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if you don't get in tomorrow, what are you going to do?


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Be mad and play more Strike at Karkand which released today. I'll be bummed that I won't get to play on my two days off and have to go back to retail during Christmas. :eek:


Oh man, I completely forgot about the Karkand release. At least I can play that, and finish Skyrim maybe, the game just drags on. Also work, I like to make money.. So I better go do that.

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taking my preorder slip back to gamestop, gonna get my $60 back, flame the forums some and play some D3 beta.


A game that is exploited on day 1 is not an MMO I'm interested in. They only got to exploit basically from the reduced populations. an Oxymoron indeed their own protections cost them PR and tainted the power and economy of 106 servers. Bioware is obviosly noob when it comes to MMO.


There is Firefall coming out. GW2 and D3. Planetside 2 is also coming mid 2012 so plenty to look forward to. My anger has subsided and now I am at peace with never ever playing SWTOR or buying a Bioware product ever again. It's cool..

Edited by Dizkazk
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Be mad and play more Strike at Karkand which released today. I'll be bummed that I won't get to play on my two days off and have to go back to retail during Christmas. :eek:


I was playing Back to Karkand until some dude joined up and went 88-2 so I went back to the forums. :(

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I will loose another entire day of productivity being fascinated by the level of melt that's being displayed here. I can only imagine it's going to get even more intriguing. Also I will get to bed before 5AM because when I do get in, I'm going to geek VERY HARD.
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ehh, get in when i get in... like hookin up


if ya rage about it not happenin: best case is you get in a drunken fight with some other unlucky angry soul and have to wait the extra time with a broken face.


I like my face lookin good when i am hookin up, i mean playing swtor


what are we talking about?

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