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Everything posted by dwgagner

  1. With the BTL (bind to legacy) equipment that you can purchase and trade among characters, will it be possible to trade Imperial BTL equipment to Republic legacy characters? If so how is it done as for as far as I know you cannot send mail to the opposite faction.
  2. I have a 50 Vanguard Valor Rank 56 and a 50 Merc valor rank 47, so essentially commando. My Merc is Arsenal spec and my VG is assault. I'll simply list the pro's and con's to each as I see them: Arsenal Merc: Pros: Amazing DPS but play it smart, positioning is everything and anytime you can hail down damage from a difficult location to get to you'll own the area. Once you learn to watch your stacks so you are using unload and rail shot at the appropriate times for maximum damage you can really make your opponents shudder. Best played by raining out damage from behind your teams position. Jet Boost knockback is nice for knocking people off ramps / into fire / sludge etc but not quite as pinpoint as VG pull. Cons: Very immobile, you will have a difficult time chasing targets down when they run or LOS you. No direct interrupt skill, (You can use rocket punch (if you spec the knockback) and jet boost as interrupts but it doesn't prevent them from immediately recasting). Assault Vanguard: Pros: Highly mobile, almost all of the core attacks you will be using can be done on the move making you the ultimate kiting machine. Harpoon pull: free kills in huttball, pulling people into sludge is almost always a free kill and even more so if you get good at pulling people into fire. Follow up with cryo grenade or ae stun and they are usually done for. Pretty versatile with enough CC's / interrupts to have good control over a fight assuming they are all off CD. I've had a lot of fights where I was at 75% from a previous fight attacked by a full health opponent and through good use of cryo nade / ae stun and interrupt came out on top. The CD shield is "okay" but is only a 25% reduction, though it has been enough to allow me enough time to take down an opponent or escape when being focused by the opposing team. Mostly Elemental damage, so it negates armor etc. Cons: Assault atm feels like it's pretty reliant on the free impact bolt shots we get which is being changed in 1.2 so this may potentially defeat our burst dmg capability. It is being changed to a free impact bolt only ever 6 seconds or rather the proc that gives us this can only happen every 6 seconds which may mean we will only see one every 10 seconds or so . Tank spec is pretty useless in pvp unless you don't care about being able to kill anyone. If you don't mind guarding someone else and being more of a nuisance than a threat it's not bad. I haven't played much with tactics yet but I plan to experiment post 1.2 to see if its better than assault after the impact bolt nerf.
  3. A lot of the fun of this game imo is the immersion during the leveling process. It's the only time you get a real feel for the personality of your character. Well what if after leveling to 50 you could reset your storyline quest back to the beginning and if you wanted to go through the storyline again only this time every instanced parts of the story quests were level 50 mobs / drops / loot etc. So open world parts would stay the same but it might be kind of fun going all the way through again for kicks, maybe new rewards but nothing that would make it anything more than an optional activity. Just a thought, thought it might be fun.
  4. Planning on rolling a Sith Warrior with 1.2 but am curious PvP wise which would be better equipped to win a vs, Jug or Maurader. Meaning do Jugs get pwned by sentinels? or can they *** pwn them?
  5. Seriously this armor looks pretty good MINUS this stupid looking backpack that looks like an oversized happy meal with a giant straw sticking out of it. The backpack serves no function compared to the BH's jetpacks that actually make sense with their characters. It does not enhance the look at all because it looks awkwardly designed, remove or redesign it. I do not expect this request to actually happen so I realize I must live with my stormtrooper happymeal box pack. At least the straw is convenient and I shouldn't get dehydrated.
  6. Shadows mean you are rendering EVERYTHING in the scene twice, as was explained to me by an industry game graphics programmer. This is why they are resource intensive.
  7. It will kill VG / PT who wanted to be competitive DPS wise, which is why I have 3 50's atm, I just rotate to playing the least nerfed one o.O.
  8. You all realize that Bioware has metrics they watch in order to determine when a particular class is way outside those metrics in relation to other classes. Sorc / Sages were clearly WAY outside these metrics and were not in line with other classes. So you were nerfed. Deal with it like every other class that's been nerfed and remember when you were complaining about how OP operatives or mercs were, then enjoy your piece of karma cake.
  9. I just find it funny when people try to argue that this class or that class is better than this class when it comes down to the player behind the class, not the class. A good player whose better than you will outplay you regardless of what class they are using yet this seems to be ignored and blame is thrown on the class. "Clearly that class is better than mine cause I'm not supposed to lose to it". Just makes me think that these people have been face rolled a lot by classes they feel shouldn't be able to . So thumbs up to all the good players out there, keep face rollin punks that blame class .
  10. Well then I guess all the marauders on Swiftsure suck *** as it stands currently Marauders are not among the classes that give me trouble, at all in fact. Soooooooooooooooooooo -shrug. Though I do plan to roll a sentinel with 1.2. I'm not trying to state that the class is inherently more powerful than a Marauder and should win 90% of all fights against Marauders regardless of whose controlling it as you're argument seems to be with Marauders vs. PT.s I am however saying that "I" as a Vanguard continually outplay Marauders on my server consistently. While I don't win 100% of the time I win vs them a lot more than I lose and as every fight is not textbook "press this combination of buttons in this sequence for epic lulz" it's situational. I use my stuns appropriately, I keep them dotted and I keep rail shot rolling in their face, I time my crits properly and typically I lock them up when they get low on health before they pop saber ward as most of the ones I run into seem to wait until they are close to death before using it. Which happens to be a mistake when they are cryo naded followed by stun and dead before they get it off. Sooooooooooooooooooooo /shrug I'll be concerned when I start losing to them more than I win, maybe that will happen with our pyro / assault nerf in 1.2 50 VG 50 Merc 50 Operative
  11. Where am I mentioning Armor Rating? I'm talking about our shield absorbtion. And good for you? Personally 95% of the time Marauders lose to me so -shrug glad the ones on your server suck? The way I deal with saber ward and obs is to stun / concussion you and kite while it wears off at which point marauder = dead. You are right though when your 2m cooldowns are all up you can absorb a ton of dmg, for a few seconds, fortunately WZ is not 1 fight every 2 minutes. As far as the statement about having zero trouble, if that was the case you wouldn't of needed to write a "compendium" for all of the marauders who are having lots of trouble with VG / PT, lol.
  12. As a 50 Vanguard I see a couple flaws, not going to give a detailed rundown but basically as an assault spec vanguard (pyro spec BH mirror). I don't use channeled abilities very often, we really only have like 3 and they aren't very useful or practical in a 1 on 1. Meaning you're probably wasting time trying to interrupt, every interrupt you use is extra damage you could be applying. Interrupts are great though if you're fighting a commando or a merc if they are specced arsenal etc as they rely heavily on channeled abilities, same as lightning spec sorcs or their sage counter specs. My advice, see if you fair any better by dropping interrupt out of your rotation when fighting vanguards. Either way though it'll be a daunting task to take down a beefy class as a squishy dps, your only hope is to put out FAR more dps then them since you can't absorb as much them.
  13. Heres guy versions: http://postimage.org/image/49vvhb297/full/
  14. Was curious about all the new armor coming out in 1.2 so jumped on the patch server and rolled up two toons. Got bored so SS'd each of the armor sets, they are now on this chart. So if you are like me and would of rather just seen something like this, well here you go. http://postimage.org/image/49vvhb297/full/
  15. Uhmm you guys always only see this particular game mechanic from your own twisted perspective. "You" don't want to put forth the effort to get PVP gear but want to still compete at the same level as those that do. "You" would rather just raid for your gear and not have to earn a seperate set of PVP gear for pvp. They are two seperate types of content, there is nothing stopping you from progressing in both and having, /GASP TWO sets of gear. It means there is MORE to do in game, there is MORE to collect, there is MORE content. "You" being lazy is not an excuse to change a game mechanic to fit what "You" feel should be handed to you on a silver platter.
  16. Regardless I think BW F'd up by changing those capital city vendors that sold Blue sets of PvP expertise gear.
  17. Except for all the trolls that will then be playing Huttball naked.....
  18. Edited to sound less hostile o.O
  19. So since apparently this is something that's being cried about all over the forums I thought I'd start another thread (derp). If you want to skip this part skip down to the $$$$$$$$ which is my solution. THE ISSUE New, undergeared 50's complain that they get destroyed by 50's in full champ / bm sets. The PvP sets currently exist as a way for PvPers to get "high end" gear to fit what they like to do, which is pvp. PvEers currently also have gear sets that fit what they like to do. Tionese / Columni etc. Currently if you remove "expertise" from PvP gear it tilts the scales in favor of Tionese / Columni gear. Seeing as many PvPers don't enjoy or participate much in raiding high end content you are effectively forcing them to do so in order to be competitive in PvP. Since Min Maxers go for the best way to optimize their play experience. MEANING Removing Expertise does NOT fix the issue that is currently being cried about. All it means is that you will be destroyed by those in Columni / Tionese gear just as badly as you were destroyed by those in Champ / BM sets. High end gear would require being nerfed across the board. $$$$$$$ Now here's something interesting that many players may not know about. During the first few weeks there were PvP vendors on the capital planets that sold BLUE SETS OF LEVEL 50 PVP GEAR WITH + Expertise. These pieces sold for around 300 WZ coms a piece. While not as good as the cent stuff it was better than nothing. I bought a full set for my Merc as I was one of the first to 50. All Bioware should do is put those vendors back to how they were, they changed it in one of the first patches and made those vendors only sell lower level pvp gear that had no +expertise. CONCLUSION This would effectively cushion the issue that many new 50's are unhappy about as it does not take very long to purchase the full set.
  20. How does that even the playing field when if you don't have the expertise stat columni / tionese gear is better. And if the pvp gear was made equal then what point would PvE'ers have for getting raid sets? See the dilemma?
  21. Personally I don't want to be forced to go PVE to have the best gear for PvP. People are making an issue where there is none. As long as there is high end content raid gear new 50's who don't have it will get rolled in PvP. Sorry to say but suck it the hell up and put your time in to get the gear sets and stop whining all over the place about "skill". If gear didn't matter we wouldnt have any stats attached to them at all.
  22. Like all the PvE Whiners because the don't want to earn PvP gear and still want to compete against those that take the time to get PvP stuff? Ya ok pot, meet kettle.
  23. If PvE gear is ever better than PvP gear for PvP I'm out, I do not want to be forced into raiding PvE content in order to be successful at PvP.
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