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Everything posted by Vinjar

  1. So I've more or less been playing since day one. I have tons of alts, several of which are tanks. I stopped doing Flash Points after Mandalorian Raiders because I have haven't been to anything after. Here is my question: How much grief will I get by just saying I don't know the instance and asking the group to bear with me? I kind figure people are just happy to have a group.
  2. I always tell beggars they can have all the money they want and that I left money with most of the humanoid mobs throughout the galaxy. Just there for the taking.
  3. I play mostly female toons and I can't remotely see how this is more important than actual game play issues. Hell, if they're going to fix something cosmetic, I say liven up the planets. I shouldn't hear my footsteps echo on Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa.
  4. Just report and ignore. It takes way less time than coming and posting about it on the forums. What are we, the players, going to do?
  5. This is one of my few complaints. I'd love to see Kaas City, Imperial Center, and Nar Shaddaa with about 300% more NPCs. All locations should have NPCs that move around throughout the day. The planets are boring.
  6. When you first log in the launcher specifically tells you this exact issue exists..
  7. I don't mind waiting if I need to but I think they should have more instances. Tons of people waiting on the mobs or spawns is annoying.
  8. Exactly this. i've take a few months off here and there but have been playing since release. My two highest toons are 32. After that I have a couple more at 30 and quite a few in the 20s. It's just fun playing the different stories. We'll see what happens when i finally get one to 50.
  9. How does this affect your ability to level to 50?
  10. I've been waiting for this. I think Kas'im also said the advantage of the dual wielder is you can attack from two angles at once where as with a saber staff wielder still only attacks from one angle.
  11. That would be cool. Kinda makes me miss my Bol mount from SWG. One of my guildies made him for me and called him 'Incap' because she got incapped several times while training him. Cute. Maybe an expansion where they open up the worlds and have some areas creature mounts only?
  12. This is already a convenience tool. I assume you primarily play a dps class. The queues are going to be longer. It's pretty much common knowledge. Cross server isn't really going to help. It's not like there is a whole server of only tanks. I've played primarily a Juggernaut and a Shadow. Both tank specced. Queue times are minimal. If I queue with my Merc or Sorcerer, queue times are a lot longer. I'm just happy there is an LFG tool so I don't have to stay at Fleet spamming.
  13. I hate it when Sephiroph (or however you spell it) is taken.
  14. If you watch it just for Darth Maul you will be disappointed. The series is kinda like SWTOR. It's Star Wars, there are characters, but it's missing something. That said, I enjoy both for what they are.
  15. This may be the next SWG: http://www.therepopulation.com/
  16. Apparently you can use the glowing eyes and sell them on the GTN. Use does reset the timer, however.
  17. I normally ask if it's ok to roll need for companion as the item comes up. Easy enough.
  18. I agree with the action bars/UI gripe.
  19. I agree with almost everything you said, OP. I, however, am ok with what is sold in the Cartel Shop. Nothing there is game breaking. All gear is sub 50. I wish they had more cosmetic gear. Personally, I hate robes on my consular and heavy armor on my girl BH and would like to have some more options. Possible without mods at a lower cost.
  20. I just had an epiphany. Stay with me here. How about you don't buy the Cartel Packs.
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