, wait for it.... dary! I don't care how many times you've seen it, it can never be boring.


I say the same thing about the old sitcom "Roseanne"


Do you know how many times I've seen it? It never gets old :D


I'll probably watch that. I don't mind waiting.

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will you rage?

will you cancel?

will you wait another day?



Great question.

I will wait. I have been waiting for two years and understand that when they say Up TO 5 days early and they give 7, means I am grateful that it is finally here and i am going to get a shot at playing even earlier than i thought. Bravo BW, and let THE game begin.

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will you rage?

will you cancel?

will you wait another day?



Will continue playing WoW since they wisely chose this week to give a free seven day pass. You think they were expecting anger in the SWTOR community? They been around a long time....

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