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  1. I am not talking about low level 1 on 1 pvp in some low level zone, This is both the high level Ilum and all the of the Warzones.
  2. The Ravage bug happens even if they are in range, and its the worst of all the game breaking PvP bugs we have imo since it actually stun us for the duration and if you try to press ravage again and again it will keep doing the bugged animation.
  3. That is good to know, I am quite addicted to the force charge so I am pretty stuck with Mara for the moment, but unless PvP for us gets better then I dont know if I will keep playing. I just dont get how they could decide to give all other classes so much, and its not like 1 thing either! They ALL have at least 2, most more.. Sad to want to leave, since I have been enjoying myself - perhaps come back at the next story chapter in a year or so and hope they changed it if nothing else.
  4. So, a while back I hit level 50 and decided that since I dont have time to be in a regular raiding scheme again as i had been in WoW i would move into PvP, I love my marauder and i have enjoyed leveling it, even the snag at level 40 to 41 - but what is going on with out PvP qualities? It feels like every other class has knock backs, stuns, snares and all the other kind of CC you can imagine, but what do we have? We have one little CC that also stuns ourself because its has a ******* cast on it, that 90% of the times it will run the animation without actually doing the spell. A flaw it shared all to much with Ravage... I hope Bioware is aware of this problem, I have defended swtor against the haters i played with but with a huge new content patch coming and no changed being made, I am quite worried. How do the rest of you guys feel about this?
  5. I have yet to do the foundry, so cant comment on that one and even boarding party has a small dialog part. But it still never comes near the Black Talon,
  6. No they dont, Not in the way the Black Talon did anyway, they have a small back story told by Malgus as you get the quest - and putting a random thing in like: "Press this button to shoot engineering out of space or just lock them in!" does not count as dialog, not even close.
  7. I have done a few, and dont misunderstand me! They are not bad, but they are just like any one MMO's grp instance. Is there another FP in the game that is like Black Talon in story and dialog?
  8. Hey! So, as a player that has done a lot of MMO's in my gaming life, I was shocked with how the Black Talon was able to use story and the games excellent dialog system to make what i would call the first ever story driven group instance. I instantly fell in love with how it worked and kept going it many times, even boosting new friends that just hit 10 just to justify doing it again. I was excited and really looked forward doing Hammer station when i got to the level. Then i ran HS, and when i was done i just sat there watching the screen thinking "What the hell just happened? Where is the story? where are the options?" Dont get me wrong, its not a bad instance for what it is - but its a normal MMO instance! It had nothing special! Worst about all this is that i had a friend that said that the first one will always be the most time put in and best. I looked forward going hammer station to prove him wrong. Turn out i was the one that would be proven wrong... Did anyone else feel this way or were you all happy that the other FP's turned out to be nothing but plain normal instances? And most of all, has Bioware said anything on why?? why would they do this! Sincerely, Night
  9. Hello there! Here is a quick video I made of a very nostalgic Sith Warrior cutscene! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TukqJNGokz8&feature=youtu.be Note that it should not spoil anything of the story, except a quick glance at a companion, but for those that have not played Sith Warrior and that wants to get the initial feel for seeing it ingame for the first time, I would give it a pass. Thanks! Sincerely, Night
  10. Hey! So, I am currently around level 40 with my main sith Marauder and i could go into the obvious class breaking flaws it has, but I am actually enjoying most of the game and have faith in Bioware to fix them. But i have a big problem atm, why did suddenly all of the great STR legs turn into robes? Having played a druid in world of Warcraft for as long as i remember, I wanted to get away from robes and actually look like a really cool warrior. But ever since early 30's every, and i mean every single peice of legs have been robes. The AH is no help, its the the most useless piece of...well...hopefully they will fix that as well. Is this something that follows in the past 40's? Because I cant stand it much longer, and i would hate to surive the flaws of the class but to fall on it looking like sh*t. Thanks, Night
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