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Everything posted by dwgagner

  1. Uhm no? Not misleading anyone. The eliminator set is the exact same model with a red color scheme, how is that tasty? Take a brown turd, now paint it red, does it look like less of a turd?
  2. No because the main purpose to getting the pvp set is for the +expertise bonus which is not attached to either of the mods that are removeable. +expertise (pvp dmg / defense) is a base stat attached to the gear, so if you want the pvp set for... pvp then you're stuck looking like a red or yellow trash can.
  3. So after 14 consecutive Warzone matches, the opposing team ranged from a minunum of 7 and a maximum of 9 sages. Do you think there is a FoTM class already? Thoughts? o.O
  4. I really hope they add either appearance slots or LET US PURCHASE PVP ARMOR MODS, we can't even unslot the armor mod with the +expertise because it's not there. The +expertise bonus is a base stat to the pvp gear .
  5. Why the hell did they choose the worst looking BH set from Beta to be the champ and centurian pvp armor sets? They look absolutely HORRID on any body shape other than the big burly shape. It looks like I'm wearing a cardboard box with chicken legs on my small size dude... Shouldn't the high level gear look more mandalorian... Hell the level 50 blue pvp set looks better. If they implement a way to use other items in appearance slots I don't care but for now this is so dumb, could of at least chose the old pyro set that is now a PVE raid set, . I mean imo there should be mods with +expertise so we can just mod our own stuff to be pvp geared. Even if you had to pay a lot of coms for them I'd rather do that. Anyway... I mean look for yourself, http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/367/pvpreally.jpg -disappointed BH.
  6. Think you get your first kiss around 8000 affection I have her at 10k
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